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6 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Remember when the SNP were pretending that immigrants were welcome in Scotland

You don't think that was sincere?

I don't think any of the lockdown restrictions have generated an anti immigrant feeling, the most obvious being there has never been blame attributed to "foreigners" the 1st gen immigrants I know only one has gone back to see his parents in Mexico the others haven't returned to America or Pakistan mainly due to the situation there rather than restrictions imposed by the SG.

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10 minutes ago, 101 said:

You don't think that was sincere?

I don't think any of the lockdown restrictions have generated an anti immigrant feeling, the most obvious being there has never been blame attributed to "foreigners" the 1st gen immigrants I know only one has gone back to see his parents in Mexico the others haven't returned to America or Pakistan mainly due to the situation there rather than restrictions imposed by the SG.

Anti-anything sentiment all starts somewhere...

We'll see over the course of this year and next the true repercussions for all of this.

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7 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Anti-anything sentiment all starts somewhere...

We'll see over the course of this year and next the true repercussions for all of this.

There is no way this restriction leads to a deliberate choice in anti immigrant policy from the Scottish Government their. Our population stats alone along with the consistency of the messages pre Covid show it would be an incredible and insane U turn. I feel for EU citizens as they have the double of Brexit and are used to flying between their country of birth and their new home, but this will end and the main thing is if something comes up you can still go, which is really important.

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2 hours ago, Michael W said:

Yeah, my set up is OK but not great. Don't have a spare room  or a study so the desk is in the bedroom. I do however have a very comfortable chair, which work paid for which is better than the dining room chair that is now worn out from excessive us in the first six months of lockdown. 

I ended up doing a fair bit of work at home before Covid was even a thing and eventually ended up knackering myself after a few weeks of working at the dining room table.  Ended up gutting all the boxed-up random shite that had accumulated in the 3rd room (glorified cupboard) over the years and invested in a decent adjustable chair and basic desk designed to have a keyboard / screen at the right height.  Never had any problems since.  Good posture generally isn't taken seriously enough (mea culpa).

Edited by Hedgecutter
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1 hour ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

I was a bit confused as well, wondering why the risk of a Pulmonary Embolism was worse when working abroad.

On another topic, whoever it was that posted the kickback style image of Jason Leitch a few times a while back, might have been @Melanius Mullarkey. Could you post it again so I don’t have to search back through 4000 pages?

Wisnae me. 





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1 hour ago, Gordon EF said:

The pandemic basically transferred about £3.5k from Scotrail to me. The idea that thousands of folk will be prepared to trek all over the country every morning and evening paying a fortune for the privilege once this is over seems unlikely.

I think this is a good point. It’s hard for businesses now to justify saying to those who have worked successfully from home for nearly a year now, that they need to come back into the office.

I commuted Edinburgh to Glasgow when I first started my job and the railcard was around £4K. It’s a daft amount of money to spend on transport in the first place but if you ha e now proven that you don’t need to be there,  I would expect many to be arguing against it.

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50 minutes ago, virginton said:

The first part of this post confirms that the public are braying morons when it comes to elections, and only vote for their favourite team/colour on the ballot paper. But for some reason you think that the same thing does not apply to the SNP after 2014's realignment.

Presumably if we're giving politicians a free pass for scrutiny after winning an election then nobody has a right to criticise the Tories after their landslide win in 2019 and comfortable polling lead now as usual. It's a complete and utter nonsense argument.

There's a contingent of SNP voter that voted Labour for half their life and treat switching their vote to the SNP as some sort of religious conversion.

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I'm starting a new job next month that's very particular about specifying that it's an office based role although nobody involved has any clue when we go back or in what form. I think they're in one of those fancy new builds in Manchester City Centre tho so they're probably desperate to justify some of the investment.

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2 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

I'm starting a new job next month that's very particular about specifying that it's an office based role although nobody involved has any clue when we go back or in what form. I think they're in one of those fancy new builds in Manchester City Centre tho so they're probably desperate to justify some of the investment.

Don't trust their employees to work Half The World Away IMO.

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36 minutes ago, 101 said:

There is no way this restriction leads to a deliberate choice in anti immigrant policy from the Scottish Government their. Our population stats alone along with the consistency of the messages pre Covid show it would be an incredible and insane U turn. I feel for EU citizens as they have the double of Brexit and are used to flying between their country of birth and their new home, but this will end and the main thing is if something comes up you can still go, which is really important.

Can you? There was me thinking most flights have pretty much been binned until May/June at the earliest, and you'd be bounced into spending £1,750 to be imprisoned in a Holiday Inn for ten days upon your return in any case.

The rest, well, I can only hope you're right and that this rhetoric will soon sound as insane as it would have this time last year. Of course, many EU countries are already stating that vaccination will allow free movement, and this will inevitably become accepted across the whole bloc come summer. Let's see if the Scottish Government wishes to integrate itself with our EU neighbours when the time comes...

18 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:

The very definition of “heads gone”.


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Permanent Establishment. They worry if employees are working in other countries then the profits will be subject to local tax as the business may be deemed to be established in that country if it has employees there. There was actually an internationally agreed grace period for this where workers were stuck overseas due to covid and couldn't get home, but this expired in June. 
We've had a few people that aren't British ask if they could go to their home countries since we're all working from home anyway - they were quite flatly told no. 
Some companies are less bothered, right enough, and would be happy for the MD to work from his holiday home in Marbella or wherever. It does present a risk to the business, though. 
I'd be more on board with WFH if there were regular visits to Spain, right enough. 
There was a TV programme last week about people remote working from Barbados.

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5 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Can you? There was me thinking most flights have pretty much been binned until May/June at the earliest, and you'd be bounced into spending £1,750 to be imprisoned in a Holiday Inn for ten days upon your return in any case.

The rest, well, I can only hope you're right and that this rhetoric will soon sound as insane as it would have this time last year. Of course, many EU countries are already stating that vaccination will allow free movement, and this will inevitably become accepted across the whole bloc come summer. Let's see if the Scottish Government wishes to integrate itself with our EU neighbours when the time comes...

There are still regular flights to London which has onward connection for pretty much everywhere.

I was meaning you can still get there for funerals, the cost isn't ideal but I'm not sure the tax payer should be covering the cost either. 

I think it's far more likely that the EU will lessen restrictions as a bloc, we are no longer part of said bloc so who knows what to expect. 

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14 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

There was a TV programme last week about people remote working from Barbados.

The Barbadian authorities are offering it for a year, so imagine they won't be going after businesses for their profits. 

Fair play to anyone taking it up. 

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