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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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28 minutes ago, Szamo's_Ammo said:

Unfortunately a proper lockdown seems inevitable now due to the almost restrictionless opening up of certain sectors in the last 6-8 weeks (on the advice of muppets like Sridhar and Leitch). It'll be delayed for another few weeks or months of course whilst they all keep their fingers crossed the virus just retreats all by itself.

"It is also the case - and we know this from our experience earlier in the year - that acting quickly and decisively against the virus is essential. In other words, if we believe further action will be required, there is nothing to be gained and potentially much to be lost, including lives - from delay."

Dearie me.

Nearly everyone has an opinion on this and most contrast greatly with one another, including us posters on here.

Do we tighten restrictions ?, loosen them ?, go for a full lockdown ? or maybe herd immunity ?

Is the Economy the priority ? or is it public health ? but does worrying about covid cause greater issues elsewhere in health ??

Ultimately, everyone thinks they know best, but in reality there's no easy solution or right answer I'm afraid...

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14 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

Nearly everyone has an opinion on this and most contrast greatly with one another, including us posters on here.

Do we tighten restrictions ?, loosen them ?, go for a full lockdown ? or maybe herd immunity ?

Is the Economy the priority ? or is it public health ? but does worrying about covid cause greater issues elsewhere in health ??

Ultimately, everyone thinks they know best, but in reality there's no easy solution or right answer I'm afraid...

The answer is treatments and vaccines. Went so quiet on that front. At the outset was talk of August / September FFS

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This is now available in libraries and all good book shops. As a nation rushed out to obtain this treasured tome, the number of cases has sky rocketed.


"You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain"

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6 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

They sneaked in nine months today when taking about a vaccine for the first time.

Testing needs ramped up

9 months! That's fucking pitiful. How many people have to die before we throw caution to the wind re vaccines.

Also I don't get why increased testing will make any difference to be honest - but happy to be educated

Edited by Steven W
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9 months! That's fucking pitiful. How many people have to die before we throw caution to the wind re vaccines.
Also I don't get why increased testing will make any difference to be honest - but happy to be educated

Increased testing means less cases “going missing” as it is, so more actual carriers can be isolated and thus we can reopen more of society because fewer covid carriers will be roaming the streets. At the extreme end of this, we’d have instant tests that everyone could self-administer every morning before you leave the house.
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They sneaked in nine months today when taking about a vaccine for the first time.

Testing needs ramped up
Latest talk I could find on this is "widely available by mid 21". If its approved for use before then, the priority groups will be given it long before 9 months is out. The chat about "widely available" seems to be aimed at giving enough people the vaccine worldwide to acheive a global level of herd immunity ie billions of doses, and tens of millions in the UK.
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2 minutes ago, Donathan said:



Increased testing means less cases “going missing” as it is, so more actual carriers can be isolated and thus we can reopen more of society because fewer covid carriers will be roaming the streets. At the extreme end of this, we’d have instant tests that everyone could self-administer every morning before you leave the house.



They're not being isolated though because the government is using precisely zero truncheons to the face to enforce it. People test positive and after five or seven or ten days decide that as they feel much better thank you that they and their family are no longer under restrictions.

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17 minutes ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

This is now available in libraries and all good book shops. As a nation rushed out to obtain this treasured tome, the number of cases has sky rocketed.


"You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain"

I'm guessing Sir Tom will be punted out from the fireside to walk around his garden once we hit 10,000 cases per day.

Along with #clapforcarers and smug little twats breakdancing out on the street every Thursday night.

Dame Vera to be brought back from the dead in early November.

Government deflection on full beam.

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1 hour ago, Tynierose said:

It has been a strange time, I found it bewildering that NHS drug addiction services sent letters to some of their clients advising them no more support due to the pandemic and they were discharged. I believe some mental health services did similar for their more stable clients 

Its absolutely batshit crazy to reduce service provision in those fields when their client groups will be at their most vulnerable and require support due the effects of the pandemic.

Our HV's are still seeing people on a reduced capacity.  The area I work in has high deprivation so f**k knows how many potential issues are being missed.

Its a clusterfuck.

At a time when these services are going to be needed more its unbelievable. 

Apparently the guidance in GGC is that face to face should be offered however the letter we received didnt mention that at all, simply if the telephone consult didnt suit then they’ll arrange another date. Now for kids in poverty or at risk/vulnerable, how does that even remotely meet the statutory requirements? 

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Latest talk I could find on this is "widely available by mid 21". If its approved for use before then, the priority groups will be given it long before 9 months is out. The chat about "widely available" seems to be aimed at giving enough people the vaccine worldwide to acheive a global level of herd immunity ie billions of doses, and tens of millions in the UK.

I assume they’ll relax social distancing once the high risk groups have been injected?
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1 hour ago, RH33 said:

I called NHS24 in June. Police came out and waited until CPN called me. CPN was as much use as chocolate teapot. Police officer was like, did she have any idea what BPD is as you sounded like you had educate her? Police were great though.

There isn’t much in way psychiatric services to start with.


30 month check is waste time. By time my younger two were that age I just didn’t bother.

Yeh, the default from NHS 24 is ‘oh youre suicidal? Do you have a knife in your kitchen? Or have you ever felt anger in your life?’ - yes ‘oh my your a safety risk so we’ll get the police to go in the first instance’ , call transferred and police told person suicidal and has access to knife, its utterly stupid. 
You then have police going to calls which should be attended by paramedics or CPN’s, people in real crisis who are asking for help and the response is untrained people who ultimately try their best but are limited to only phoning a CPN or taking them to A&E, just the NHS shifting their lack of resources onto an agency which can’t say no. 

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I assume they’ll relax social distancing once the high risk groups have been injected?
Christ knows. You would like to think so.

Maybe the nine months already has built in the time wasted whilst Boris makes a rip roaring c**t of it/awards a vaccine distribution contract to some shell company that exists only in a filing cabinet in his pals office.
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Latest talk I could find on this is "widely available by mid 21". If its approved for use before then, the priority groups will be given it long before 9 months is out. The chat about "widely available" seems to be aimed at giving enough people the vaccine worldwide to acheive a global level of herd immunity ie billions of doses, and tens of millions in the UK.
Hope that they sort out shielded and vulnerable folk soon. If its out there and used on a big scale by next summer then I'd be shocked.
Not trying to be confrontational or shocking but theres no real progress in terms of finding anything concrete. Just trials and tests albeit at a breakneck pace.
Test, track and trace is the way forward and its nowhere near good enough atm.
To come out of the first lockdown we should have been at a million tests a day and getting that up by hundreds of thousands a month.
Presently the real (general public) testing is only around 100k.
This could be a long term thing before there's a real fix.
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Yeh, the default from NHS 24 is ‘oh youre suicidal? Do you have a knife in your kitchen? Or have you ever felt anger in your life?’ - yes ‘oh my your a safety risk so we’ll get the police to go in the first instance’ , call transferred and police told person suicidal and has access to knife, its utterly stupid. 
You then have police going to calls which should be attended by paramedics or CPN’s, people in real crisis who are asking for help and the response is untrained people who ultimately try their best but are limited to only phoning a CPN or taking them to A&E, just the NHS shifting their lack of resources onto an agency which can’t say no. 
I havent seen much chat on here today, though maybe I missed it, about the figures for the drop in cancer referrals. That's going to come home to roost in a very very sad way.
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Hope that they sort out shielded and vulnerable folk soon. If its out there and used on a big scale by next summer then I'd be shocked.
Not trying to be confrontational or shocking but theres no real progress in terms of finding anything concrete. Just trials and tests albeit at a breakneck pace.
Test, track and trace is the way forward and its nowhere near good enough atm.
To come out of the first lockdown we should have been at a million tests a day and getting that up by hundreds of thousands a month.
Presently the real (general public) testing is only around 100k.
This could be a long term thing before there's a real fix.

Apologies for not multi quoting, seen this after my last post, but what are you basing your "no progress" assessment on? The Oxford one seems to be very close indeed.
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23 minutes ago, Steven W said:

The answer is treatments and vaccines. Went so quiet on that front. At the outset was talk of August / September FFS

That was always pie in the sky stuff, realistically we could be living with this indefinitely although with all the resources being thrown at the scientific research, one would hope that we may be lucky and find something that works within months rather than years, however getting it in to commercial use will take many more months so best case is probably at least another year of this.

Maybe a stop / start strategy is what could be best, ie 3 months minor restrictions followed by a 1 month full lockdown, then rinse and repeat.

Who knows ??

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5 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
8 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:
Yeh, the default from NHS 24 is ‘oh youre suicidal? Do you have a knife in your kitchen? Or have you ever felt anger in your life?’ - yes ‘oh my your a safety risk so we’ll get the police to go in the first instance’ , call transferred and police told person suicidal and has access to knife, its utterly stupid. 
You then have police going to calls which should be attended by paramedics or CPN’s, people in real crisis who are asking for help and the response is untrained people who ultimately try their best but are limited to only phoning a CPN or taking them to A&E, just the NHS shifting their lack of resources onto an agency which can’t say no. 

I havent seen much chat on here today, though maybe I missed it, about the figures for the drop in cancer referrals. That's going to come home to roost in a very very sad way.

Mrs ICR has said that hospital consultants are batting referrals away, one of her colleagues tried to get a suspected cancer case referred and got knocked back, but he had access to some kind of old fashioned referral for the specific type of scan which bypassed the specialists, result came back as cancer. I think things like that coupled with people being less likely to visit the GP. Some surgeries including the one local to us are acutely refusing face to face consultations and this seems to be quite common. We are heading for a much bigger disaster in terms of health than just covid. 

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1 minute ago, WATTOO said:

That was always pie in the sky stuff, realistically we could be living with this indefinitely although with all the resources being thrown at the scientific research, one would hope that we may be lucky and find something that works within months rather than years, however getting it in to commercial use will take many more months so best case is probably at least another year of this.

Maybe a stop / start strategy is what could be best, ie 3 months minor restrictions followed by a 1 month full lockdown, then rinse and repeat.

Who knows ??

The best outcome if you want to return civilisation to the Stone Age, sure. The idea that we should accept indefinite restrictions and one month lockdowns as the ongoing cost to control such a threat is utterly ridiculous. 

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