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29 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

A third. I know about 4 folk that have had it from the literally hundreds I know. Literally no idea where these sort of wild figs come from. I doubt anyone on here will even have had 10% of the family and friends group had it.

Thanks for that detailed and scientific analysis. Really helpful.

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23 minutes ago, virginton said:

You know nothing of the sort, because the virus is so pathetic for the healthy population that a lot of people are asymptomatic. Their body just recognises and gets shot of it without even a side effect. 

My brother's partner is a nurse who has been working on Covid wards and she was quite ill for a week, but is now back to normal. Comparable to any other seasonal illness, she said. Their little one had a temperature for a night and was fine the following morning. My brother was the same - said he has had worse colds and hangovers. It did take him a few days longer to finally test positive, despite how 'contagious' it is. My partner's sister, meanwhile, lost her sense of taste and smell briefly at the end of November, but is now fine, yet has still tested positive twice this month while awaiting an ACL operation, which have subsequently had to he cancelled.

All anecdotal, of course, but among the hysteria it is forgotten just how mild an illness it is in the under 50s and non-obese.

Edited by Elixir
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12 minutes ago, virginton said:


'Behaving irresponsibly once vaccinated' will no doubt enter the curtain-twitchers' new charter of offences for 2021. 

Another hour, another full-blown minter for the UK public thanks to the over 2000 tragic losers who complained about a fucking advert for 'breaking the rules!!!111!!!!'

3rd most complained about advert ever

The good news is they still plan to expand capacity after the lockdowns end and they are critical of EU vaccine roll out.



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Are school pupils to be vaccinated before they go back? If not they really should be if the vaccines are effective at stopping transmission to some extent. Might be behind on this but I don't think anyone would grumble about pupils being the next group to be given the vaccines once the vulnerable groups are done.
They announced yesterday there'll be a significant increase in testing for teachers and pupils but nothing on the vaccine front. Doubt there will be any change on the priority list now.
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6 minutes ago, Elixir said:

My brother's partner is a nurse who has been working on Covid wards and she was quite ill for a week, but is now back to normal. Comparable to any other seasonal illness, she said. Their little one had a temperature for a night and was fine the following morning. My brother was the same - said he has had worse colds and hangovers. It did take him a few days longer to finally test positive, despite how 'contagious' it is. My partner's sister, meanwhile, lost her sense of taste and smell briefly at the end of November, but is now fine, yet has still tested positive twice this month while waiting an ACL operation, which have subsequently had to he cancelled.

All anecdotal, of course, but among the hysteria it is forgotten just how mild an illness it is in the under 50s and non-obese.

Not always, I do know two people now who have died of it. One was a nurse in her 20s and she was pretty fit, I knew her through my old CrossFit class. The other was a lady I went swimming with, in her 40s but again not overweight and in reasonable health.

Of course I realise that’s anecdotal as well but I think the assumption it’s essentially harmless to all young, fit people isn’t a true one. There is also the issue of longer-term illness and recovery as well which needs to be considered.

Edited by Jambomo
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Ruth Davidson getting bitch slapped, yet again, at FMQs
You can only imagine her disappointment at seeing the vaccination numbers yesterday and this morning.
It's beyond pathetic. Same question with the same answer for weeks then fatty Baillie waddles in and doubles down on it.

Neither seems to be able to grasp the concept that in any program someone needs to be first and someone needs to be last. Baillie seems to think 1m letters should have been issued in 1 day ffs.
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7 minutes ago, realmadrid said:

3rd most complained about advert ever

The good news is they still plan to expand capacity after the lockdowns end and they are critical of EU vaccine roll out.



It’s just a shame they bought all those planes that keep falling out of the sky because they were going cheap.


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They announced yesterday there'll be a significant increase in testing for teachers and pupils but nothing on the vaccine front. Doubt there will be any change on the priority list now.
Theres no need for any dramatic changes to the regime. Despite what they are continually telling us drones, they will be more than aware that the vaccines are and will increasingly provide protection to everyone in "the herd" by virtue of their impact on transmission*

By the time schools even get the chance to cause an uptick in infections in the community, all of those liable to need hospital care will be vaccinated, and we should be well on the way down the list providing further breaks in the chain.

Going to try to avoid speculating on what irrelevances like Leitch and Sridhar want from now on tbh for the benefit of my own health, because "the science" ie the work of the big boys who are at the leading edge of dealing with this is providing one good news story after another and soon that tide will take them out to sea.

*pretty much in line with what vaccines do despite the desperate scaremongering to the contrary.
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It's beyond pathetic. Same question with the same answer for weeks then fatty Baillie waddles in and doubles down on it.

Neither seems to be able to grasp the concept that in any program someone needs to be first and someone needs to be last. Baillie seems to think 1m letters should have been issued in 1 day ffs.

I thought the best bit in Baillies question was about the 94 year old who isn’t able to contact her GP, but is presumably able to contact her local Labour Party MSP...
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4 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

It was an "anecdotal " answer and nowhere did I claim it was scientific but you crack on if you took it as such. Have a third of your family and friends had it ?

Its the worst anecdotal evidence you could provide. You're one step away from covid denying "nane eh ma m8s huv hud it so its no real" nonsense. 

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Davidson getting an absolute beat down there. Getting laughed at when she started ranting about the armed forces, being the highlight. Tories are a strange breed, with their obsession regarding the forces. Nicola Sturgeon rightly pointing out that Scotland is entitled to help from the armed forces if required, as we pay for it with our taxes.

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4 minutes ago, Erih Shtrep said:

Nicola Sturgeon absolutely schooling Davidson and Baillie. 

I'd imagine some of the knicker-wetting spammers  on here will also be disappointed at the uptick vaccination numbers.   

Not remotely disappointed, delighted actually - I don’t imagine anyone is so don’t talk utter shite. 

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1 minute ago, Billy Jean King said:
4 minutes ago, Erih Shtrep said:
Nicola Sturgeon absolutely schooling Davidson and Baillie. 

I'd imagine some of the knicker-wetting spammers  on here will also be disappointed at the uptick vaccination numbers.   

f**k me now Rennie has a go with basically the same question again. Awful stuff.

Say what you want about Richard Leonard's lack of ability as a politician but he was in the politics game for the right reasons.   You can tell Davidson, Baillie and Wee Willie Rennie would will have been boiling after seeing Scottish figures outperforming those in rUK.    Scottish deaths are about 1/2 the rate of England and these lines will continue to grow apart given the work of the SG and the 'late, dont care' politics of the UK gov.   Thankfully most people can see through it.  

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