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6 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

I'm at pains to say I understand that it's difficult and more difficult for people in certain circumstances. But a lot (not all) of people can probably do more than they are currently.

There are so many different reasons and combination of reasons for people being overweight. Social and cultural, lack of education, poverty, illness, biological.

Trying to distill it to simply a lack of effort or willpower is ignoring a massive broader picture. 

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6 minutes ago, GiGi said:

I have family members who feed their kids nothing but chips because 'it's all they'll eat' that has nothing to do with not being able to afford healthier food and everything to do with not being arsed cooking. Living off takeaways is not cheaper than making a pasta dish or a curry or something at home.


Tbf I have 2 children, one will eat almost anything put in front of them. The other is fussy and refuses to eat any fruit or veg. Both brought up exactly the same and fed the same food from 6 months old. 

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16 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

Absolutely gone at that morbidly obese ‘35’ year old saying it could happen to anyone.

Why didn’t that BBC article some of the other 30 something in an ICU who are ‘fit and healthy’. 

Where was the interview with a lean 32 year old regular gym goer who was hooked up to the breathing apparatus?

Yep. A spitting image of this legend of the banter years, wondering why his pate-like body was having the same difficulties as your average 82 year old. 


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Your talking shit. There are huge correlations with mental health and numerous other social and economic issues. The principal is very basic ie eat less exercise more but it's a massively complex issue beyond that. Anyone who thinks it's simply a matter of willpower is sadly lacking in knowledge of the subject

If you read my initial comment, yoj will see i said that, in some instances, it is not as simple. However, the basic facts are, move more and eat less and this is well within the capabilities of most adults, if they choose to do so
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Just now, Jambomo said:

There are so many different reasons and combination of reasons for people being overweight. Social and cultural, lack of education, poverty, illness, biological.

Trying to distill it to simply a lack of effort or willpower is ignoring a massive broader picture. 

I'm not denying external factors.

Speaking as someone who was heavily overweight and a mess mentally, I got out of that by disciplining my daily routine to include a bit of exercise everyday, cut out the shite I ate and cut down the booze to one night a week. It really was as simple as that (although it was a lot of hard work) and it improved my mental health immeasurably.

I suspect I am not/wouldn't be unique in that experience.

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1 minute ago, Honest Saints Fan said:

Tbf I have 2 children, one will eat almost anything put in front of them. The other is fussy and refuses to eat any fruit or veg. Both brought up exactly the same and fed the same food from 6 months old. 

Kids can be hard to cater for, I only cook meals from scratch and the amount of veg left has increased as my grandchildren get older. 

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It's not an excuse, the self-discipline required is far easier for those working 9 to 5.
And it is correct, no possibly about it, thankfully you're looking nowt like me this morning. 

Again, i am not denying it is easier. However, it is not impossible.

For someone who, a few pages back, was essentially dismissing anyone who is suffering during lockdown, i find your response surprising
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2 minutes ago, Jambomo said:

There are so many different reasons and combination of reasons for people being overweight. Social and cultural, lack of education, poverty, illness, biological.

Trying to distill it to simply a lack of effort or willpower is ignoring a massive broader picture. 

Poverty is not a cause of obesity in the UK, in much the same way as the poorest people in Yemen or Ethiopia aren't monstrous fatties. 

It's these attempts to explain away and find excuses for individual behaviour that makes the much more serious epidemic of obesity in this society far, far worse than it should be. But we won't have rolling news coverage of obese messes clogging NHS services well before their time, or fling parents in jail for ten years for turning their kids into mini-blimps because apparently behaviour that is so important in dealing with a contagious virus cannot be expected to deal with an entirely self-made problem. 

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Show me a mental health issue that leads to someone stuffing their face with doughnuts all day. When the principle is as straightforward as it is, we can discard all this nonsense about correlations. The UK does not actually have 'good deserts' like US cities in which fast food/convenience is the cheapest and easiest option: it has some of the lowest prices and broadest ranges of healthy food in every supermarket in the country.
Only a matter of time before the village idiot piped up. Depression for starters.

The principal you quote is the principal to losing weight. The reasons for obesity are vast and complex.

What say the Oracle onother similar complex issues like drugs and alcohol. Are they simply a lifestyle choice in your eyes ???
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If you are a single parent with child care and have to learn to cook as let's be honest cooking healthy food is usually harder than sticking chips and chicken dippers in the over, then I think it's perfectly understandable why they don't cook more healthy food. We need to go back to basics and teach kids how to cook all the way through their education and not charge them for doing so

The thing is that eating chicken dippers and chips is not going to make you obese unless you are eating huge portions. Granted it is not the most nutrient dense meal you will ever eat but, when you have young kids, you sometimes need to do what you can to get by and ensure your kids eats some form of meal.

A lot of people just need to take accountability for their health and not hide behind an excuse. I appreciate that is a harsh way to say but it is true for a lot of people.
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1 minute ago, Aufc said:


Again, i am not denying it is easier. However, it is not impossible.

For someone who, a few pages back, was essentially dismissing anyone who is suffering during lockdown, i find your response surprising


At no point have I mentioned anything that could be construed as me saying it's impossible. 

Don't remember dismissing anyone suffering, like yourself this morning, I offered an oversimplified view that it's in most people's gift as to how they choose to deal with it, I never offered a solution to their suffering as I only know how to deal with my own thoughts and perceptions. 

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25 minutes ago, 101 said:

If you are a single parent with child care and have to learn to cook as let's be honest cooking healthy food is usually harder than sticking chips and chicken dippers in the over, then I think it's perfectly understandable why they don't cook more healthy food. We need to go back to basics and teach kids how to cook all the way through their education and not charge them for doing so

On the odd occasion I do a freezer tea, my children have been known to enquire as to my mental Well being and if I need to go into hospital 🙈

Also there’s only 6 hours in the school day, parents need to take on some responsibility for educating kids on some things in life.

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26 minutes ago, Ron Aldo said:

Like they did last year? Because that went so well and was completely worth it. 

You can bet your mortgage on people regurgitating that plan, word for word, later in the year in support, though. Either forgetting that it made no difference last year, or blaming all the 'selfish' people who went on holiday for it not working.

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At no point have I mentioned anything that could be construed as me saying it's impossible. 
Don't remember dismissing anyone suffering, like yourself this morning, I offered an oversimplified view that it's in most people's gift as to how they choose to deal with it, I never offered a solution to their suffering as I only know how to deal with my own thoughts and perceptions. 

I dont think i am dismissing anyone. Maybe i am. However, a lot of people need a wake up call with regards obesity and the whole covid thing has highlighted that further
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In terms of the weight issue, large parts of it revolve around education and people just not having a clue in terms of the macronutrients of the food/drinks they are having. 

I have often found even educated people, have completely misinformed views on how to lose fat. Much of it centred around I need to go out running and make myself miserable eating a salad leaf. Women’s style magazines boasting about crash diets for decades has also created a huge issue and people piling on even more weight.

Our GP practices still use fucking BMI to monitor if someone is overweight FFS, outdated shite. 

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2 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

Only a matter of time before the village idiot piped up. Depression for starters.

So why aren't there stacks of depressed fatties in the poorest regions of the world? Depression doesn't even remotely cause obesity, though they can have a feedback effect on each other once you're a fat disaster. This is entirely straightforward stuff.


The principal you quote is the principal to losing weight. The reasons for obesity are vast and complex.

No they are not. 'Obstacles to losing weight' are not the same as the causal factors that turn someone from a healthy weight to an unhealthy one. There are a tiny fraction of cases driven by metabolic issues/medication, the majority of that is down to lifestyle decisions that an individual makes. Not poverty, not lack of information (how many cooking shows are on in Britain FFS!), just a plain inability to link food input to output. 


What say the Oracle onother similar complex issues like drugs and alcohol. Are they simply a lifestyle choice in your eyes ???

With this degree of furious deflection and whataboutery, I'm putting your BMI at over 30. Possibly 35. 

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19 minutes ago, No_Problemo said:

We aren’t even going to be allowed inside a pub to watch the fucking Euro’s are we. 

My expectations have went from initially booking London and being hopeful of getting a ticket, to now just beginning to lose all hope that I’ll be able to actually watch the game in a pub with friends. 

I believe that pubs will be the same as they were in the autumn - facemask on to go to seat then aff - and table service only. Too much doom and gloom around, thats the problem when you get 10,000 experts and a million non-experts with a say - the press only latch onto the sensationalism

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1 minute ago, Aufc said:

I dont think i am dismissing anyone. Maybe i am. However, a lot of people need a wake up call with regards obesity and the whole covid thing has highlighted that further


It does sound a cuntish message, but I do agree.

However, it's probably slightly derailing the thread with obesity chat.

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8 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

I'm not denying external factors.

Speaking as someone who was heavily overweight and a mess mentally, I got out of that by disciplining my daily routine to include a bit of exercise everyday, cut out the shite I ate and cut down the booze to one night a week. It really was as simple as that (although it was a lot of hard work) and it improved my mental health immeasurably.

I suspect I am not/wouldn't be unique in that experience.

It’s brilliant that you did that and and I am glad it was that simple for you. I was overweight as well and have lost a lot of weight and still have a little bit left to get to my target. I couldn’t do it myself and needed to get some help, but was fortunate to have the money to get it. Not everyone is that fortunate.

I guess I mean that for some people it might be that simple but it really isn’t the case for everyone and again, is ignoring a lot of circumstance in other people’s lives which is often how they got there in the first place.

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