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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Just now, D.A.F.C said:

I think that people are so desperate now they only want to hear one thing.

As long as it means freedom then everything else is wrong. Same people spent months slagging off the experts they are now praising and following because it sounds like a way out.

Don't blame them tbh. It just annoys me that I get criticised for being objective and if we go back to last March the same folk criticised me when I said it was disgraceful that people were ramming pubs full before lockdown. People get blinkered when it comes to self interest and forget the facts or past events. Again I can see why. It will be interesting to revisit this in a few months.

You're some boy!

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Have they ever mentioned what’s going to happen regarding testing once everyone has been offered the vaccine? Will folk still have to self isolate if they test positive/are a close contact? Surely testing (outwith lateral flow) and test and protect/track and trace should be binned come June or July 

Edited by Thereisalight..
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1 minute ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Have they ever mentioned what’s going to happen regarding testing once everyone has been offered the vaccine? Will folk still have to self isolate if they test positive/are a close contact? Surely testing and test and protect/track and trace should be binned come June or July 

Sounds like a great idea to cut the safety parachutes while numerous scientists and modellers are warning winter might not be the easy ride we hope for. 

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1 minute ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Have they ever mentioned what’s going to happen regarding testing once everyone has been offered the vaccine? Will folk still have to self isolate if they test positive/are a close contact? Surely testing and test and protect/track and trace should be binned come June or July 

Be surprised if you ever have to stop self isolating if you test positive.  Once it gets to a low enough level there's no reason there can't be reasonable financial compensation for doing so in stead of the half arsed scheme there is now.

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18 minutes ago, Jan Vojáček said:

31 deaths of people who had tested positive for Covid have been registered in Scotland since yesterday. 
769 new cases (3.7% of tests) - 967 people in hospital (-51) - 89 patients in ICU (-4)

Figures again heading in the right direction. Really good to see the number of people in hospital now dropping below 1000 too.

Definitely starting to look promising now. I understand what that Prof Mark Woolhouse (Scot Gov adviser) said about the  current situation in Scotland being "delicate and complex" due to his opinion that the decreases are mostly down to the old variant and the new one keeping figures higher, but I am starting to feel slightly hopeful now.

He said: "We're on a knife edge in terms of suppressing new variants, which makes elimination of the new variants, through suppression methods, through lockdown methods, I'm not clear how we could achieve that. We're barely driving it down at all. We need some sustainable ways to deal with these new variants and adjustments to the vaccine would seem to be the primary way."

In saying that, I'll be more convinced when I see updated stats on the ones below from PHS at the start of next week to see if the picture looks a little better.




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4 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Have they ever mentioned what’s going to happen regarding testing once everyone has been offered the vaccine? Will folk still have to self isolate if they test positive/are a close contact? Surely testing (outwith lateral flow) and test and protect/track and trace should be binned come June or July 

I suspect it will be one the public health measures that remains, particularly going into the winter months as it will help monitor the situation.  Testing will probably be scaled back if when cases fall away during Spring and Summer but I'd expected it will still be widespread as a means of controlling and monitoring any resurgences or (sorry for saying it) variants. 

Edited by super_carson
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I think that people are so desperate now they only want to hear one thing.
As long as it means freedom then everything else is wrong. Same people spent months slagging off the experts they are now praising and following because it sounds like a way out.
Don't blame them tbh. It just annoys me that I get criticised for being objective and if we go back to last March the same folk criticised me when I said it was disgraceful that people were ramming pubs full before lockdown. People get blinkered when it comes to self interest and forget the facts or past events. Again I can see why. It will be interesting to revisit this in a few months.
Go and check what objective means.
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1 minute ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Have they ever mentioned what’s going to happen regarding testing once everyone has been offered the vaccine? Will folk still have to self isolate if they test positive/are a close contact? Surely testing and test and protect/track and trace should be binned come June or July 

No, it will need to continue mainly for genomic sequencing of samples to check what variants are kicking about, also as far as I know the vaccine should reduce symptoms so if you have Covid symptoms and then a + Covid test we will need to know why you are displaying symptoms, has the vaccine worn off? Have you got a different strain? Etc. It will be scaled back but can't be canned, no idea about advising people to self isolate, I guess if the breaks are taken off before we get to 80% of the population vaccinated then people will need to isolate.

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9 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

I think that people are so desperate now they only want to hear one thing.

As long as it means freedom then everything else is wrong. Same people spent months slagging off the experts they are now praising and following because it sounds like a way out.

Don't blame them tbh. It just annoys me that I get criticised for being objective and if we go back to last March the same folk criticised me when I said it was disgraceful that people were ramming pubs full before lockdown. People get blinkered when it comes to self interest and forget the facts or past events. Again I can see why. It will be interesting to revisit this in a few months.

I don't envy the burden you carry being so correct all the time. Respect xx

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44 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
3 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:
The 21 June was not arbitrary - you do realise that is Misummer?

He and his advisers knew exactly how it would be taken.

I genuinely hope this is not another over by Autumn/Christmas/April etc moment.

Doing it for the Druids ?

Doing it for the headline writers, more like


or, when it all goes a bit wrong-



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10 minutes ago, Steven W said:

Would be intrigued to know the age groups of these 769 (or more to the point have any of them been vaccinated - suspect not). Although case numbers are remaining at the same kind of level (maybe even dipping a bit, albeit very slowly), it would seem that cases aren't translating into hospitalisations. 

I can picture the move to the tier system being advanced at this rate (although I'm happy to stick with it through to end of Apr)

The data is available here.


Rates of positive tests is falling in all age groups.  Due to the lockdown, its hard to interpret what is due to vaccination and what is due to restrictions.

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19 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Not entirely sure what you’re suggesting the alternative is? Why should we care about people who won’t get seriously ill from a virus, potentially getting that virus?

"Won't get seriously ill".. Can you guarantee that? Probably won't, I'll grant you. And we should care because we're not entirely self-centred.  I can empathise with folk getting the virus but not badly enough affected to be hospitalised. It's a bit of a cúnt for a few days, but the weeks of lethargy and aches afterwards are shite.

As for this falkirk school, we should care because if this situation is replicated across the country (Scotland or UK) that's an awful lot of parents having to arrange short-term childcare*, and affecting the resilience of a lot of SMEs trying to get back on their feet. No part of society stands or falls alone, and silo thinking won't help anyone.

*Not sure if grandparents can come back into the labour pool yet, as most of them will have been jagged at least once - except in Dundee, where they haven't got to the under-forties yet.


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34 minutes ago, madwullie said:

Sounds like a great idea to cut the safety parachutes while numerous scientists and modellers are warning winter might not be the easy ride we hope for. 

Models have been consistently wrong.

Modellers forecasting a terrible winter when we have a number of ridiculously effective vaccines is not dissimilar to the "worst winter in YEARS!" projections we see every year.

They are only saying so because they don't want to say "it'll be fine" in case something happens (as they will get blamed / damage reputation), but are able to say "told you so" if the unlikely happens.

Its a win-win for them. Nobody is going to be sitting in a pub next winter going "what about those daft modellers getting it wrong again, eh?" as the vaccines continue to chain smoke Cohibas.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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23 minutes ago, Aladdin said:

The data is available here.


Rates of positive tests is falling in all age groups.  Due to the lockdown, its hard to interpret what is due to vaccination and what is due to restrictions.

Of course. Lockdown will muddy the data a bit re vaccinations

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26 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

I think that people are so desperate now they only want to hear one thing.

As long as it means freedom then everything else is wrong. Same people spent months slagging off the experts they are now praising and following because it sounds like a way out.

Don't blame them tbh. It just annoys me that I get criticised for being objective and if we go back to last March the same folk criticised me when I said it was disgraceful that people were ramming pubs full before lockdown. People get blinkered when it comes to self interest and forget the facts or past events. Again I can see why. It will be interesting to revisit this in a few months.

Got to be honest, mate, you're coming across as contrarian rather than objective.

Nobody depises the Tories more than I, but the rollout of the Vaccine (by the NHS, and please remember this at the next GE) is steamrollering over even their incompetence. The howling gammon on the backbenches want the economy going, and they'll get their way fairly soon.  Will we get foreign holidays this year? still in the balance. Will we get to watch the occasional match or go to a play at the end of summer? Probably. Will I, a cancer and stroke survivor, end up dying in a hospital separated from my loved ones? Probably, in fact almost definitely not. That will absolutely do me as a first step to recovery, and we'll see how (and how fast) things go from here.

Posters on here, as elsewhere on P&B (and elsewhere on the Net) can get fixated on these issues, and believe that reading a few graphs or studies makes them an expert. Unfortunately, even real experts have spent the last year feeling their way in the dark (novel coronavirus, remember) and getting things right and wrong - sometimes spectacularly wrong. The Main Players on here must be the fittest posters around, from all the jumping to conclusions they've done over the last year - especially in the six months since Covid-19 ended as a Public Health crisis.

There are some on here whom you will never convince that schools are anything other than state childcare, that pubs don't increase infection, or that football matches are anything other than completely safe and everybody is being denied their football fix because of the Ugly Sisters. A lot of people have struggled with their Mental Health throughout this shitshow, and my heart goes out to anyone furloughed to the joys of their own four walls or cast onto the scrapheap as their employers cut their losses, but if you want to see examples of realtime deterioration, just read this thread in its entirety.

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2 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

Got to be honest, mate, you're coming across as contrarian rather than objective.

Nobody depises the Tories more than I, but the rollout of the Vaccine (by the NHS, and please remember this at the next GE) is steamrollering over even their incompetence. The howling gammon on the backbenches want the economy going, and they'll get their way fairly soon.  Will we get foreign holidays this year? still in the balance. Will we get to watch the occasional match or go to a play at the end of summer? Probably. Will I, a cancer and stroke survivor, end up dying in a hospital separated from my loved ones? Probably, in fact almost definitely not. That will absolutely do me as a first step to recovery, and we'll see how (and how fast) things go from here.

Posters on here, as elsewhere on P&B (and elsewhere on the Net) can get fixated on these issues, and believe that reading a few graphs or studies makes them an expert. Unfortunately, even real experts have spent the last year feeling their way in the dark (novel coronavirus, remember) and getting things right and wrong - sometimes spectacularly wrong. The Main Players on here must be the fittest posters around, from all the jumping to conclusions they've done over the last year - especially in the six months since Covid-19 ended as a Public Health crisis.

There are some on here whom you will never convince that schools are anything other than state childcare, that pubs don't increase infection, or that football matches are anything other than completely safe and everybody is being denied their football fix because of the Ugly Sisters. A lot of people have struggled with their Mental Health throughout this shitshow, and my heart goes out to anyone furloughed to the joys of their own four walls or cast onto the scrapheap as their employers cut their losses, but if you want to see examples of realtime deterioration, just read this thread in its entirety.

Agree, good post. It's easy to get sucked into arguments. I'm guilty of it.

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15 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Models have been consistently wrong.

Modellers forecasting a terrible winter when we have a number of ridiculously effective vaccines is not dissimilar to the "worst winter in YEARS!" projections we see every year.

They are only saying so because they don't want to say "it'll be fine" if something happens (as they will get blamed / damage reputation), and are able to say "told you so" if the unlikely happens.

Its a win-win for them. Nobody is going to be sitting in a pub next winter going "what about those daft modellers getting it wrong again, eh?" as the vaccines continue to chain smoke Cohibas.

I didn't mention a terrible winter, nor have the numerous modellers or scientists (including Whitty et al) who have suggested we may have to have some restrictions in place. 

Just to be clear, you're saying that those who say we may have a rocky winter are all only saying it to cover their arses? Scientists globally at this crucial juncture for the human race are chortling away at their cunning scoring a win-win? 

Regardless, it is an utterly stupid suggestion that we bin track and trace at not quite the the arse end of a pandemic, no matter how optimistic we're all feeling, when we've still to see how it fully plays out. IMO we should keep some of that infrastructure in place for the foreseeable anyway. 

Edited by madwullie
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