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4 minutes ago, beardy said:

The headlines can be a little misleading.

Roughly 1 in 9 have some T Cell immunity, and the evidence may point towards a priming from previous Coeonviruses rather than subcliincal SARS Cov2 infection although the latter can't be ruled out.

I expect the reason the 'experts' took longer than posters on a football forum to work this out was at least a rigourous approach to science and the last data collected less than five weeks ago.

Or these scientists might not be as smart as people on here.

When he said "people" he was referring to a single entity, God is Todd himself. He sees everything before ordinary mortals. 

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Only one league game in tier 1 this weekend. Inverness granted permission to have 300 tomorrow, but ultimately that's still only pilot level numbers. Granted Inverness have yet to have any fans return, so first match back so perhaps not unexpected. Will be interesting to see if they're allowed more at their next game, although going by Ross County's second match with fans, probably not.

Brora and Clach (maybe others?) given permission to have fans. In Brora's case, with immediate effect and up to 150 for their friendly tomorrow. Presumably that will utilise the terrace too which is something of a first in Scotland during the pandemic. A small step forward.

Interestingly Thurso tweeted they are still BCD for tomorrow's match. I genuinely think the NCL has been forgotten about.

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Guy on five live this morning. Think he was head of English teaching union saying that secondary school transmission was up 50% in October, two thirds of schools have people off and all schools will fall over at this rate and have to close.
I wish they would close bowling alleys.

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1 minute ago, D.A.F.C said:

Guy on five live this morning. Think he was head of English teaching union saying that secondary school transmission was up 50% in October, two thirds of schools have people off and all schools will fall over at this rate and have to close.
I wish they would close bowling alleys.

Have England got any projective measures in place, like spacing the desks apart, one way systems and mask wearing in communal areas? Genuinely interested because their school rates of infection are very high but that could be down to the English education model allowing anyone to open a school.

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9 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:


How can it possibly keep happening that people on a Scottish football forum talk about things months before our 'experts' become aware of them?

Because even a blind squirrel finds the occasional nut.

Fucking nippy down here this morning - that global warming must be bollocks, eh?

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9 hours ago, 8MileBU said:


It certainly would’ve made the last Falkirk game I attended a lot better. (2-2 with Dumbarton - 4 goals but an awful watch)


You’ve been diddled by a Hearts fan m8. They’re they ones that make your willy that hard you faint.

Where do I get the ones that make me so hard that she faints?

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I see today that GP's already greeting that they do not have the capacity to administer the vaccine.

Wtf have GP's actually been doing for the last 8 months ? It is nigh on impossible to see one in my area. One surgery used covid as an excuse to close the doors. And the other operating by fuckingg email.




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32 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

Guy on five live this morning. Think he was head of English teaching union saying that secondary school transmission was up 50% in October, two thirds of schools have people off and all schools will fall over at this rate and have to close.
I wish they would close bowling alleys.


The number of clusters have rocketed since half term.

A lot of sleepovers as The Virus doesn't transmit in classrooms or corridors?

Hull schools 'on brink of collapse'


Councillor Peter Clark, cabinet member for learning and skills, says that schools will be forced to close if the “terrifying rate” of infection is not brought under control by next week.

It was also revealed that almost 15,000 students and teachers are currently absent from school, with 64 per cent of students currently isolating or shielding.

A total of 160 schools throughout Hull and East Yorkshire have now reported coronavirus cases, including 57 out of Hull's 97 schools and 103 out of 150 in the East Riding.

“I’m petrified that they won’t consider this,” Councillor Clark told The Independent.

“This is a dark, frightening storm and we need to act fast, and here we have headteachers with hundreds of years of experience between them asking for greater flexibility for the good not just of their schools but of their wider communities too, and that is being point blank turned down by people in London who do not appear to grasp what is happening."

He added: “If action is not taken now, the option to go into blended learning will not be an option anymore — because schools will simply be forced to close. We are on the brink of collapse here.”

Sounds like it's nothing to worry about.

Edited by Szamo's_Ammo
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6 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

Gp practices are doing nothing mate, we go in and play twister, charades and poker all day  while laughing at nobody getting in.

You may have noticed that there is a global pandemic going on, health boards and SG advices were for us to  move to video consults and over the telephone with minimal face to face contact.

Now my practice and many others are still seeing a lot of face to face for those that really need seen, the days of being seen face to face for athlete's foot are gone.

Also please remember that  secondary care i.e hospitals are not seeing our referrals as quickly meaning primary care I.e. your gp practice are having to deal with all these complex cases, as well as all other demands.   Also take into account the mental health explosion, increased staff absence due to isolating, low mood etc then I reckon we're doing not too bad.   I can tell you that GP practices are busier than ever and the staff are ran fucking ragged.

Furthermore there isn't exactly a plethora of GPs in the first place before the pandemic began as its an incredibly demanding stressful post.  We're fire fighting and doing our best in difficult circumstances.

I tell you if they take us offline for a couple of weeks to role out a virus then f**k knows what the fall out will be, actually I do, a bad outcome for our patients.  I'd be more than happy to jab folk for a couple of weeks instead of the stress fest that is GP land these days.  Incidentally it takes about five minutes to train someone how to give a jab so hopefully they can role out a quick training scheme for this.

But yup we're doing f**k all mate, oops have to dash it's my turn at the roulette wheel.



Are you at least getting a break from stroppy Facebook maws raging at having to speak to a receptionist because wee Chelsea has a slightly runny nose? 

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51 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

Guy on five live this morning. Think he was head of English teaching union saying that secondary school transmission was up 50% in October, two thirds of schools have people off and all schools will fall over at this rate and have to close.
I wish they would close bowling alleys.

He's imagining it!

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1 hour ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

Because even a blind squirrel finds the occasional nut.

Instead of being bitter, you'd be better served asking why our world leading scientists not only overlooked them, but dismissed them completely.

Tremendous scrambling though.

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10 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:


How can it possibly keep happening that people on a Scottish football forum talk about things months before our 'experts' become aware of them?

Ah football forums.

That hotbed of scientific research and not in anyway purely based on opinion and extrapolation of dubious data sources.

Surprised Div haven’t claimed some Wellcome Trust funding yet.

Edited by Melanius Mullarkey
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Instead of being bitter, you'd be better served asking why our world leading scientists not only overlooked them, but dismissed them completely.
Tremendous scrambling though.
However, wiith this particular nut they didn't overlook it.

They submitted a proposal to PHE Ethics Grpup on 21st May. Nearly 7 months ago.

I would suspect it would take at least 4 weeks to pit a proposal together and write it. So likely they were contemplating it mid April. Bear in mind that this was a prospective trial.

Without looking I'd be surprised if any of the amateur immunologists were discussing the cross reactivity of previous Coronviruses resulting in a component of T Cell mediated immunity. I am however happy to be corrected.

The purpose if the paper and side papers are actually of interest. However that is clearly not the discussion here.
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1 hour ago, Tynierose said:
Gp practices are doing nothing mate, we go in and play twister, charades and poker all day  while laughing at nobody getting in.


But yup we're doing f**k all mate, oops have to dash it's my turn at the roulette wheel.




Whats your online poker handle so I can avoid playing you.


Go on "Give us a clue"

Give Us A Clue - British Classic Comedy




Edited by superbigal
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