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Just now, madwullie said:

Lone behold, its not like you to hysterically hyperbolise to make a non-point. I make that, erm, 0-0 after some trademark wild flailing from your good self. 

^^^ word salad

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4 minutes ago, madwullie said:

You have let Devi and Leitch get so under your skin that you're completely entrenched the other way. You were on this non story like a dog at a bag of chips becusee it gave you the chance to put the boot in. Trivialising people's rights and freedoms. Calm down. 

Yes, imagine letting the policy advisers who have been wheeled out by the government at every turn annoy you. Hahahahaha should totally grow up and learn to read between the lines eh

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11 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

The reactions to every rumour, speculation, social media post and press article appears to get more extreme by the day.

Anything positive is lauded with cigars and anything negative gets the P&B equivalent of a pile on. All this whether the actual article generating the reaction is factually right, wrong or indifferent.

The recent pattern has been one of the pile on only for everyone to pick themselves up off said pile one at a time, dust themselves down and then light up a cigar as the initial story turns out to be just that, a story. It must be the light getting brighter and bigger at the end of the tunnel effect.

Haha totally. 

"Aha, I knew this was the case all along." "They changed their minds because of us." 

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1 minute ago, Bairnardo said:

Yes, imagine letting the policy advisers who have been wheeled out by the government at every turn annoy you. Hahahahaha should totally grow up and learn to read between the lines eh

No mate, just calm down a bit and see what actually happens rather than believing whatever click bait that comes along that tallies with your prejudices. 

Fucking hell - things are looking better than they've done for months, yet every day on here there's a new (non) crisis that people are getting genuinely spittle-flecked furious about, that turns out not to be a crisis. 

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2 hours ago, virginton said:

Amazed that UEFA aren't willing to accept 'data not dates!!!111!!!' as a credible answer from the SG in trying to organise their own tournament, if only the dentist could take a week off Off the Ball and jet out to Switzerland to persuade them.

It's almost like businesses and events need to be able to plan. The clueless clowns in Government are probably expecting UEFA and others to know precisely when Mount Florida will be below five cases per 100,000 and that there's less than three auld biddies in Glasgow Royal Infirmary.

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Perhaps UEFA took another look at the logistics of reshuffling a pan-European international tournament at two months' notice and thought 'nope, we actually need a clearer idea of this sooner than we anticipated'. Which is entirely their right to demand, given that they're tasked with running the tournament.
Why you think that this is an inexplicable and scandalous imposition is beyond me, other than for your usual M.O. of white knighting the government's stance on anything and everything of course. 
The decision was scheduled to be made around now, however UEFA themselves delayed it a month until April to allow more time, they done that a few weeks ago.
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No update yet today people.  

Update - Tableau Engineers continue to investigating the issue preventing users from viewing and interacting with Tableau Public. Next update will be when new information becomes available.
Mar 4, 14:27 UTC

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4 minutes ago, madwullie said:

No mate, just calm down a bit and see what actually happens rather than believing whatever click bait that comes along that tallies with your prejudices. 

Fucking hell - things are looking better than they've done for months, yet every day on here there's a new (non) crisis that people are getting genuinely spittle-flecked furious about, that turns out not to be a crisis. 

Sorry m8, but this is patronising "I'm handling the pandemic better than you, let me now advise you what to think" nonsense

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11 minutes ago, madwullie said:

You have let Devi and Leitch get so under your skin that you're completely entrenched the other way. You were on this non story like a dog at a bag of chips becusee it gave you the chance to put the boot in. Trivialising people's rights and freedoms. Calm down. 

Yes imagine letting the people who have been heavily influencing the government response to this pandemic which has been categorically fucking shite from the fucking get go annoy me. Imagine me having an issue with Leitch who thought we shouldnt worry about wearing masks and that it was a good idea to have an old firm game and lewis capaldi concerts when a new virus we knew nothing about was spreading. The same man who is gunning to get churches open back up as a priority yet folks can’t even meet their parents in the park for a coffee. Then yes also Devi, yes the same ‘make your own sunshine’ numpty making light of the significant mental health cost of this pandemic with utterly enraging shite like zero covid, when actual scientists and epidemiologists are saying there is no realistic chance of that. Yet they are absolutely lauded by the SNP fan boys, staggering. 
They absolutely are impinging on peoples rights and freedoms longer than necessary. I’ll qualify that by saying I am not asking for everything to be dropped right now, far from it, but we need a realisation that all the havering is unacceptable and we need to know the exact criteria they are looking at the lower and end restrictions, a government should be accountable and they are far from such right now. 
We have treatments that work and vaccines, when the most vulnerable are vaccinated then there is no justifiable excuse to keep these things in place, especially when the Scottish government seems to be actively adopting a ‘lets go harsher than England just to make it look like we’re more thorough’ approach. Anyone but the most dedicated of SNP supporters can see through the absolute fucking farce of the response to this pandemic. Promised ‘an adult conversation’ yet spoken to like a naughty toddler at every turn. Unable to justify why their very stringent measures are at odds with well for one wee example the scientific research that shows for example that its perfectly safe to meet up outside with social distancing observed. 
Ill qualify this by saying if a vaccine resistant variant emerges that will cause significant harm emerges then i fully support taking measures to deal with it. I dont oppose the first or indeed this lockdown, I simply disagree with the proposed length and extent of it, thats not an unreasonable position to take. But even remotely criticise the SNP on here and you get labelled a ‘tory’ and even a fascist.
I think its reasonable to suggest even in the context of football that the SNP have got their approach to it in the pandemic absolutely wrong and should be clarifying very quickly just what their roadmap or conditions for a return to grounds will be. I am surprised that on a Scottish Football forum there are people who seemingly couldnt give a f**k about the harm a government who clearly dont really give a f**k about football is doing to the game.  

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22 minutes ago, Burnieman said:

The decision was scheduled to be made around now, however UEFA themselves delayed it a month until April to allow more time, they done that a few weeks ago.

AFAIK the April deadline is for UEFA to finalise what it is actually going to do with the tournament. It is entirely reasonable that it has commitments or not from all host cities and countries well in advance of this, so that it can set out and choose between all viable options next month. 

I couldn't give a toss whether Glasgow is a host city or not, but it sure is hilarious to see the SG's insistence that no business should possibly be planning with any dates in mind clashing with an international body that does actually want firm, date-based commitments and couldn't give a toss about what the dentist thinks. It's just a shame that every business within Scotland itself is still subject to these mealy-mouthed platitudes rather than a coherent planning strategy. 

Edited by vikingTON
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Just now, Billy Jean King said:

Listening to the news tonight it appears the SFA are pretty relaxed about Hapden hosting games. Constant dialogue etc etc.... fully expect Hampden to host games as scheduled. Won't be applying for my refunds just yet.

Wonder how many tickets the SSC will get if it's a reduced crowd. 

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1 minute ago, virginton said:

AFAIK the April deadline is for UEFA to finalise what it is actually going to do. It is entirely reasonable that it has commitments or not from all host cities and countries in advance, so that it can set out and choose between viable options next month. 

I couldn't give a toss whether Glasgow is a host city or not, but it sure is hilarious to see the SG's insistence that no business should be possibly planning with any dates in mind clashing with a body that does actually want firm, date-based commitments. It's just a shame that every business within Scotland itself is still subject to these mealy-mouthed platitudes rather than a coherent planning strategy. 

Its not even just businesses. If you consider that the Euro’s coincide with the g7 which has been rather quickly arranged then there is a massive security arrangement which needs to be taken into consideration, for example the policing aspect, you can’t just copy and paste the plans for last year as Devon and Cornwall have put in one of the biggest mutual aid requests in history, so its entirely back to the drawing board for the emergency services planning team. The work involved in creating resourcing and accomodation and site plans even for say a fire and rescue or policing operation is massive and they also need to know under what conditions they will be doing that in terms of crowd numbers, if there will be restrictions in place and if fan zones, corporate guests etc will be there. The considerations are absolutely massive and thats before you even take into account the logistics around the teams, visitors to the city and everything else. Yes there needs to be contingency but there also needs to be well established parameters for that. 

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AFAIK the April deadline is for UEFA to finalise what it is actually going to do with the tournament. It is entirely reasonable that it has commitments or not from all host cities and countries well in advance of this, so that it can set out and choose between all viable options next month. 
I couldn't give a toss whether Glasgow is a host city or not, but it sure is hilarious to see the SG's insistence that no business should possibly be planning with any dates in mind clashing with an international body that does actually want firm, date-based commitments and couldn't give a toss about what the dentist thinks. It's just a shame that every business within Scotland itself is still subject to these mealy-mouthed platitudes rather than a coherent planning strategy. 

I'm just clarifying the fact that UEFA are not demanding answers now, in fact they realised that the original March deadline they set last year for a decision on crowds was too soon, and delayed it until next month.

Govts and FA's are working with that date in mind.
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Wonder how many tickets the SSC will get if it's a reduced crowd. 
Christ knows how they will work it. How many have already been sold (I've got one for all 4 Hampden games via UEFA) and of those how many will have been sold to folk outwith Scotland who will not be allowed to attend if as expected it's " home" as in host venue nation supporters only.
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