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1 minute ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Exactly. I cant see Ayr or Stranraer etc being allowed fans until everyone is. Totally not fair but that seems to be the narrative 

Everyone should be allowed  a percentage of their capacity, provided that they can follow what ever rules are in place at the time.

This is the rule the churches will follow from tomorrow, 50 people max but if the space does not allow then less

So should a ground only have 3 turnstiles they may find that their capacity is further reduced. 4 stands and 20 turnstiles no reduction.

Looking at McDiarmid Park I see no reason why we cannot spread our season ticket holders over the 4 stands to start with then introduce more and more fans.

There are only a few clubs that this would cause an issue to. Do we all need to wait on 100% capacity to allow for this?

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Just now, realmadrid said:

Looking at McDiarmid Park I see no reason why we cannot spread our season ticket holders over the 4 stands to start with then introduce more and more fans.

The previous test events were 300 capacity, so you should be able to get some away fans in too.

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21 minutes ago, realmadrid said:

Everyone should be allowed  a percentage of their capacity, provided that they can follow what ever rules are in place at the time.

This is the rule the churches will follow from tomorrow, 50 people max but if the space does not allow then less

So should a ground only have 3 turnstiles they may find that their capacity is further reduced. 4 stands and 20 turnstiles no reduction.

Looking at McDiarmid Park I see no reason why we cannot spread our season ticket holders over the 4 stands to start with then introduce more and more fans.

There are only a few clubs that this would cause an issue to. Do we all need to wait on 100% capacity to allow for this?

All of this would be valid if next season was starting tomorrow. It's still 4 months away, and we will have offered at least one dose to every adult by that time, and both doses to close to, if not quite, all of those most vulnerable.

The idea that we will still need to be ultra cautious by then is absolutely ridiculous, and perpretrated only by utter moon howlers like Leith and Sridhar.

It's going to be absolutely incredible to watch the SG try to justify the need for such restrictions when we have close to 100% of the adult population vaccinated, and all over Europe they are shedding restrictions despite being miles behind that.

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I was coming on to ask about Netherlands v Latvia.  A negative test and 1000 allowed to go maskless seemed sensible. The young lads looked like they were having a #dece time.

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I caught Sridhar’s tweet undermining the AZ vaccine, that’s surely got to be a resignation issue? That she’s blocking more informed scientists calling her out also rings significant alarm bells about her fitness to advise a government. Im sure she genuinely is a nice person and I don’t wish her any harm but she has indeed been caught out an absolute belter. 

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27 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

All of this would be valid if next season was starting tomorrow. It's still 4 months away, and we will have offered at least one dose to every adult by that time, and both doses to close to, if not quite, all of those most vulnerable.

The idea that we will still need to be ultra cautious by then is absolutely ridiculous, and perpretrated only by utter moon howlers like Leith and Sridhar.

It's going to be absolutely incredible to watch the SG try to justify the need for such restrictions when we have close to 100% of the adult population vaccinated, and all over Europe they are shedding restrictions despite being miles behind that.

I called the fact someone would mount a legal challenge over the efficacy and necessity of the restrictions and measures about a month ago and certain posters tried to mock me, the churches legal action has imo opened the door. I would not be surprised if there is a similar action to see other liberties restored. I don’t believe for a second that its somehow safer to have unregulated numbers of old biddies in a church singing away than people socially distanced at a football ground watching a match especially given the average demographics of the latter having significantly lower mortality than the church goers. 
There’s now a very clear need imo for the government to justify with published evidence why crowds can’t attend open air matches given the only evidence (and id be happy to admit im wrong) seems to be that its actually safe/negligible risk of transmission in outdoor environments like a football ground. 

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On 26/03/2021 at 14:53, superbigal said:


Daily Cases Update:   Vaccinated this morning and zero side effects thus far. Very good day as cases back falling and positivity dips to 2.9%.  I think we will hover around this 70 cases mark for the next 3 weeks. Coltness in North Lanarkshire for such a small place does seem to be the current new no go for your holidays kind of place. The 2 people with the Covid in the Borders must be shamed into revealing their identities.

Scotland peaked at 301.9 for figures 29th Dec to 4th Jan, (UK was 642.1)    Cases that day were 16,496 and test positivity rate was 11.9%  

Total Cases 7 days from 18th March to 24th March were  3889 now 3826 down 1.72%. Positivity was  3.0% now 2.9%.   Cases per 100k were  71.2 now 70.0

Home Nations Daily update:  UK Average  56.0 to 57.3, England  55.5 to 57.0,  Wales 40.2 to 39.6, Northern Ireland 56.6 to 56.4

NHS Progress   Lanarkshire 109.7 to 109.2, Greater Glasgow  92.7 to 93.1, Forth Valley  75.7 to 76.6,  Lothian  80.7 to 76.2,    the rest all under Scottish average.

European (Above 2 Million Population) Shockers: Hungary 564 to 625, Czech 659 to 557, Serbia  501 to 504, Poland 396 to 427, Bulgaria 352 to 360, Sweden 307 to 328, Netherlands 262.  Italy 255 to 264, Belgium 258 all over 250 and showing how much worse it is in Europe.  The UK only has below it  Portugal 33 (Who were top recently !!!) and Russia 44.   

Council progress in last 24 Hours as follows.

Click cases by neighbourhood to see the spread on the geographical map. 
The Bad boys club Over 100 Cartel

West Lothian 188.4 to 164.9   Dropping quickly now down 12.47%

North Lanarkshire   131.2 to 136.5  Predict it will go top on Monday.

Glasgow City 107.1 to 107.1   

Under 100 Club

East Renfrewshire  95.3 to 98.4

Dundee City  101.1 to 98.4  Should start to drop quickly in next few days.

Falkirk  95.1 to 92.0

North Ayrshire   89.8 to 90.5

Renfrewshire 89.9 to 88.8

West Dunbartonshire   81.0 to 85.5 

South Lanarkshire   87.0 to 80.5  Decent day down 7.47%

Moray 68.9 to 75.1

Clackmannanshire  64.0 to 73.7 

Under Scottish Average club 70.0

Midlothian   67.1 to 68.1 

Perth & Kinross   65.2 to 63.8 

Fife  60.5 to 59.4

East Dunbartonshire  58.0 to 58.9  

City Of Edinburgh  53.3 to 53.1

Stirling  48.8 to 52.0  

SUB 50 Good Guys

Aberdeen City 42.9 to 46.4

South Ayrshire  48.8 to 44.4 

East Lothian  38.3 to 40.2

Shetland Islands  43.6 to 39.3

East Ayrshire   45.9 to 38.5 

Inverclyde 36.0 to 36.0

Aberdeenshire 38.3 to 32.9

Havana & Malt Whisky club Sub 30.0

Angus 23.2 to 27.5

Dumfries & Galloway  21.5 to 21.5  

Highlands  20.4 to 17.4

Western Isles   11.2 to 11.2

Argyll & Bute  7.0 to 4.7

Orkney Island  4.5 to 4.5    

Scottish  Borders  1.7 to 1.7 Grand total of 2 cases.  

Edited by superbigal
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3 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

When you look back over the last 12 months, the UK Gov and SG have been consistent in adding restrictions based on "the science" but never go back and remove them when it becomes apparent that the science doesn't really show they are impactful at all:

  • Sanitising surfaces regularly
  • Banning Alcohol
  • Closing hospitality
  • Masks
  • Banning Spectators

Are a few examples of measures that were brought in based on the science at the time, but, despite their being plenty of evidence that the impact of each being (at best) minimal, restrictions are never lifted. They are left in place because "well we might as well." The only thing I can think of that was brought in and then binned, was banning hospitality from playing background music.

The only logical reason I can think of for this approach is to give the continued impression that they are somehow "in control" of the virus.

But the knock-on effect is that there is a not inconsiderable group of the public who believe that not having these restrictions in place is excessively dangerous. This mentality will take a long time to shift.

To give an example, there is a bar in Glasgow which has put in planning permission for a large outdoor beer garden. This should be welcomed, but there are comments under it begging this to be denied because "It's too big - how can the staff make sure no-one stays for longer than two hours?!" 

I don't disagree with what you're saying, however for the most part our European neighbours have been following very similar advice and facing very similar restrictions to ourselves.

Granted there has been the odd "token gesture" such as the small amount of fans in Amsterdam this evening but if we look at France, Germany and Spain it's all been the same as ourselves.

I suppose we probably need one of those countries to break ranks and let things play out, however all Governments would still appear to be terrified of the repercussions should they get it wrong and as such we're all suffering as a result.

Still, it can't go on forever and sooner or later public opinion and the business lobbies will force Governments hand, especially when the hospitalisations are virtually non existent and the majority have been vaccinated as at that point their argument will no longer hold any water.

Here's hoping that day will be soon........

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2 hours ago, charlie king mvp said:

Would be no surprise if UEFA took the games we have for the Euros somewhere else.  

Would be a HUGE surprise actually, given that most of Europe is in the middle of a third wave with hospitals at breaking point. Frankly, I think fans at football matches are the least of their concerns right now.

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1 hour ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Exactly. I cant see Ayr or Stranraer etc being allowed fans until everyone is. Totally not fair but that seems to be the narrative 

That's a relief, it's bad enough watching us on a stream at the moment !!

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39 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

 I don’t believe for a second that its somehow safer to have unregulated numbers of old biddies in a church singing away than people socially distanced at a football ground watching a match especially given the average demographics of the latter having significantly lower mortality than the church goers. 
There’s now a very clear need imo for the government to justify with published evidence why crowds can’t attend open air matches given the only evidence (and id be happy to admit im wrong) seems to be that its actually safe/negligible risk of transmission in outdoor environments like a football ground. 

As far as I understand it the singing element is still banned in churches, the numbers are regulated as is the distancing.

It still however makes little sense in the element of why 600 fans cannot go along and support Brechin City or Edinburgh City as expamples now, in an outdoor environment . If their concern is travel make it home fans only for a few weeks.

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The latest ONS survey. Scotland has the highest covid infection rates in the UK

So the elimination strategy must be working well.... 😂

Wonder if there will be English racists in the border with “keep Scotland out” banners 😂

Edited by Baz Chuckle
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