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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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19 minutes ago, madwullie said:

tbh mate, I was just thinking last night, if anyone's mental health isn't in a great place, this thread probably isn't the best place to be. 

Covid has such a big effect on folk that it can get pretty grim and confrontational in here (me included) and the smallest bit of bad news snowballs and gets magnified so easily, and it's all too easy to take stuff personally, or blow it out of proportion 


I also think the opposite can be true. Some of the most positive moments I’ve felt recently have come after reading this thread. Today a prime example where the good aspects of what Sturgeon has said have been amplified to give people hope.

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The news that all secondary pupils are expected to be back part-time by 15 March will have thrown a lot of schools' planning. .

Most were looking af Seniors being back 50% of the time - I assume they'll run with the blended timetables that were already in place.

I can see a lot of secondaries running Easter Study in an attempt to get pupils back on track for the mountains of assessment after the holidays.

Deadline for estimates is 25 June - most LAs will have an earlier internal deadline - in Dundee's case this will be 11 June. Given that assessment has to marked, internally cross-marked, and moderated across schools in an LA - this is going to be a tough ask.

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21 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

The news that all secondary pupils are expected to be back part-time by 15 March will have thrown a lot of schools' planning. .

Most were looking af Seniors being back 50% of the time - I assume they'll run with the blended timetables that were already in place.

I can see a lot of secondaries running Easter Study in an attempt to get pupils back on track for the mountains of assessment after the holidays.

Deadline for estimates is 25 June - most LAs will have an earlier internal deadline - in Dundee's case this will be 11 June. Given that assessment has to marked, internally cross-marked, and moderated across schools in an LA - this is going to be a tough ask.

We have already said we're not doing Easter school. I reckon our online engagement will be better than most schools in fairness. 

We were planning for S4-6 coming back on the 15th. The S5/6 have an exam timetable for pre-Easter, then a second one for mid/late May, with the S4 doing one exam in between.

I get the argument of wanting all the kids to have some contact back at school, but I genuinely think the S1 and 2 could have been left until after Easter. The quality of home learning stuff is about to get much worse.

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8 minutes ago, RH33 said:

My kids school seem to have some of the p4-7 in in afternoon who were needing bit catch up.

Depending on your authority/school, I think there is some discretion as to what would be classed as "vulnerable" and whether or not they could have a hub place.  

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Just back from the LJ, that was unlike any injection I've ever had. I literally didn't feel a thing. I've had a few tetanus jags over the years and you always feel a wee p***k as it goes in your arse (aye, alright, insert Kenneth Williams meme) but as I say, with this, nothing.
ETA, no I didn't get the AZ vaccine in my gluteus maximus, it was my upper arm but still, didn't feel anything.
The wife had hers on Sunday - at East End Park no less, I can't believe she's been there more than I have this year - and said much the same. Was sat waiting for the "just a little scratch" patter they say before the actual injection but was then told "that's you, you'll get a letter about your second jag in about 10 weeks".

On schools, I can't see blended learning working at all. The kids who are in (let's say 10 of the 20 in a practical class) will taught be a teacher, but the other 10? Online works to an extent as teachers can use the time they'd normally be teaching to make new materials, do marking (which takes about 4 times longer on Teams), etc. and recently we've been doing live lessons for S3-6 too. So that will all stop. Then who knows how they'll allocate classes - picking the 10 first alphabetically in one of my Higher classes to use an example means I'd see 10 but of those 10, how many will be in a Higher maths class with other kids who are doing Biology or History or whatever instead of Physics? Absolute madness.
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10 minutes ago, super_carson said:

Depending on your authority/school, I think there is some discretion as to what would be classed as "vulnerable" and whether or not they could have a hub place.  

No this is separate, started this week and aren’t in ‘hub’.

Mine have had two days all way through and wee one went to four days last week as I was on edge and she was struggling. For the two previous weeks her teacher had offered excellent support.

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1 minute ago, RH33 said:

No this is separate, started this week and aren’t in ‘hub’.

Mine have had two days all way through and wee one went to four days last week as I was on edge and she was struggling. For the two previous weeks her teacher had offered excellent support.

Ah that's brilliant they've been able to do that then.  Hopefully it helps you guys out too, and that things settle down for you guys come the 15th. 

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I've seen that some places are looking at prelims from the 15 March onwards - personally I think that is nuts.

Even those who have coped well with remote learning are going to need face-to-face teaching to prepare them for assessments. There will also be a lot of subjects where they are still teaching parts of the course that are too difficult to teach at home.

We've already had to move pupils to alternative courses like the NPA because they have not coped.

My priority will be to get pupils up to speed and prepare them well for the amended SQA assessment.

I also fear that we may see a lot more legal challenges this year from disgruntled parents - a prelim that pupils are ill-prepared to carry out would add fuel to the fire.

We would never have been in this position if Swinney has put less trust in SQA and more in teachers who were saying that there was going to be an issue if a decision over exams was not made early. Sadly it's been proven to be true that the SQA could not run a piss up in a brewery.

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3 hours ago, Jan Vojáček said:

Looking at that has made me extremely relieved I went for my walk on Saturday in South Inch and not North Inch. 

wait until next week as all the rules went out the window in Perth on Sunday for about 18 hours from 10am to 2am on Monday morning. Christmas 2.0

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6 hours ago, Elixir said:



That Trish Greenhalgh is absolutely fucking nuts, as is her Twitter following. warnock.png

Err, no, I won't be wearing a mask when I'm out running, you utter psycho. wiggo.png

Had a quick look at her Twitter profile and well there's a surprise! 


Does feel like for some of these FBPE types, coronavirus is merely an extension of the utterly mind-numbing Brexit debate that plagued Twitter for four years.

Just another chance for them to go "look how much smarter we are than the other side", this time with objective* science on their side.

*Rather fucking sketchy. :lol:

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1 hour ago, super_carson said:

Ah that's brilliant they've been able to do that then.  Hopefully it helps you guys out too, and that things settle down for you guys come the 15th. 

I’d been off sick and in psych before Christmas. I was back and getting two days hub but occ health chucked me out. Head kept places as support and as I wasn’t expecting so long going through occ health.

By last Monday I was broken again, head called Tuesday and offered two extra days on spot. We broke about two weeks before the summer holidays last time round! Generally the kids school been very good with work and support. 

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1 hour ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

I've seen that some places are looking at prelims from the 15 March onwards - personally I think that is nuts.

Even those who have coped well with remote learning are going to need face-to-face teaching to prepare them for assessments. There will also be a lot of subjects where they are still teaching parts of the course that are too difficult to teach at home.

We've already had to move pupils to alternative courses like the NPA because they have not coped.

My priority will be to get pupils up to speed and prepare them well for the amended SQA assessment.

I also fear that we may see a lot more legal challenges this year from disgruntled parents - a prelim that pupils are ill-prepared to carry out would add fuel to the fire.

We would never have been in this position if Swinney has put less trust in SQA and more in teachers who were saying that there was going to be an issue if a decision over exams was not made early. Sadly it's been proven to be true that the SQA could not run a piss up in a brewery.

The decision was made early, especially with National 5s.

It'll be fine.  The kids will have lost about 8 weeks this session.  Courses have often been altered to allow for that though.  Rather than a fortnight or so after Easter before study leave kicks in, this time, seniors will remain in class until late June.  

A prelim in late April, followed by a final assessment in early June or thereabouts will allow it all to conclude fine.  It'll surely be better than last year when lots of teachers, faculties, schools and authorities proved they couldn't be trusted not to inflate grades wildly.


The thing that annoys me is this pretence at 'Blended Learning'.  That's not what will happen.  Kids will be given work when in class.  They'll probably be given further homework ahead of when they're next in.  They won't also get online lessons though, because the other kids will need taught when the first ones aren't there.  Otherwise, there won't be social distancing.

Sorting out the details of it will be a big headache for schools, but it's basically good news, even if my kid in S3 is less convinced.


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