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4 minutes ago, Empty It said:



Guess flags are a better reason to vote for a political party than trying to fit in with a bigoted fan base of a bigoted football club.


Or how about you just don't do either?

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20 minutes ago, Aladdin said:

 Pretty sure that when England relaxes the rules, it will mean Glasgow will have had the worst restrictions for the longest time in the whole of the UK.

It was early September we were banned from meeting in folks houses for '2 weeks'. Pretty sure that was the start of the new round of restrictions in Glasgow. 

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1 hour ago, Stormzy said:

Sheer outrage. 

It's okay thought because it's our bad guys doing bad things. 

Isn't living in a Nationalist authoritarian state lovely. Just want to take this moment to thank everyone for imposing this on the rest of us due to your insecure identity issues and butthetoaries, grand job. 

Just wait until they get full Independence & have a hard border, Alcohol MUP will jump 100% overnight as a revenue gathering tool but we are doing it to address our nations unhealthy obsession with alcohol.

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1 hour ago, Tynierose said:

I'm genuinely dismayed by the last 48 hours, yet again the rhetoric has changed.

As soon as anything gets close to approaching even a semblance of normality a new strain appears, new warnings appear, scientists who've got f**k all right so far suddenly become listened to by those in power.  

The evidence of vaccine efficacy is suddenly ignored, the hospital figures are ignored.  I genuinely don't see what their plans are, well maybe I do, it's absolute control of a society it seems, it can't anything else as there's no reason to be delaying everything again.  Maybe it's sheer shitebaggery or just pish leadership.   It does seem like they have nothing but contempt for those who want to enjoy a social life mind you.

Things they like you can do, things they don't like, well that will be socialising, sports etc, you can't.   But the evidence shows...  stuff the science we only use the bits we want to facilitate our control over people.

Feel free to go to work though, and maybe pop into a cafe after giving your details and booking for a coffee, a glass of wine, of course not Covid will get you.

When we finally open in 2026 there won't be much of a hospitality sector left and they will have found a way to double the minimum unit of alcohol as its important to keep us all safe.

I just cannot understand how so many gullible b*****ds are lapping this up, the biggest restrictions on peoples freedom since WW2 both here and down south.

If Johnson shites it from reopening then we're gubbed up here as Sturgeon et al can sit back and her lapdogs will continue to gush with praise for keeping us all safe.

This isn't living its existing and it's fucking shite.  No doubt the first seasonal outbreak of a respiratory virus in Winter will see us locked up again.  

Where are we actually going with all this, why are the goalposts constantly changing, why is positive evidence ignored or put to the side in case of negative what if this happens drivel.  Why are we constantly looking to test healthy people who in 99.9 pct of cases don't get ill when all the most vulnerable are vaccinated?  Is it to try and justify keeping us all caged up and controlled, oh my goodness there are 500 people with Covid in Glasgow, yup big deal.

And incredibly people are buying into this shit, the curtain twitchers, the Facebook polis, the c***s who are happy to sit on their fat arses and castigate people for wanting a normal life back. It's sickening.

I'm away a very long walk, would stop of for a pint but hey doing something not pre planned these days isn't allowed.

Enjoy your day folks whatever you're doing but hopefully it involves sticking two fingers up to the duplicitous perfidious incompetent c***s in both Holyrood and Westminster.

Pretty much sums up my exact thoughts. So many moving goalposts and mixed messages throughout this whole shitshow.

They're talking at the moment as if the vaccine rollout has all been imagined and we're still at the same risk level as a year ago. Listening to the perennially-wrong experts on the radio yesterday and this morning they're wetting themselves at the prospect of the currently unvaccinated 20-30 year olds mixing as restrictions relax. What exactly are the risks here? If we're going to keep wider society and businesses restricted for the miniscule risk of a few young people being ill for a while then what are we actually trying to do here?

The frightening thing for me about all this is the precedent it sets for future events. Now that 'lockdown' has essentially been normalised to the point that sections of society demand it based on what government experts tell them, how long until the next emergency requiring us all to be locked up at home for our own safety? The next virus? Terrorism threat perhaps? Also as you say, one of the worst things to come of all this is the Stasi-esque self-policing of the population. 

At least we're now allowed to shake hands again from Monday. A new 'freedom' granted to us for our good behaviour.

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Hope Rangers have the biggest gathering possible today and everyone else does whatever they want as well. 
Nah f**k that. Anyone who associates a march organised by an extremist right wing fans group and then tries to attach that somehow to it being anything other than antagonistic is kidding themselves on. That will descend into mindless public disorder just like the celebration they already had. By all means let them celebrate but do it in the vicinity of Ibrox. No need to further disrupt an already disrupted city even more.
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4 minutes ago, Netan Sansara said:

I just received my text for a vaccine despite being in my 20s with no pre existing conditions. I do live in one of the plague postcodes in Glasgow, so looks like they’re ramping up the vaccines in those areas. 

It’s a scam text mate.  The vaccines don’t really exist.

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Is everyone in Glasgow and Elgin slavishly obeying government guidance?

The government wanted everyone in high risk groups vaccinated. Done. The ones in high risk groups who haven’t got vaccinated haven’t wanted to get vaccinated. If the vaccine works then it’s time to open things up. 


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14 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
48 minutes ago, Bonksy+HisChristianParade said:
Hope Rangers have the biggest gathering possible today and everyone else does whatever they want as well. 

Nah f**k that. Anyone who associates a march organised by an extremist right wing fans group and then tries to attach that somehow to it being anything other than antagonistic is kidding themselves on. That will descend into mindless public disorder just like the celebration they already had. By all means let them celebrate but do it in the vicinity of Ibrox. No need to further disrupt an already disrupted city even more.

That you Nicola? 

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1 hour ago, Ron Aldo said:

This sums it up and is one of the biggest concerns I have. I'm in Lanarkshire so it would be easy not to get annoyed at this as, at the moment, it doesn't affect me. As others have said though, it sets a dangerous precedent for future restrictions as cases WILL rise as things open up. I said yesterday but I'll be pleasantly surprised if Lanarkshire (along with the rest of the central belt) can make it to the end of summer without being punted back to level 3.

This is my worry. I'm in east ren, and after low cases for weeks, numbers are jumping again.  We'll no doubt be back in tier 3. Will Lanarkshire, ayrshire, etc follow? For 1 week that ends up months. f**k knows who the crackpots interviewed in Glasgow last night were, that agreed with this fucking shambles. Glasgow won't have a hospitality sector left.(And for those who moan that a pints not important, it is for me)

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With the restrictions getting lifted we were already headed for a summer of pent up up people going wild in hot weather and a football tournament in the mix as well.

If they deprive people of their freedoms and start going backwards there will be serious unrest in the big cities across Britain. People won't take it anymore and it won't just be the moon howling gammon dad's or full time anarchists.


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Just now, Empty It said:
42 minutes ago, Stormzy said:
Or how about you just don't do either?

Aye another staunch right wing tory voter that coincidentally supports Rangers....

I'm not a staunch right winger you fucking moron 😂

Are you one of these brain donors that thinks every Unionist is a Rangers fan or every Rangers fan is a Unionist? 

Such a simplistic primary 1 level take, I'm unsurprised coming from a flag shagger but still..

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6 minutes ago, pub car king said:

With the restrictions getting lifted we were already headed for a summer of pent up up people going wild in hot weather and a football tournament in the mix as well.

If they deprive people of their freedoms and start going backwards there will be serious unrest in the big cities across Britain. People won't take it anymore and it won't just be the moon howling gammon dad's or full time anarchists.


England will be fine, Scotland and Wales not so much.

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1 hour ago, Billy Jean King said:
1 hour ago, Chester Desmond said:
Most SNP voters I know are massively pissed off about the announcement yesterday, to be fair.  

Including me, it's ridiculous.

Just knew we were going to get kicked in the baws sooner or later just did not think it would be so soon For the first time i did not vote last week  Glad of that decision now Would be raging if i was from Glasgow and had gave the SNP my vote  Hoping that tens of thousands of Rangers fans turn up today just to show them that most people could not give a xxxx any more

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I'm not a staunch right winger you fucking moron [emoji23]
Are you one of these brain donors that thinks every Unionist is a Rangers fan or every Rangers fan is a Unionist? 
Such a simplistic primary 1 level take, I'm unsurprised coming from a flag shagger but still..
Raging for being called on what you are, you just keep trundling along denying the historical bigotry from your beloved Rangers and keep crying into your union jack every time someone mentions the SNP.
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16 minutes ago, monthelie' said:

This is my worry. I'm in east ren, and after low cases for weeks, numbers are jumping again.  We'll no doubt be back in tier 3. Will Lanarkshire, ayrshire, etc follow? For 1 week that ends up months. f**k knows who the crackpots interviewed in Glasgow last night were, that agreed with this fucking shambles. Glasgow won't have a hospitality sector left.(And for those who moan that a pints not important, it is for me)

The only thing I would say about the people on tv, is that you are far more likely to tow the party line if appearing on tv. My views would be the exact opposite of those interviewed, but would have no desire to air them on television.

Your other point is exactly right and is a massive worry for all of us. SA has been over eighty twice (I think) in the last month or two and then down again as low as the 10’s. It doesn’t take much at all to get to that rate.  

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1 hour ago, Bonksy+HisChristianParade said:

Hope Rangers have the biggest gathering possible today and everyone else does whatever they want as well. 


thank you brother. should st johnstone win the cup next weekend, i hope st johnstone fans take over perth (which is scotlands actual capital btw, f**k off edinburgh) and have an absolutely brilliant time.

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26 minutes ago, Empty It said:
32 minutes ago, Stormzy said:
I'm not a staunch right winger you fucking moron emoji23.png
Are you one of these brain donors that thinks every Unionist is a Rangers fan or every Rangers fan is a Unionist? 
Such a simplistic primary 1 level take, I'm unsurprised coming from a flag shagger but still..

Raging for being called on what you are, you just keep trundling along denying the historical bigotry from your beloved Rangers and keep crying into your union jack every time someone mentions the SNP.

Raging? It's trophy day, I'm buzzing. 

It would be pretty strange to get wound up from someone devoid of the required intelligence to understand what a centrist is... 

People can mention the SNP all they want I find it hilarious that some of the more servile mouth breathes are surprised Wee Nicola has delayed lockdown easing, yet again. Poor guys. Staying inside watching the big boys out having fun. 

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