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7 minutes ago, 101 said:

Yeh I agree maybe even bin it in lower areas and watch the effect, we need to see what happens once it's gone and it would make little sense to have a leap of faith or wait until you have 80% vaccinated adults.

Yeah it's a step that will need to be taken at some point. Though I don't expect this to be until a few weeks after every adult has been offered the first dose.

Going to be a lot of headscratching and confused experts when nothing bad happens, mind, with some desperate claims about asymptomatic mutations in an attempt to stay relevant.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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3 minutes ago, Burnieman said:

So can we assume that "you'll have had your furlough" still stands, apart from maybe some targeted areas.

Hopefully, then the lockdown lovers will be forced to wake up to reality and get off their arses.

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11 minutes ago, realmadrid said:


So no foreign holidays until we've offered everyone the vaccine.

That's pretty much what people on here have been suggesting might / should be the case.

Maybe people should be able to travel before then if they have been vaccinated / quarantine on return. But they are going to wait a bit to see more real world results before making that decision i'd say.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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7 minutes ago, Snafu said:

Scottish vaccine roll-out working, data suggests

Vaccination has been linked to a substantial reduction in the risk of Covid-19 admissions to Scotland’s hospitals, landmark research suggests.


I do love these headlines. "Medicine works, eh!" 

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3 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

So no foreign holidays until we've offered everyone the vaccine.

That's pretty much what people on here have been suggesting might / should be the case.

I think some had hoped the UK /England would open up earlier and we would follow

More from Simon Calder on the UK stay at home situation


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25 minutes ago, superbigal said:

Aberdeen now has only 61 infections from around 230,000 population, and cases per 100K  is into the 20s. Probably more bus drivers in Falkirk with the virus.  Inverclyde has nearly fallen off the charts.

Inverclyde  55.3 to 50.1  Another great day for Scotland's most deprived council area.



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42 minutes ago, 101 said:

No chance stadiums will be open beyond the 300 limit this season. SFA/ SPFL won't push for more relaxed approach as it will never be able to accommodate Celtic and Rangers fans from around Scotland and the isle of Ireland coming together. 

Imo it would be perfectly sensible to open all grounds to home and away fans in 40 of the 42 SPFL stadiums, but for some reason they won't do that.

There wont be any chance of fans at stadiums as SpOrTs ArE bAd. Absolutely no reason why there shouldn't be a significant number of fans at stadiums though. Your man Pennington said this weekend that outdoor transmission is 20 times less likely than indoors. Having a few hundred people inside the supermarket is alright but not outdoors at sport 🙄

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Just now, Thereisalight.. said:

There wont be any chance of fans at stadiums as SpOrTs ArE bAd. Absolutely no reason why there shouldn't be a significant number of fans at stadiums though. Your man Pennington said this weekend that outdoor transmission is 20 times less likely than indoors. Having a few hundred people inside the supermarket is alright but not outdoors at sport 🙄

The SFA/SPFL should be lobbying harder utterly mental that they let 300 pile into one stand whilst 3 other stands were empty. The fact we have never had an event with say every other seat in use or similar is ridiculous.

No point comparing supermarkets to sport one is clearly more essential than the other and you don't spend 80/90 mins in close quarters with someone in a supermarket. What would be a farce is Cinemas and Bingo halls open before stadiums.

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Just now, 101 said:

The SFA/SPFL should be lobbying harder utterly mental that they let 300 pile into one stand whilst 3 other stands were empty. The fact we have never had an event with say every other seat in use or similar is ridiculous.

No point comparing supermarkets to sport one is clearly more essential than the other and you don't spend 80/90 mins in close quarters with someone in a supermarket. What would be a farce is Cinemas and Bingo halls open before stadiums.

You clearly never see the auld women clogging up the aisles nattering for what seems like 90 mins! Joking aside, if cinemas and bingo halls open before stadiums then that tells you all you need to know. 

I still cringe at the test event at Murrayfield. About 500 fans in a stadium of that size. What the fck did that show 😤

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2 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

I still cringe at the test event at Murrayfield. About 500 fans in a stadium of that size. What the fck did that show 😤

There were about as many stewards there as people too. Wiping down toilets after each use etc.

It was a totally pointless exercise, as was proven by the inability to scale it, or any subsequent 'test' event, up.

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7 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

They did pubs before stadiums previously.

Hospitality rightly should open before entertainment settings imo 


4 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

There were about as many stewards there as people too. Wiping down toilets after each use etc.

It was a totally pointless exercise, as was proven by the inability to scale it, or any subsequent 'test' event, up.

Excellent test in how much cash you can fling at G4S but agree unless you are testing flow of people you need to do it in all occupiable stands having 300 people in a stand tests f**k all in terms of a path to opening things up.

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