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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Just now, engelbert_humperdink said:

Sending bed blocking pensioners into care homes untested and knowingly sending covid positive patients into care homes. That enough should see people serving time. The country basically being in stand still for 6 months. The fall out of this will be huge. I'm all for independance but I do believe Scotland needs another party that is pro independance. The SNP are guaranteed 45% of the vote every election due to one policy. Throw in the exams fiasco and the SNP should not be put on some pedestal beacuse we are neighbours with probably the only other country in Europe thats fared worse. Holding your standards up against that of WM is like finishing 17th in the PL. Everything is political these days it's horrid, and this hate crime bill is the icing on the cake. Turning the country slowly into a land of suppressed speech

Could you explain why you believe suppressing hate speech is wrong?

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22 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Talking of which, London's Winter Wonderland has just been cancelled

What ? They've cancelled straight pride ?

That damn gay agenda ruining our fun again.

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5 minutes ago, engelbert_humperdink said:

We don't live in some dictatorship

That's not answering my question.

Why do you believe that taking steps to prohibit hate speech is wrong?

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1 minute ago, engelbert_humperdink said:

Suppressing any speech is wrong

That's silly. There are loads of examples that you would agree are wrong, and illegal now. Shouting "Fire" in a crowded place when there is none is the old one, but encouraging terrorism is something that most people would agree that should be discouraged. A 50 year old telling a 13 year old to take her clothes off and take a selfie on the internet, the same. Saying Muslims are all terrorists and paedophiles, which they clearly aren't, but could persuade some gullible twat to make his own gun and shoot an MP is the same, or that Aussie who binged on the stuff and even went to Austria to meet the guy saying it before massacring Kiwis. It's a matter of what speech should be illegal, not a grand principle that suppressing any speech is wrong. 

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8 minutes ago, Detournement said:

The bill is very open ended like the football bill that had to be repealed.

I'm not specifically talking about the bill. I'm specifically asking why he believes suppressing hate speech is wrong.

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1 hour ago, Todd_is_God said:

You make a valid point here.

It raises the question though, that if 900+ were well enough to be rapidly emptied, they maybe shouldn't have been in hospital in the first place.

I appreciate that is a seperate matter.

It's a difficult question that we're not alone in attempting to answer. People are living longer and unfortunately many reach a stage through old age / ill health that they're no longer capable of looking after or caring for themselves in their own home, they've also got no relatives or relatives that will take them, so, the only remaining option is to see out their days in a care home environment.

As a result of this, it stands to reason that many of these residents will be the most vulnerable in society with weakened immune systems, as such it's really no surprise at all that care home deaths have been high, not just here, but right across the world.

There really isn't a right answer, take Italy and Spain as examples and it's reckoned that there were lots of excess deaths of the elderly due to them actually living in the community with family and contracting the virus from relatives as opposed to being in care homes, so really it's just a case of the virus seeking out the vulnerable and that would have happened whether they were in care homes, hospitals or living at home with relatives. 

sometimes there's just no right answers and politics really doesn't / shouldn't come into it.

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2 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

It's a difficult question that we're not alone in attempting to answer. People are living longer and unfortunately many reach a stage through old age / ill health that they're no longer capable of looking after or caring for themselves in their own home, they've also got no relatives or relatives that will take them, so, the only remaining option is to see out their days in a care home environment.

As a result of this, it stands to reason that many of these residents will be the most vulnerable in society with weakened immune systems, as such it's really no surprise at all that care home deaths have been high, not just here, but right across the world.

There really isn't a right answer, take Italy and Spain as examples and it's reckoned that there were lots of excess deaths of the elderly due to them actually living in the community with family and contracting the virus from relatives as opposed to being in care homes, so really it's just a case of the virus seeking out the vulnerable and that would have happened whether they were in care homes, hospitals or living at home with relatives. 

sometimes there's just no right answers and politics really doesn't / shouldn't come into it.

And yet, we thought staying at home for a few weeks would stop this happening.

We've destroyed our economy, and caused untold damage to public health over the next few years, failing to prevent what was almost inevitable.

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A “chain” of pubs in Ayrshire (well two of them) have decided to close because a staff member tested positive for covid. That’s tonights  Ayrshire social media knicker wetting topic. A lot of people praising the management for closing but I just think why bother. Dobbies and Sainsbury’s still continued to trade as normal 

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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

That's silly. There are loads of examples that you would agree are wrong, and illegal now. Shouting "Fire" in a crowded place when there is none is the old one, 

It's always worth remembering that the "shouting fire in a crowded theatre" argument was created to suppress the speech of pacifists and non interventionists who were organising against Americans being sent to the human grinder of the Western Front of WW1.

It's instructive because it's an example of speech being limited under false pretences to serve power.

Edited by Detournement
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2 hours ago, madwullie said:

Apparently a couple of steroids that are pretty cheap and readily available can reduce mortality in seriously ill covid patients 

I just seen that. And whilst obviously good news, my overiding feeling is wtf did it take them so long to discover this? Youd have thought they'd have been throwing everything at it, buy seemingly not

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