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I don't particularly dislike Leitch.

He is just symptomatic of the type of people who climb to the top of the greasy pole in the public sector.

Usually bullshitters who are good at PR to cover up their inadequacies elsewhere.

They are the epitome of the Peter principle.

I actually think he comes across pretty well, and is good at putting complex concepts over in a simple way.
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19 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

I don't particularly dislike Leitch.

He is just symptomatic of the type of people who climb to the top of the greasy pole in the public sector.

Usually bullshitters who are good at PR to cover up their inadequacies elsewhere.

They are the epitome of the Peter principle.

Like everyone, he will have his shortcomings, but his academic qualifications and career path suggest that he is reasonably well qualified for his current role - so not really the epitome of the Peter Principle.  They also probably mark him out as being slightly brighter than most people on this forum, and perhaps particularly those who label him as "thick".


Leitch graduated in dentistry from the University of Glasgow in 1991. He became a Fellow of the Faculty of Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons (England) in 1996.

He has a doctorate from the University of Glasgow (2004), a Masters in Public Health from Harvard University (2006) and is a fellow of The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow (2004) and the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (2004). He is also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (2004).

He was a 2005-06 Quality Improvement Fellow at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), in Boston, sponsored by the Health Foundation, he is now a Senior Fellow at the IHI.

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1 hour ago, tamthebam said:

Back when Tony Blair was in that lovely man Gordon Brown kept civil service pay increases down to 1.9% "to combat inflation" as it was argued if the public sector got increases everyone else would want them and more. Which was shite because I knew back then the economy was crashing and bosses had been trousering large bonuses in the private sector.

Then we were "all in it together" so Gideon kept the increases down to 1%.

In Scotland those sneaky horrible Nats have actually upped the pay increase to 3% in the last couple of years. Obviously they're just buying votes, the rotters.

Our poor English colleagues have have 1-2% over the last decade at least. Now Covid is the latest excuse when Boris has fired millions to cronies like Dido Harding. If Covid hadn't happened I wonder if they would have used our glorious wonderful People's Brexit as an excuse

Due to a decade of Tory lies and attacks on the Public Sector as a whole, I actually take home less in a month than I did when Clegg started sucking Cameron's dick in exchange for a seat at the table. The majority of this discrepancy is because of the bastárds raping our pensions while driving down pay awards because "we're all in this together".

MP Salary 2010 - £66,000

MP Salary 2020 - £79500.

Utter, utter cúnts.

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31 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:

I actually think he comes across pretty well, and is good at putting complex concepts over in a simple way.

If this was Match I'd agree. But his fireside chat approach and superficiality has been rumbled by quite a few now. The people who refer to Nicola, Jason and Boris etc still seem impressed with him though.

@Lyle Lanley, you won't have seen the last of him. If he can't get a regular "Dr Jason" gig on the telly, he'll be the go to health guy a la Dr Hugh Pennington.

Edited by Sergeant Wilson
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54 minutes ago, virginton said:

While this is all true, it is also an inevitable consequence of trashing the economy twice in eight months that no, you're not actually getting public sector pay rises in years to come. Anyone who was cheering the shuttering of hospitality, tourism, retail etc. can hardly complain when the government takes measures to recoup the enormous cost that we'll be paying off for a generation.

What absolute drivel. If this crew of incompetents can find money to allow the UK to continue lording it over and killing wee brown people, and can throw billions at their mates for PPE which is either non-existent or unusable, they can sure as fúck find money to adequately remunerate those workers who enable the country to function despite their leaders' incompetence.

Absolutely no fúcking surprise who's approved of your latest bitter spew.

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52 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:
2 hours ago, virginton said:
^^^ word salad

^^^ scrambling for relevance

The scrambling for relevance line doesn't really work when you're responding to a poster who is so relevant to you that your last two avatars have been a dig at them.

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7 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Leitch is a mouth piece, rolled out to convey the thoughts and findings of others.

His track record on his comments and predictions show perfectly that he's not qualified to add his own tuppence worth, yet he regularly does so.



Oh, I have to thank you for this. A proper chuckle on a grey Friday afternoon.

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Anyone else see all regions in Scotland being in Tier 2 or below in 3 weeks time? 
Can't see it unless there's a massive reduction in numbers across the board (so hospitalisations and ICU admissions as well as cases and deaths).

Us minks who start tier 4 today can probably hope for a move back to tier 3 at best.
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1 minute ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:



Oh, I have to thank you for this. A proper chuckle on a grey Friday afternoon.

The key difference here is that a man on an anonymous football forum isn’t at the forefront of decision making on how the population will live their lives at present.

Rather bizarre that you compare the two.

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3 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:



Oh, I have to thank you for this. A proper chuckle on a grey Friday afternoon.

Of course, a poster on a football forum making comments and predictions is exactly the same thing as the National Clinical Director doing so...

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