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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Most people struggling have a choice on how they deal with their situation or not and don't do it(please note the word most). 

It is ok. In a years time they (hopefully) wont have to deal with it. Obese people will still be obese
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Absolutely gone at that morbidly obese ‘35’ year old saying it could happen to anyone.
Why didn’t that BBC article some of the other 30 something in an ICU who are ‘fit and healthy’. 

Where was the interview with a lean 32 year old regular gym goer who was hooked up to the breathing apparatus?
Didn't research show that 70% of those dying from were obese?
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1 minute ago, Left Back said:

 how much did we increase ICU capacity by?  I think it was way more than a third but of course that is at the expense of providing other NHS services.  Do the NHS have the staff to cope with that kind of uptick in admissions to hospital and ICU as well as providing all pre-pandemic services?

I think just now it's double the capacity circa 210 beds but it can be trebled it as well. 

I know someone who was being ventilated from the 24th Dec until it was turned off and they died the other week so it will take some amount of time to clear it although the treatments are improving which will help get people out faster so combined with less people being admitted, less people getting serious disease and better treatments it should be an improving picture before too long but the million dollar question is how much better will it eventually get.

I imagine ICU is the most labour intensive and among the most skilled so imagine they have been running at full tilt for some time, I don't know how long it's practical to keep 200 beds open in these wards.

Hopefully the enquiry recommends a restructure of the NHS rather than the way the UKg are going which is restructure and then have an independent enquiry.

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1 minute ago, Burnieman said:
21 minutes ago, Ron Aldo said:
Aye but have they factored in the as yet undiscovered Acapulco mutation?

Why can't Scotland not have its own mutation? The Airdrie mutation deserves to be discovered.

That ship sailed long ago.  It's called Coatbridge.

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2 minutes ago, coprolite said:

Rural areas have older populations in general, so fewer symptomatic or serious cases? 

Who knows ?

If we think back to the start of all this though, we basically had 4 months of no restrictions, no face masks, no social distancing in place and people going about their business as normal, we also had no vaccine, little understanding of how to deal with the virus and much fewer ICU beds etc, yet things haven't improved at all, in fact they've got worse.

It could also be argued that many of the most vulnerable have already been wiped out in the previous waves, so the mere fact that we're still in an indefinite lockdown with pretty strict measures tells me that either the masks / social distancing / drugs are all useless or that there's some ulterior motive in play or that the virus is much more deadly than the authorities are letting on and they're just too terrified to tell us for fear of how people will deal with it ???

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4 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:
2 hours ago, TheScarf said:
Absolutely gone at that morbidly obese ‘35’ year old saying it could happen to anyone.
Why didn’t that BBC article some of the other 30 something in an ICU who are ‘fit and healthy’. 

Where was the interview with a lean 32 year old regular gym goer who was hooked up to the breathing apparatus?

Didn't research show that 70% of those dying from were obese?

I've not seen that stat but it wouldn't surprise me.  One of the main issues obese people suffer from is lack of breath in normal circumstances.  Covid will absolutely ruin their respiratory system.

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That '35' year old guy from Falkirk is slap bang in the middle of what you would describe as the 'vulnerable' category.  I'm seething here.  'It could happen to anyone'  Fuck off.

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8 minutes ago, Aufc said:


It is ok. In a years time they (hopefully) wont have to deal with it. Obese people will still be obese


If they get to this time next year, a tighter race than you might think on here given the demographics on here. 

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1 hour ago, Todd_is_God said:

There should be a stigma around being fat tbh. It's the lack of such stigma that allows people to eat themselves into the shape of Snorlax, then get offended if they get called out.


1 hour ago, Dons_1988 said:

Yes but there's a balance. Some of the language used can be crippling for people. I suspect most obese people put plenty of stigma on themselves without being shamed from outside.

The stigma should be health professionals advising them and framing it from a health perspective.


Most people - healthy or not - pick and choose what advice to take from health professionals to suit themselves. From the number of units of alcohol put on a questionnaire all the way up. 

Social pressure has its costs when taking to the extreme end, but it does by far the greatest good to the majority of people. 

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24 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

What I've found quite interesting is that this "2nd wave" (or is it the 3rd we're on to now ?) appears to be following the same curve (give or take), throughout the whole of Europe irrespective of the levels of lockdown or how draconian / lax each country has been. 

Funnily enough, the point about the most populated areas not being the worst hit has yet to be addressed as surely if it was just on "close contact" then the most densely populated areas would be the worst hit by an absolute country mile but this just doesn't seem to be the case at all.

I really don't know, but the longer this goes on the more I'm inclined to believe that there's something more at play, however I can't answer what or why as countries actively destroying their own economies and alienating their own electorates just makes no sense at all, although having said that, not much does in this whole debacle..

Without looking too deeply into it, in Scotland the highest case loads have been consistently in Glasgow and the surrounding suburban sprawl in Lanarkshire which represents Scotland's greatest population density.

Meanwhile, the Borders and Highlands, rural areas with sparse populations have had lower case loads relative to the rest of the nation, and have been better able to get the case loads down quicker. In the Western Isles with the more isolated transport links, case loads are even lower.

In the UK more generally, it's been the cities showing higher case loads.

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If they get to this time next year, a tighter race than you might think on here given the demographics on here. 

I should have added that a lot of people are struggling with mental health at the moment. Not to easy to just choose to get on with it.

For some obese people, it is also a mental health thing. Same message applies

For some obese people, they are just lazy and dont want to do it.

The first two groups need help. The third group just need some home truths and to take some responsibility
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The problem with that argument is that fatties were not going to the gym and playing 5-a-sides before all this.
Oh I agree, but I meant that it more typified how obesity is treated in this country. It's not a priority and theres no great rush to try and help change attitudes towards it. Obesity is a complex issue, but if the government are being seen to find ways to promote and encourage physical activity then it might be a small start.

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2 minutes ago, renton said:

Without looking too deeply into it, in Scotland the highest case loads have been consistently in Glasgow and the surrounding suburban sprawl in Lanarkshire which represents Scotland's greatest population density.

Meanwhile, the Borders and Highlands, rural areas with sparse populations have had lower case loads relative to the rest of the nation, and have been better able to get the case loads down quicker. In the Western Isles with the more isolated transport links, case loads are even lower.

In the UK more generally, it's been the cities showing higher case loads.

True to an extent, however it wouldn't explain why Aberdeen City is one of the best areas and also why the likes of London wasn't completely massacred.

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2 minutes ago, Aufc said:


I should have added that a lot of people are struggling with mental health at the moment. Not to easy to just choose to get on with it.

For some obese people, it is also a mental health thing. Same message applies

For some obese people, they are just lazy and dont want to do it.

The first two groups need help. The third group just need some home truths and to take some responsibility


There's a 4th group that choose not to do anything about their mental struggles, everyone that struggles doesn't have a mental illness yet. 

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could we stop all this "Fat" talk please, i'm just about to head out to the bakers and I fully intend to gorge myself on a variety of freshly baked cakes and I'd prefer to do it with a clear conscience !!!

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Just now, WATTOO said:

True to an extent, however it wouldn't explain why Aberdeen City is one of the best areas and also why the likes of London wasn't completely massacred.

Aberdeen is relatively cut off.  The nearest city is a good 60+ miles away, and there is little reason why people are coming into Aberdeen from outside at the moment.  

A lot of office based jobs in Aberdeen can be done at home, and there isn't that much in the city that those who live in the Shire would need to travel in for.  The mass vaccination centre, maybe, but that is on the outskirts of the city. 

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