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32 minutes ago, jagfox BLM said:

Spoke with somebody at work about if they were getting the vaccine or not.

They said no, which found a bit surprising but apparently they are vegan and won't take it as it has been tested on animals...

Any P&Bers abstaining on ethical grounds?

There's going to be a surprising number of people who don't take the vaccine.

My wife's granny is refusing to take it because she took the flu vaccine last year and took some really rough side effects from it. Explained to her a million times that last years flu vaccine was a particularly rough one, that there are no serious side effects from this one other than a day of muscle pains after each shot but it's making no difference.

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2 minutes ago, 101 said:

Utterly mental attitude if you take veganism to that degree you are basically going to have to refuse most if not all drug based medical treatment in a hospital. 

When you ask these c***s what the alternative is they say it should be tested on humans. When you ask them if they'd be happy volunteering for the test they always say "naw". They're fucking idiots and if vaccine passports are going to stop complete fucking wet wipes like that being in my vicinity when I'm out enjoying myself then a data gathering "freedom" app is a small price to pay. 

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1 hour ago, Stormzy said:

Ahahahah 😂😂😂.....

Some of you are so far gone. What an incredibly stupid, sycophant type of post. 

You are currently aware of the scandal engulfing the SG right now yeah? 

Saint Nic though...

Are you just jumping in to slate every post that compares the SG and Westminster or actually do you intend to express your own opinion and contribute to the thread?  

Edited by latapythelegend
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2 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

When you ask these c***s what the alternative is they say it should be tested on humans. When you ask them if they'd be happy volunteering for the test they always say "naw". They're fucking idiots and if vaccine passports are going to stop complete fucking wet wipes like that being in my vicinity when I'm out enjoying myself then a data gathering "freedom" app is a small price to pay. 

I think mandatory facial tattoos for those refusing the vaccine, for any other reason than allergies. Because sure as shit if these folk get run over, their moral dilemma flies out the window (:whistle) and they suddenly are on as many drugs as they can get. 

The "freedom passport" should be part of a broader bit of work to make us for more modern for example driving license and passports should be digital documents not made of paper or plastic.

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Just now, 101 said:

The "freedom passport" should be part of a broader bit of work to make us for more modern for example driving license and passports should be digital documents not made of paper or plastic.

Not sure I agree with that, anything that goes fully digital becomes IMHO more suspect to fraud and theft. it's not healthy to fully rely on IT systems. 

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2 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

Not sure I agree with that, anything that goes fully digital becomes IMHO more suspect to fraud and theft. it's not healthy to fully rely on IT systems. 

You passport is just a key to a database like when they get swiped at an airport I assume it just brings up all the information on the holder no reason that it could be an app with a photo card and basically a QR code or showing the current visas you hold and the countries you have visited.

If you know the right people you can get a passport made and I don't doubt if it was electronic you could also get someone to make a good imitation but if you could get the terminals that the border force folk sit are augment the app then I think without actually hacking the background code undetected then I think it would be fairly difficult to commit fraud.

And IT systems are only as good as the programming and design which is why the public sector need to have a good skill base inside their organisations rather than handing entire projects over to the private sector with non technical oversight.

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7 minutes ago, Snafu said:

I'm sure Pfizer supply other countries with their vaccine who have also had an unexpected supply drop off. Surely you are not going to blame all of their governments for that?

It's. Not. Unexpected.

I'm not 'blaming' the SG for the reduction in supply. But they are misleading people by pretending it's a bit of a surprise.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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Sturgeon is being a bit cany here. Very vague with it all but only a 3 week turn around compared to Boris saying 5 weeks in England. 

Infection is already far lower in Scotland and with an election in May don't be surprised to see some steps brought forward in time for the polls opening. 

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9 minutes ago, 101 said:

You passport is just a key to a database like when they get swiped at an airport I assume it just brings up all the information on the holder no reason that it could be an app with a photo card and basically a QR code or showing the current visas you hold and the countries you have visited.

If you know the right people you can get a passport made and I don't doubt if it was electronic you could also get someone to make a good imitation but if you could get the terminals that the border force folk sit are augment the app then I think without actually hacking the background code undetected then I think it would be fairly difficult to commit fraud.

And IT systems are only as good as the programming and design which is why the public sector need to have a good skill base inside their organisations rather than handing entire projects over to the private sector with non technical oversight.

All very true. I think it's more of a comfort thing having a physical passport, a physical driving license. Having something tangible gives an air of security and the illusion of some control to a degree. 

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11 minutes ago, 101 said:

You passport is just a key to a database like when they get swiped at an airport I assume it just brings up all the information on the holder no reason that it could be an app with a photo card and basically a QR code or showing the current visas you hold and the countries you have visited.

If you know the right people you can get a passport made and I don't doubt if it was electronic you could also get someone to make a good imitation but if you could get the terminals that the border force folk sit are augment the app then I think without actually hacking the background code undetected then I think it would be fairly difficult to commit fraud.

And IT systems are only as good as the programming and design which is why the public sector need to have a good skill base inside their organisations rather than handing entire projects over to the private sector with non technical oversight.

Fully digital systems are well known to exclude groups like the elderly who do not embrace digital.  This may change in a few years as younger generations that have known digital all their lives become the elderly but is totally impractical at the moment.

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35 minutes ago, 101 said:

Utterly mental attitude if you take veganism to that degree you are basically going to have to refuse most if not all drug based medical treatment in a hospital. 

I agree it's a strange attitude (from yours and my perspective) but who are we to decide someone else's morals and ethics are wrong?  Veganism is like religion to some people.  Some are more fanatical about it than others.

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2 minutes ago, pub car king said:

Sturgeon is being a bit cany here. Very vague with it all but only a 3 week turn around compared to Boris saying 5 weeks in England. 

Infection is already far lower in Scotland and with an election in May don't be surprised to see some steps brought forward in time for the polls opening. 

I think there is some truth in what you say, the opinion polls will have a massive influence on the policy throughout April and May.  NS did say that if downward trends continue then they may make changes faster so she is giving herself wiggle room. 

The May election is massively significant, as I've said before.  If we are in a situation whereby level 3 is all we are getting (and it may well be even more limited than it is just now) then more and more businesses will be folding and unemployment will continue to rise.  It's not a great situation for any incumbent government going into an election.

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Just now, Left Back said:

I agree it's a strange attitude (from yours and my perspective) but who are we to decide someone else's morals and ethics are wrong?  Veganism is like religion to some people.  Some are more fanatical about it than others.

I'm deciding it's wrong based on the fact they will almost certainly change their morals and ethics when it suits them, for example they aren't going to refuse treatment if they are seriously ill, well I highly doubt they will.

The most fanatical religious people are either kept away from society in communes and such or blow folk up. I wouldn't criticise a monk because their life and choices have no bearing on mine, good luck to them. I will decide that blowing people up is wrong because it is the wrong thing to do. 

There are ways to practice faith in s fanatical way but I personally believe it should be done in a way that doesn't impact other, so if the vegans want to go off and live in a camp with littler or no medical aid on the understanding that if anything goes wrong no one is coming to help then fair enough but say the person had Covid was then admitted into hospital for something they felt they could excuse their morals for they could be putting people at risk who don't have a choice to take the vaccine or not. Sorry that's a bit of a ramble.

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I think there is some truth in what you say, the opinion polls will have a massive influence on the policy throughout April and May.  NS did say that if downward trends continue then they may make changes faster so she is giving herself wiggle room. 
The May election is massively significant, as I've said before.  If we are in a situation whereby level 3 is all we are getting (and it may well be even more limited than it is just now) then more and more businesses will be folding and unemployment will continue to rise.  It's not a great situation for any incumbent government going into an election.

It will be accelerated if at all possible. I’m confidently predicting indoor hospitality open by the end of April provided we continue the current trends.
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Like most i'm disappointed with yesterday but there does seem little difference to BoJo's in terms of overall timings. I'm expecting little updates before March 15th but will be watching the daily figures, week on week comparisons and infection percentages and hoping they continue to drop (as well as the hospital admissions and ICU beds) to allow a far more detailed update at the next 'milestone'.

The one thing that may be the biggest benefit in helping things move a little quicker (or allow an eased lifting of restrictions) may be the 3 week review timeline the SG are working with

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24 minutes ago, pub car king said:

Sturgeon is being a bit cany here. Very vague with it all but only a 3 week turn around compared to Boris saying 5 weeks in England. 

Infection is already far lower in Scotland and with an election in May don't be surprised to see some steps brought forward in time for the polls opening. 

"Underpromise, Overdeliver." It's not the most original, or fiendishly Machiavellian of strategies.

Boris seems to lean more towards "Overpromise, Blame the foreigners" which is quite reliable and well established as well


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