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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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The masks I have at work havnt changed. They are still shit . ( could buy my own granted) but then it's not me who is moaning about wearing masks in my work place.
Sturgeon should have said to make it mandatory to wear one. She hasnt.
Is the social distancing 2m rule not advisory as well though?

And have you not been getting raging at customers for not obeying that, and other advisory rules?

(apologies if I'm mixing you up with someone else)
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2 hours ago, bennett said:

Anyone else noticed that they've been getting a bit lax regarding coronavirus precautions recently?



Yip. Despite agreeing with the sentiment that extra vigilance regarding hand hygiene/masks etc makes even more sense as we ease out of lockdown, I am much less cautious than I was when the virus was more prevalent.  I suspect this is the case for quite a few folks now. Complacency feels natural somehow. 

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6 hours ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Surprised to see this thread was maybe 10th place down from the top when I came to post. Covid has had its day when it can’t even muster to be top 3 in the General Nonsense forum 

Yes.  The original post for this thread asked if anyone on here had been part of a global pandemic.  You would think the question has been answered by now and yet this thread keeps going.  Amazing.

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6 hours ago, mizfit said:

Florida was one of the first states to bring in a lockdown, they’ve massively fucked it

They weren’t. The state itself didn’t lock down til April Fools Day (appropriately enough). Miami-Dade County (the most populous in the state) banned gatherings of more than 10 on March 18th and then closed all hotels on the 21st. Disney and Universal both closed on the 18th, which will have kept a load of folks out of Orlando. De Santis didn’t order anything in the state till April 1st, likely because he’s a dismal Trump toady cunto. One of his campaign ads had his ~6YO kid buildng a wall from LEGO. 

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I'm seeing quite a lot of folk who are gathering in peoples houses, cuddling babies that aren't theirs, hugging their pals & just doing whatever they want ignoring all the lock down advice. quite sad to see to be honest.


I've a new born and two sets of grandparents who are desperate to hold their grand wean. I've stuck to the advice and I see all these folk doing whatever they want.

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My wife returns to work today. They have installed screens, removed the furniture and the punters are generally discouraged from sticking around. Can’t give them a cuppa, no machines or TV screens will be on.
She is very apprehensive, despite always wearing a mask and sanitising etc. whenever she does our shopping. 

I’m in the shielding group, although I had been using the golf course behind our house for exercise late in the evenings. It’s open again so we can’t use it anymore. Can’t wait for the 3rd so I can get back to the hills. No doubt the weather will turn exceptionally shite for me.

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3 hours ago, Fullerene said:

Yes.  The original post for this thread asked if anyone on here had been part of a global pandemic.  You would think the question has been answered by now and yet this thread keeps going.  Amazing.

Maybe if they'd been part of a global pandemic they might have already died, therebye making answering problematic.

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46 minutes ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

Kindly old Prof Sikora is generously doing his bit for the NHS.

Respect 👏


Who's building this "network of new diagnostic facilities", is it Equitix? Or are they just "investors and long term fund managers"? Or does the "developer" moniker mean they actually build things?

Can't see £55,000,000 going that far, tbqh

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I'm seeing quite a lot of folk who are gathering in peoples houses, cuddling babies that aren't theirs, hugging their pals & just doing whatever they want ignoring all the lock down advice. quite sad to see to be honest.
I've a new born and two sets of grandparents who are desperate to hold their grand wean. I've stuck to the advice and I see all these folk doing whatever they want.

Honestly just do what you like. The chances of being caught and punished are almost nil.
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26 minutes ago, Donathan said:

"Honestly just do what you like. The chances of being caught and punished are almost nil."



That's not very good advice - the rules / guidelines / restrictions are there for a reason - do you really think Scotland would have had 3 days of zero deaths in a row if we had all done what we liked?

Its not about trying not to get caught its about not spreading the virus and passing it on to others...and so on

26 minutes ago, Donathan said:





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10 hours ago, pandarilla said:

Is the social distancing 2m rule not advisory as well though?

And have you not been getting raging at customers for not obeying that, and other advisory rules?

(apologies if I'm mixing you up with someone else)

We advise about social distancing...

And nah I'm past caring. Customers dont really give a f**k. If I feel that I'm not safe I can just walk away. It's pretty fun when customers have a go at one another. The spitting seems to have stopped as havnt needed to phone the police recently because of this so that is nice.

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3 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:


Well that's a harrowingly low bar

Aye between that and a few people saying they have the Coronavirus has seemed to die down.

One way system was always going to be a fail. A fair few do it but again people just like doing the opposite.


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