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5 minutes ago, Elixir said:

So if it indeed turns out that the mutation seen in South Africa is beginning to arise independently from the Kent one - i.e. because it is naturally beneficial to the virus, then we can therefore conclude border restrictions to 'keep them out' are largely a nonsense as this will happen regardless.

If it's going down in SA though, then the message of it being highly transmissible seems to be a bit of a red herring.

Absolutely none of the models produced on variants etc seem to have considered the potential impact of the time of year. Which is compounded by the bizarre forecasts of a summer explosion despite the exact opposite happening last year.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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11 minutes ago, No_Problemo said:

The schools that have children and staff in them?!

Also, spreading out our vaccination centres will also be far more time consuming. As I already said, local GP’s are doing the most vulnerable people. 

They're empty all weekend, we could fly through the population if we utilised spaces like that out of hours, 20,000 in 2 Sundays is a fucking scandal, how many useless fuckers are we giving a say to on this all over the country. 

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1 minute ago, Billy Jean King said:
31 minutes ago, ayrmad said:
And larger venues local to people would have been far better, 10 months and we choose a place that isn't handy for most of the local population. 

In a small town like Ayr how many were you thinking ?

I've no idea, that would depend how many vaccinators we have, if we're asking folk to wait 15 minutes after their jag then as many places as possible, gym halls are not the only halls available. 

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"Effie would you prefer two walks and a needless bus journey or a wee walk round to that lovely big schoolfor your vaccine" 
"I'll just go to the school as I've not used the bus for needless journeys in such a long time. 
A classic way to slow the whole process up - multiply the number of venues to set up by X !

If Effie is so worried about getting the bus from Whitletts to the Citadel she can walk it in 15m. The exercise will do her good. Folk are allegedly desperate to be jagged. They clearly are not in Effies case.
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5 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

If it's going down in SA though, then the message of it being highly transmissible seems to be a bit of a red herring.

Absolutely none of the models produced on variants etc seem to have considered the potential impact of the time of year. Which is compounded by the bizarre forecasts of a summer explosion despite the exact opposite happening last year.

Cases are plummeting in the UK as well.

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5 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Lockdowns aren't that bad, guys! wiggo.png

Because children's mental health has never been used to prop up the 'lockdown everything but our schools!!!!1111!!!' disaster at any point in the past seven months.


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I've no idea, that would depend how many vaccinators we have, if we're asking folk to wait 15 minutes after their jag then as many places as possible, gym halls are not the only halls available. 
Why don't we go the whole hog and just go door to door so lazy buggers like your pal Effie who you think shouldn't have to travel a mile or two to get what could be a life saving vaccine can sit on her arse ???
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Captain Sir Major Lord Tom's family is with him on hospital.

I assume this means his prognosis is not good but I can't rule out his daughter working on some other grift.

Aaron Ramsey scored at the weekend, so i would say it’s not looking good for him.
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Oh look. The Kent variant has turned Ninja.

Wondered when any good news would be drowned out by more scare stories

Kent and SA variants not getting enough dread over so we will go full superpower mutation that "might" evade vaccine developed immunity . Either these strains are a danger to the vaccine efficacy or they are not. Seems to be swinging towards the former if remotely true.
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2 minutes ago, davidkennedyshand said:

Oh look. The Kent variant has turned Ninja.

Wondered when any good news would be drowned out by more scare stories


If you ever see this Thomas Moore on Sky News , the excitement in his voice is tangible at every new 'worrying' development.

Suspect he's wracking up a pile of overtime the now.

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1 minute ago, Steven W said:

If you ever see this Thomas Moore on Sky News , the excitement in his voice is tangible at every new 'worrying' development.

Suspect he's wracking up a pile of overtime the now.

I was just going to say this. He has been a complete drip this whole pandemic. The sad b*****d knows he'll never work on anything as important as this once it's all said and done. Absolutely loves the fear narrative.

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1 hour ago, Detournement said:

I wonder if Beaver Creek has ever featured in a sea shanty

"Oh, Macavennie set out to find his fortune,

For treasure he did seek,

He had a big grin on his coupon,

When he went up Beaver Creek.."

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2 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
7 minutes ago, ayrmad said:
I've no idea, that would depend how many vaccinators we have, if we're asking folk to wait 15 minutes after their jag then as many places as possible, gym halls are not the only halls available. 

Why don't we go the whole hog and just go door to door so lazy buggers like your pal Effie who you think shouldn't have to travel a mile or two to get what could be a life saving vaccine can sit on her arse ???

This is the whole problem with the modern world, social media etc. People are now given a platform and voice for every mump and moan irrespective of whether it's justified or not. It's a thing I've noticed throughout this whole debacle, basically both the UK and Scottish Governments have done what they've thought / been advised is best and don't get me wrong, many mistakes have been made in the pursuit of trying to please business and then going too far the other way when that route resulted in many more deaths than were necessary. The over promising populist route has also come back to bite them, but what makes it all even worse is that the mainstream media have been playing politics and creating situations and tensions throughout, without actually caring about the damage they're doing to ordinary people in the process.

I'm not saying the press should be silenced, far from it,  but I am saying that they should be acting far more responsibly and reporting things factually and in context as opposed to sensationalising, insinuating, and manipulating every little thing in order to try and create a big story.

What this thread in particular tells us all, is that you'll never please everyone, some of us think the restrictions are way over the top, others think the restrictions don't go anywhere near far enough, some of us think we know better than qualified Scientists with decades of experience in their field and some of us aren't even willing to admit we're wrong or that there COULD be some merit in an opposing view, I suppose that's just the 21st century for you and it's really not a pleasant place at all.

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