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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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4 minutes ago, Gaz said:

The important part of this is "if they ask for it to stop". It helps to teach kids from a young age that they and they alone have control over who touches their bodies.

But let's be honest, you know this.

It’s also utter lunacy.

But let’s be honest, you know this.



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Just now, Glen Sannox said:

It’s also utter lunacy.

But let’s be honest, you know this.

What's lunacy about teaching kids from an early age that if they tell someone to stop touching them that that person should stop?

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10 minutes ago, madwullie said:

They don't report on the hundreds though. Just the ones that have specific spike proteins of concern that could cause issues with current vaccines and are neccesitsting boosters / tweaks in the autumn. 

I presume this variant ticks those boxes. 

I don't think the daily mirror as sufficiently qualified to decide this. Mainly but not limited to the fact Covid doesn't have a voicemail set up.

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If you read the article, which I now have that's what it says. 

There's are some specific mutations that have caused enough concern for us to urgently produce boosters to the current crop of vaccines. When strains arise that have these spikes, they get reported. 

Some people like to present the current science on this as random, Woah sick stuff lads Ive not seen this one before, hotline the msm, this'll put the shitters up em - for whatever reason I dunno. 

It's far more in depth than this. Variants of concern have specific features. Vatiants of concern are the ones they are rushing through tweaks and boosters for, that so far the vaccines  perform slightly less effectively against. Only very slightly, but enough to make it risky and worthwhile enough to cover them specifically. 

If a variant like this is arising in a society where vax levels are low it gives it more time to develop further concerning mutations. If it arises in a society where many are vaccinated, it puts pressure on the evolutionary process which could cause it to mutate more worryingly. This is completely uncontroversial, standard science that pre-dates covid, back when various factions didn't try to rubbish any story that painted a picture slightly less rosy that the one they like to push. 

This is news 🤷‍♂️. Thats all. 

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36 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

None of them, then?

ETA "Cause issues with current vaccines" should mean a significant reduction in protection against hospitalisation or death, and not simply a slight reduction in protection against testing positive / mild illness.

You should tell the reams of scientists and epidemiologists tracking these 24/7, working on these, tweaking the vaccines and generally not smoking cigars and instead continuing the fight to help bring the pandemic to an end then mate. Maybe your educated take will be enough to get them to down tools and ditch their decades of training and experience. We can only presume they just haven't seen the light. WTF do Pfizer know anyway? Cranks. 


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1 hour ago, madwullie said:

You should tell the reams of scientists and epidemiologists tracking these 24/7, working on these, tweaking the vaccines and generally not smoking cigars and instead continuing the fight to help bring the pandemic to an end then mate. Maybe your educated take will be enough to get them to down tools and ditch their decades of training and experience. We can only presume they just haven't seen the light. WTF do Pfizer know anyway? Cranks. 

Spectacular mewling considering not a single quote from any scientist or epidemiologist is included in the article.

It's nothing more than another piece of sensationalist reporting to add to the long list of such articles, which, by the looks of it, get the desired reaction from you.

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Oh no he used Mewling. I'm done now. Shudder. 

I know you like to deny science mate. Might be presumptuous to suggest that scientists are probably present in Japanese health ministry, but I think it is also presumptuous to state that no scientists or epidemiologists work there. 

I'm not sure which reaction you're characterising me with this time apart from one that says, this is the kind of thing researchers are trying to find to help destroy. Good work lads. Probably I'm scared, or paranoid, or some other wildly off target comment simply because I don't subscribe to the same "rubbish every report that I don't like the sound of" method of judging covid news. 

That's twice I've foolishly not run my opinions in front of your forum polis badge before posting. 

This story appears in multiple Asian newspapers, as well as worldwide, and I'm guessing so please correct me because you think I'm wrong, but the Japanese National Institute of Infectious diseases and the WHO probably have a handful more qualifications than a P&B based, Bellshill climate denier when it comes to judging the potential of strain with the E484K mutations. 

Yes, it will probably be insignificant, and if not, will most likely be taken care of by the tweaks and boosters in autumn, that I presume you think the vaccine companies are mental for producing because fear porn, aw naw, pure mewling, or some such insightful shit? 

None of the above means it isn't news, nor does it mean it is not good to be aware of, and try to understand the science. 

I mind when people were genuinely interested in finding out about stuff like this on here and furthering their knowledge, back before the list of acceptable terms to use and topics allowed for discussion had been declared. 


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Failing to even remotely grasp the point Bardell is making, to the extent that he's attaching it to every single post as evidence of the SNP descending into totalitarianism, is probably Glen Minter's biggest ever minter.

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6 hours ago, Michael W said:

Bit harsh calling it the Japanese variant when the person identified with it travelled from the Philippines. 

I suppose it's to make sure it's not personalised - it's more PC to name it after the place it was discovered rather than the nationality of the individual.  

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