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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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2 hours ago, virginton said:

Someone's going to have to tell the French that 'the weans cannae get it'. 

Pish. My niece's boy got it at his primary school. He's been fine, but niece and her hubby have both been floored by catching it from him.

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23 minutes ago, gmca said:

Pish. My niece's boy got it at his primary school. He's been fine, but niece and her hubby have both been floored by catching it from him.

Correct, my grandson had it 3 or 4 weeks ago,there's some amount of pish passed off as fact in here. 

Edited by ayrmad
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3 minutes ago, virginton said:

That University of Life training serving you well right now I see. 

You'll be fine once you get a life, hopefully wee Jason let's you out in a few months, I'm sure he'll be saying a wee prayer for your chums and your good self. 

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Having seen the Welsh First Minister saying this morning he thing social distancing will be needed for the rest of the calendar year the wife started agreeing and saying it's only normal as 'we could all get it as the vaccine isn't 100% effective. Even after trying to remind her that no vaccine is and this one seems more effective than normal, most folks will be vaccinated by late Summer and hospital and ICU rates are dropping she was adamant that there was a need for things to be retained for the whole year. I would understand if folks have an optional mask wearing policy for public transport/ certain places but no need for it to be mandatory in any way once the vaccination programme is completed.

Even on the subject of international travel i don't think she'll leave here till the whole planet has a vaccination...really not thinking straight and the media messaging has really impacted her. 


....its going to be a long 2021 in this house...

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Having seen the Welsh First Minister saying this morning he thing social distancing will be needed for the rest of the calendar year the wife started agreeing and saying it's only normal as 'we could all get it as the vaccine isn't 100% effective. Even after trying to remind her that no vaccine is and this one seems more effective than normal, most folks will be vaccinated by late Summer and hospital and ICU rates are dropping she was adamant that there was a need for things to be retained for the whole year. I would understand if folks have an optional mask wearing policy for public transport/ certain places but no need for it to be mandatory in any way once the vaccination programme is completed.
Even on the subject of international travel i don't think she'll leave here till the whole planet has a vaccination...really not thinking straight and the media messaging has really impacted her. 
....its going to be a long 2021 in this house...
There has been a somewhat sneering attitude from some here regards those in the populace who are over-cautious - that they are just "Helen Lovejoys".

Yes there will be drama queens who overplay things or hypocrites who moan about park parties whilst inviting their Facebook maws round for drinks - it happens - but I don't particularly think that they are the majority of the over-cautious.

We should not be surprised when we have governments and the MSM for the past year constantly pumping out the worst case scenario - it should be no surprise that some people genuinely are afraid. It's only recently that the news agenda seems to have shifted but even then we are still getting the overblown negative stories.

And why the hell is our public broadcaster still indulging the likes of independent SAGE?

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Having seen the Welsh First Minister saying this morning he thing social distancing will be needed for the rest of the calendar year the wife started agreeing and saying it's only normal as 'we could all get it as the vaccine isn't 100% effective. Even after trying to remind her that no vaccine is and this one seems more effective than normal, most folks will be vaccinated by late Summer and hospital and ICU rates are dropping she was adamant that there was a need for things to be retained for the whole year. I would understand if folks have an optional mask wearing policy for public transport/ certain places but no need for it to be mandatory in any way once the vaccination programme is completed.
Even on the subject of international travel i don't think she'll leave here till the whole planet has a vaccination...really not thinking straight and the media messaging has really impacted her. 
....its going to be a long 2021 in this house...

Kick her in the pie
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Having seen the Welsh First Minister saying this morning he thing social distancing will be needed for the rest of the calendar year the wife started agreeing and saying it's only normal as 'we could all get it as the vaccine isn't 100% effective. Even after trying to remind her that no vaccine is and this one seems more effective than normal, most folks will be vaccinated by late Summer and hospital and ICU rates are dropping she was adamant that there was a need for things to be retained for the whole year. I would understand if folks have an optional mask wearing policy for public transport/ certain places but no need for it to be mandatory in any way once the vaccination programme is completed.
Even on the subject of international travel i don't think she'll leave here till the whole planet has a vaccination...really not thinking straight and the media messaging has really impacted her. 
....its going to be a long 2021 in this house...

Listening to Mark Drakeford this morning was fucking depressing. Social distancing for the rest of 2021 will cost millions of people in the UK their jobs. Also if everyone is everyone is vaccinated by the end of Summer, it’s not going to get any better than that so at what stage do we stop social distancing. The media never seem to ask this.
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Social distancing has gone everywhere except offices. We know other work places that find it difficult have just ditched it.

When the pubs are open again you will be sat with your pals, not 1m/2m away and I can't see any enforcement of that.

Drakeford can witter on all he likes the restrictions will be ditched by the summer regardless of what he says and politicians would be wise to follow that.

Just supposing there was a variant that was more serious and evaded the vaccine public compliance for the introduction of new restrictions will be 0 if you haven't released things when it's safe. 

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3 minutes ago, 101 said:

Social distancing has gone everywhere except offices. We know other work places that find it difficult have just ditched it.

When the pubs are open again you will be sat with your pals, not 1m/2m away and I can't see any enforcement of that.

Drakeford can witter on all he likes the restrictions will be ditched by the summer regardless of what he says and politicians would be wise to follow that.

Just supposing there was a variant that was more serious and evaded the vaccine public compliance for the introduction of new restrictions will be 0 if you haven't released things when it's safe. 

Was class going to the football and a nightclub with no social distancing at the weekend there.

Had a quieter day on Sunday, went to the gym with a spotter then stood at the bar in the boozer and had a couple of pints.

Might go and visit my grandparents at their house over Easter.

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55 minutes ago, EdinburghPar1975 said:

Having seen the Welsh First Minister saying this morning he thing social distancing will be needed for the rest of the calendar year the wife started agreeing and saying it's only normal as 'we could all get it as the vaccine isn't 100% effective. Even after trying to remind her that no vaccine is and this one seems more effective than normal, most folks will be vaccinated by late Summer and hospital and ICU rates are dropping she was adamant that there was a need for things to be retained for the whole year. I would understand if folks have an optional mask wearing policy for public transport/ certain places but no need for it to be mandatory in any way once the vaccination programme is completed.

Even on the subject of international travel i don't think she'll leave here till the whole planet has a vaccination...really not thinking straight and the media messaging has really impacted her. 


....its going to be a long 2021 in this house...

Been having this exact same discussion with the wife. She has been literally scared senseless for the last year and is waiting for the next wave, certain that in a couple of months we will be back in lock down. 

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7 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

Been having this exact same discussion with the wife. She has been literally scared senseless for the last year and is waiting for the next wave, certain that in a couple of months we will be back in lock down. 

The new UK government campaign re 'fresh air' (i.e. please meet outside instead of indoors) has some effects that shows clouds of bacteria being spread amongst a group of people sitting having a chat to illustrate the risks etc.

Scientifically probably fair enough in the context of an emergency situation but there is 100% going to be lasting damage to the most anxious in the population of this constant barrage of messaging that going about normal social interactions is life-threatening to you and your loved ones. It will take a long time to undo.

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