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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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4 minutes ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

All football fans too, well if you ever want to go watch a game of football with thousands of other people in attendance, we're going to have to get to zero Covid before that can happen.

£50 charity bet that there will be a crowd of 2000+ in Scotland before "zero COVID" (ie. no COVID cases in the whole of Britain) is achieved?

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10 minutes ago, MP_MFC said:

I'm all for us giving it a go as everything else we've tried so far has been a fucking massive failure.

If it means we can go to the pub, the fitba and act like human beings but can't f**k off to Paris for a weekend for a year then sign me up.

NS just said she hoped we would be able to have "greater domestic normality" at some point this year

That's a shockingly negative outlook. The vaccine works. Get the fucking finger out and get it into Scottish arms ASAP and at least get life back to normal here.

I genuinely don't think these people understand the impact these restrictions are having on people when they make seemingly flippant remarks such as that.

When the pressure on the NHS is way back down because the vaccine is doing its job, it's very unpalatable that our politicians feel that it will be ok to continue to put restrictions on who we can meet, and where.

If we go down this route that we cannot allow travel because there may be a new variant out there (which more than likely means nothing), at what point do we suddenly decide that this is no longer an issue?

Edited by Todd_is_God
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3 minutes ago, The Stig said:

With the reported 92 deaths today, Scotland is easily at it's worst death rate for the whole of this pandemic but I don't see any of the anger directed towards the Scottish government as at Boris and the UK gov.

It all well and good voting for the SNP in the May elections if your stance is only on Independence , but serious questions need to be answered by them on there handling and decision making on the whole of this situation.

Its very simple. I check the numbers every day.  
An easy calculation to make. The population of England is almost exactly ten times Scotland. So to have the same death rate ours would have to be a tenth of theirs each day.

Yesterday we had was it 82. What's ten times 82?  820.  England had over 1500.  Nearly twice as bad.

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32 minutes ago, s_dog said:

Half the 100,000 deaths have happened since November. 

At the same time, the PM is saying "we truly did everything we could", and still people bleat "oh but most of them were old/had under-lying health conditions".

The failure to act in the summer is the biggest failing...

The new variant wasn't around in the summer, so the issues on the second wave in a UK context are more recent. Common sense measures that could keep R0 relatively low but with the economy functioning reasonably normally were a necessity because the economy can't simply be put into cold storage for months on end without creating issues that are every bit as serious elsewhere. What will probably get looked at very closely with the benefit of hindsight is BJ's decision making more recently in the context of imminent vaccine implementation when it was easier to justify a few weeks of stricter measures in certain inherently higher risk contexts to limit new infections as vulnerable groups received the vaccine.

The populism surrounding the idea of suppressing numbers temporarily with brief periods of harsher measures in October and November to improve the optics of a normal Christmas was always questionable from a public health standpoint as politicians were intentionally creating conditions that were ripe for a large spike in new cases in the second half of December should a more easily transmissible variant or strain emerge, and the policy of keeping schools open even after it became clear that a new variant was spreading rapidly in London amongst the younger age cohorts suggests that decisions were still being made primarily on political expediency.

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5 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

The problem here (similar to last summer) is that the UK Gov will need to follow Scottish restrictions or the border between Scotland and England will need to be closed.

I'm an SNP member, I'm generally supportive, however I quite simply won't accept a situation where I can't go to say Poland but I can go to England and vice versa when the infection rates are much higher in England than Poland etc. This happened last year where we were allowing virus ridden hoardes to travel up from the South of England unchecked but had to have people in quarantine for countries with a fraction of the covid infections of England.

Politically I get it, but from a public Health perspective it just won't wash I'm afraid.

Who cares?  You don't govern the country, so what you will 'accept' is of zero importance.

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5 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
7 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:
This is fairly strange, negative language around these types of people, considering you were one of them last year?

I went to visit my family in Turkey, I have openly admitted that and I did my two weeks quarantine on my return. Could have lived without going but I wasn't gagging to get it just so happened I could so I did. If allowed I would go again if not Cest la vie

Precisely, so why make those negative, sneering comments in your previous post referring to others who did the exact same as you did? 

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With the reported 92 deaths today, Scotland is easily at it's worst death rate for the whole of this pandemic but I don't see any of the anger directed towards the Scottish government as at Boris and the UK gov.
It all well and good voting for the SNP in the May elections if your stance is only on Independence , but serious questions need to be answered by them on there handling and decision making on the whole of this situation.

Probably fair. The Scottish Government are saved by the rules of relativity - case rates, hospitalisations and deaths have been consistently lower than the rest of the UK for months now. Relative to the rest of the UK, the pandemic has been well managed.

In reality though it’s still been dreadful. To some degree things are out of their control but it doesn’t excuse everything. But given we have two governments in charge of the pandemic here it isn’t surprising and probably reasonable that the one with all of the control gets most of the blame.
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4 minutes ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

Its not the flu.

We had virtually eradicated it in August last year, this time we also have a vaccine. If we do things right now you can go watch Morton with thousands of other people at the start of next season. If we don't you may never be able to do that again, and Morton will probably  be out of business in a couple of years.

We were nowhere close to eradicating it.   It was still at large in asymptomatic people that therefore weren't picked up by testing.

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29 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I watch the media briefing with subtitles on and according to that Sturgeon just said that they’ve vaccinated more than half of 880 year olds in Scotland. What a disgrace.


Aye, you would have thought it wouldn't have taken them too long to do that. SNP baaaaaad!

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2 minutes ago, HibsFan said:

£50 charity bet that there will be a crowd of 2000+ in Scotland before "zero COVID" (ie. no COVID cases in the whole of Britain) is achieved?

That's not normality. 2500 in Hampden isn't normal.

There is no chance of 60 thousand at Parkhead of 50 thousand at Hampden until we are at zero Covid. If we don't get to that it will never happen again.

What we're really seeing here is massive amounts of cognitive dissonance and immaturity.  People want to go back to normal now and are not capable of accepting its going to take months of very severe restrictions before we can even consider that.

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4 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

I still maintain this South African variant is way more dangerous than we are being lead to believe. The massive shift to total isolation plus the AZ presidents comments about developing a vaccine specifically for that variant suggests to me it's way more dangerous.

Yeah, I read someone talking about Covid being airborne aerosol and that govt don't want to tell people that. That means we can't return to normal until its gone. 

Zero Covid is obviously the only sensible strategy and its absolutely wild any adult would disagree, mind boggling.

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21 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

Despie what NS is saying right now, the clamour from the Benidorm Brian's and Brenda's will 100% lead to any border controls being lifted sufficiently to enable the bucket and spade brigade to have their "well deserved" 2 weeks on the lash this summer.

It's unbelievable that the UKG are contemplating an Australian / NZ style zero Covid policy. It's beginning to look more and more that this is the direction of travel.

I thought there was going to be no travel?

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10 minutes ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

People want to go back to normal now and are not capable of accepting its going to take months of very severe restrictions before we can even consider that.

I disagree.

I don't like the idea, but i'd be prepared to put up with them for a few months if normality was what the reward would be.

As it isn't, then why should we?

A common comparison is this is what they did in Australia / NZ. However normality was their reward there.

They are asking everything of us, yet giving nothing back.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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6 minutes ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

Wow, never realised there was so many nutters in here.

Anyone baulking at a zero Covid strategy should be disenfranchsied.  Imagine wanting to stamp out a disease that kills thousands of people, what a crazy idea eh.

All football fans too, well if you ever want to go watch a game of football with thousands of other people in attendance, we're going to have to get to zero Covid before that can happen.

I've taken to the past year quite well given I've still been working and am an anti-social freak with no friends anyway


If you think a zero covid approach is appropriate or necessary to restore life to pre-pandemic levels then you're either an idiot or just plain fucking dangerous. Aside from the fact it's going to be physically impossible unless you put all of Scotland under a giant dome from now until the end of time, thinking it's the approach we should take just means you're never going to countenance any reasonable measures that would allow opening up society as vaccinated numbers go up and case numbers come down. 

I only see goons like Sridhar and Leitch when they're posted on here, but the former's fascination with eradicating the virus before any kind of normality reeks of being self-serving at best and infuriatingly thick at worst. What's concerning is replies to her tweets seem to think she's right. The world can't live in a state of limbo in perpetuity just because you're scared by a number. 

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22 minutes ago, 101 said:

I think that's our best day yet encouraging to see the number grow but not 100% sure it's growing at the required rate. We need to start having 10k more folk done rather than a few thousand more.

Next week is a big week as a number of mass vaccination centres are due to open on the 1st February

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