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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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22 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

Pictures of the Poster Boys reopening today on the news. Everyone wearing masks in the street as well as inside shops. Imagine the scenes on here if that was required in the UK to reopen.

What on Earth are you on about? :lol:

This will undoubtedly still be required when we first ease restrictions, and I don’t think anybody expects otherwise. Bizarre comment.

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1 minute ago, parsforlife said:

The vast majority of the adult population aren’t offered flu vaccine routinely free of charge,  so there’s a massive difference.

Anyone can buy a flu vaccine for about a fiver in a chemist. The issue clearly isn't cost or availability.

In my work staff are offered it for a quid. Very few people take it. 

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9 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

What on Earth are you on about? :lol:

This will undoubtedly still be required when we first ease restrictions, and I don’t think anybody expects otherwise. Bizarre comment.

A poster has spent his Sunday arguing that we should base easing our restrictions on what is happening in Tel-Aviv, regardless of what is going on in our hospitals and icus. 

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The weird thing is that an unvaccinated portion of the population isn't going to lead to serious illness amongst vaccinated people, put stress on the NHS or threaten the efficiency of the vaccine. It's also extremely likely that a high proportion will have developed natural immunity anyway during the first two waves.

Which has to make you wonder why all the fuss?

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10 hours ago, Detournement said:

Anyone can buy a flu vaccine for about a fiver in a chemist. The issue clearly isn't cost or availability.

In my work staff are offered it for a quid. Very few people take it. 

There’s a massive difference between the flu vaccine approach to non-vulnerable adults where it’s ‘well you’ll be fine, but if you want to pay, take time off work and book a vaccine that’s ok’.    And refusing and NHS appointment to receive a covid vax.  The approach to Flu vaccines is very slack compared to the Likes of MMR.  Covid vacinss are being handled much more like the later than the later 


Edited by parsforlife
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41 minutes ago, Ad Lib said:

We don't yet know what proportion of the population need to be vaccinated for herd immunity to be achieved. This figure is variable and may be higher for certain variants than others.

I don't give a shit about "polling". I give a shit about what actually happens. You cannot project the behaviour of a cohort, a significant proportion of which are in care homes to the population at large.

Err, yes we do and can:


If you took the care to read literally the first thing I said on the matter I said that those who refuse to take the vaccine against medical advice should be ostracised; not those who have medical justification for not having taken it. Any vaccine passport would be able to accommodate exempt persons.

You should be required to show your papers because it proves you are complying with public health guidance, and therefore that you are complying with the steps that are considered medically advisable to protect the population at large. Your liberties are less important than the health of the population as a whole.

This health crisis is going to carry on well into 2022. Unless we literally shut out entire continents from travel into Europe, the virus is going to continue to mutate and to produce highly infectious variants, some of which will resist the vaccines we're handing out at the moment better than current variants.

The reason for this is straightforward: we simply aren't getting vaccines out quickly enough on a global scale. By the time parts of sub-Saharan Africa, for example, have got anywhere close to vaccine take-up in the region needed for herd immunity, we cannot say with confidence that the vaccines we encouraged everyone to take in the first half of 2021 are going to be effective when someone coughs their way through customs from Johannesburg.

Consistently the mistake our governments have made is not to lock down hard enough or early enough, and there's an even bigger risk of that if people go "oh shut up we've got to learn to live with it". This is going to be a global problem for several years yet, and it runs a serious risk of flare-ups in the western world because international travel exists and all it takes is one person to slip through the net and you have the South African variant all over again.

This is misinformed psycho talk which doesn't even merit debate.

Of course, this fits rather nicely with the fact that global cases are plumetting, including in South Africa and India:


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1 hour ago, Detournement said:

I think "guidance" becomes "coercion" when you are forced to comply with it.

I agree. I am arguing for coercion. Mandatory vaccination.

1 hour ago, Detournement said:

Bootlickers who tweet Laura Knuessberg are going to love this but hopefully when ordinary people start to understand what building this infrastructure means there will be huge resistance.

It's really not complicated. It's a sheet of paper saying you've been vaccinated or are exempt.

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41 minutes ago, Detournement said:

What As Lib is talking about here is excluding a large chunk of the population who are likely to disproportionately be BAME from NHS services because they choose not to take the vaccine.

I support any and all measures that will lead to a higher uptake of the vaccine amongst groups that are less likely to take it and to do so explicitly contrary to what is medically advised.

This would be much simpler if we simply made it mandatory and vaccinated them against their will.

41 minutes ago, Detournement said:

He's made a rip roaring arse of himself and has probably only posted this under the influence of bevvy but he's done us a favour by letting us know what the mood is amongst the rank and file political class is. 

"The rank and file political class"

I think it's you who's been on the bevvy.

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1 minute ago, Lyle Lanley said:

Roadmap for England apparently: 

March 8th: Golf/Tennis

Mid April: Gyms

May: Cinemas/Theatre/Indoor Pubs/Restaurants.

August: Foreign holidays/Nightclubs

Can see the SG doing similar.

Nightclubs in August would surely mean social distancing canned by then? I suppose that ties in with their aim to have every adult to be given at least one dose by end of July. 

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4 minutes ago, Detournement said:

I don't think people should be compelled to undergo medical treatment based on how the government distributes it.

No-one of right mind should be compelled to undergo medical treatment.

the preservation of life argument doesn’t wash for me.  Women are  allowed to choose to terminate a life with no medical reason at all.  How can we say this section of society has the right to absolutely terminate life but this other section isn’t allowed to potentially risk life?

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3 minutes ago, Ad Lib said:

I agree. I am arguing for coercion. Mandatory vaccination.

It's really not complicated. It's a sheet of paper saying you've been vaccinated or are exempt.

Mandatory vaccination is illegal under ECHR.  

Blair's plan involves biometrics and digital IDs. If it's just paper all you have to do is borrow one to go to a gig.


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2 minutes ago, Scosha said:

Nightclubs in August would surely mean social distancing canned by then? I suppose that ties in with their aim to have every adult to be given at least one dose by end of July. 

Would also mean fans back in stadiums with full capacity by then. Which ties in with them offering to host the Euro’s. 

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Roadmap for England apparently: 

March 8th: Golf/Tennis

Mid April: Gyms

May: Cinemas/Theatre/Indoor Pubs/Restaurants.

August: Foreign holidays/Nightclubs

Can see the SG doing similar.
This seems wildly optimistic given the language everyone has been using so far, but would make sense if they are in possession of solid UK data about vaccine efficacy/impact so far.

Absolutely no one gives a f**k about tennis though and we already have golf, so just pop gyms in there please. Or even outdoor group exercise.
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4 minutes ago, Ad Lib said:




"The rank and file political class"

I think it's you who's been on the bevvy.

Sadly not. 

Given that you have done a tour of duty as  electoral cannon fodder and apparently work in Westminster at the service of MPs and their staff it seems like a fair description.

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Roadmap for England apparently: 

March 8th: Golf/Tennis

Mid April: Gyms

May: Cinemas/Theatre/Indoor Pubs/Restaurants.

August: Foreign holidays/Nightclubs

Can see the SG doing similar.
After some of the doom and gloom "lockdown until Autumn" suggestions that were flying about at the beginning of the week, I'd take that.

I expect the Scottish approach will be a lot more cautious right enough.
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