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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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14 hours ago, philpy said:

 I've seen folk greeting on FB 

This has been one of the biggest problems throughout this whole fucking mess. Numpties read a few comments from some p***ks online and assume that the entire population wants the same as them. 

The alkies you have as friends on facebooks are representative of anything other than the alkies you are friends with.

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1 minute ago, Marshmallo said:

More time for community transmission :( 

Madness. Can you imagine the amount of virus they will transport back through the school gate forcefield on the first day back now?*

*Only spreading to teachers though, we are all aware children only catch it in the community, and then only spread to adults not to each other.

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Tegnell insisted in a television interview that it was too soon to say whether Sweden’s strategy had failed. “Pretty much every country is struggling with this,” he told TV4, adding that he had been surprised by the scale of the second wave and conceding the situation was “beginning to approach breaking point” in some areas.

Total Covid-associated deaths in Sweden, which has avoided strict mandatory lockdowns in favour of largely voluntary measures, reached 7,802 on Wednesday, with more than 500 in the last week and in excess of 1,800 since the beginning of November.

Its toll per million of 766.2 is approximately 10 times higher than neighbouring Norway and Finland and nearly five times that of Denmark, but lower than some European countries that imposed lockdowns such as France, Italy, Spain and Britain.

The country’s approach has so far relied mainly on citizens’ responsibility to observe hygiene and distancing recommendations, with shops, bars and restaurants staying open throughout the pandemic and masks not recommended outside hospitals.

As the second wave struck, however, the Public Health Agency and government issued tougher rules, banning alcohol sales after 10pm, reducing public gatherings from 50 to eight people, and switching high schools to online teaching.

People have also been told to avoid public transport and crowded stores, limit social interactions to single households or people already in regular contact, and not go to the gym, library, shopping centres or other public places.


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25 minutes ago, Have some faith in Magic said:

Sounds like English schools to get an extra week off after Christmas. 


I imagine this will be intertwined with a national lockdown, so it makes sense. 

I've just been hoofed into T3 - unfortunately justified, so January looks like it will be just grand.

Edited by Michael W
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