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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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9 minutes ago, Distant Doonhamer said:


1 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive

15 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 (down from 17)

133 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 (down from 137)


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I wonder if we are near the peak of this "third wave" yet. Certainly feels like the rise in infections is slowing down, and hospital numbers going down instead of up shows that the vaccines are utterly bossing this. 

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Daily Cases Update:  Bit of an uptick today with a 2.90% rise and infectivity to 4.1%.

Scotland clear at the top of the European charts at 119.5,  Spain in 2nd place at 72.8.   In fact only Georgia & Some South American countries are currently more infectious.  Weird with our Vaccine progress and relative restrictions.  Scotland of course officially only has about 4.5% of it's population ever tested positive. Over 10% in the US as an example.

The European cycles just seem so different to the UK.  I suspect the Indian Variant has yet to kick off (Like with the Kent).  We shall see. 

Scotland peaked at 301.9 for figures 29th Dec to 4th Jan, (UK was 642.1)    Cases that day were 16,496 and test positivity rate was 11.9%  

Total Cases 7 days from 6th June to 13th June  were 6344 now 6528 up 2.90%.  Positivity was 4.0% now 4.1%.   Cases per 100k were 116.1 now 119.5

Home Nations Daily update:  UK Average   67.5 to 70.2 up 4.00%, England   67.1 to 69.9 up 4.17%,  Wales  20.5 to 22.1 up 7.80%, Northern Ireland 31.4 to 33.4 up 6.37%

Major countries in Europe.   Spain 72.8 & Russia 58.3 are the only 2   countries above 55 cases per 100K

Council progress in last 24 Hours as follows.

Click cases by neighbourhood to see the spread on the geographical map. 


Dundee City   298.0 to 318.8  8.3% Positivity. Still rising another 7%

South Ayrshire  241.5 to 250.4

City Of Edinburgh 195.5 to 200.8

Clackmannanshire  186.3 to 182.4  

Midlothian   187.1 to 180.6

Glasgow City  157.5 to 158.7

East Renfrewshire     149.7 to 156.0

East Lothian   141.0 to 155.9 LEVEL 1   Surges to the top of the Level 1 Charts

Perth & Kinross   153.3 to 151.4  LEVEL 1

East Ayrshire   142.6 to 147.5

East Dunbartonshire    133.5 to 141.8  

Angus   148.0 to 138.6  LEVEL 1

North Ayrshire  130.6 to 137.3  

Renfrewshire   137.9 to 136.2 

West Dunbartonshire   137.2 to 133.8  LEVEL 1

North Lanarkshire   110.4 to 119.2

West Lothian   113.6 to 116.9  LEVEL1

South Lanarkshire    98.6 to 100.8

Aberdeen City  71.3 to 83.5  LEVEL1  On the charge now up another 17%

Stirling   62.6 to 69.0


Scottish  Borders   69.3 to 66.7   

Fife   63.4 to 64.2  

Inverclyde  43.7 to 50.1

Argyll & Bute  43.1 to 48.9

Falkirk  37.3 to 41.6

Dumfries & Galloway  41.6 to 39.6 

Aberdeenshire   24.9 to 24.5

Highlands  11.4 to 11.0

Moray 9.4 to 10.4

OFFICIAL LEVEL 0  Teuchters in Green

Western Isles   7.5 to 7.5

Shetland Islands   0.0 to 0.0

Orkney Islands  0.0 to 0.0 

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Just now, scottsdad said:

I wonder if we are near the peak of this "third wave" yet. Certainly feels like the rise in infections is slowing down, and hospital numbers going down instead of up shows that the vaccines are utterly bossing this. 

The positives per specimen date certainly looks to be plateauing...


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What we are seeing here is effectively what we should have allowed last summer - the young and healthy to get exposed and become naturally immune, whilst protecting the vulnerable.

That thing the experts told us was unnacceptable as "eVeRyOnE iS aT rIsK!!1!" looks, predictably, to be yet more spectacularly wrong mewling pish to add to the collection.


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Posted at 13:42

Use 'personal judgement' on masks from 19 July - Public Health England director

Copyright: EPA

People will need to use their judgement when it comes to decisions like wearing face coverings once restrictions are eased in England on 19 July, Public Health England's Covid-19 strategic response director has said.

Dr Susan Hopkins says it will be up to individuals to decide whether they wear face coverings in shops, but they could be mandatory in more tightly confined spaces.

"I think there will be a certain amount of social responsibility that people will take, particularly for those that are elderly or immunocompromised or at higher risk of infection," she tells MPs on the Science and Technology Committee.

"I think we will all need to make decisions for ourselves, particularly on wearing masks, using better ventilation, hand hygiene."

She adds: "So we may find that some people, not all, will change their behaviours, and particularly those that are more concerned about their health or the health of people they live with. It will be for governments to decide what rules and regulations will need to be in place and what legislation will need to continue after 19 July."


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So we’re in a situation now where we have 15 covid patients in ICU across the whole country despite cases rising for weeks. We may or may not be able to move to level 0 in 4.5 weeks as we just don’t know and also there is a risk of ‘long covid’.

‘Greater normality’ as laid out in an SG report may or may not be possible at ‘some point’. 

We are now so far from the purpose of restrictions it’s unreal.  

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8 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

What we are seeing here is effectively what we should have allowed last summer - the young and healthy to get exposed and become naturally immune, whilst protecting the vulnerable.

That thing the experts told us was unnacceptable as "eVeRyOnE iS aT rIsK!!1!" looks, predictably, to be yet more spectacularly wrong mewling pish to add to the collection.


but but long cooovvviiiid 


5 minutes ago, Elixir said:


well, i judge them to be a waste of time and won't be covering my face unless i'm about to set of a flare after falkirk score a last minute winner in a decisive game for the #scenes

so never  never then 

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9 minutes ago, Aladdin said:

Cummings starting to reveal his smoking guns?

About the only time Johnson has called something accurately and succinctly.


he just sounds like a nob putting the boot in like he no doubt threatened to many times before he was eventually ousted 

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The newly appointed Sir Andrew Pollard dropping some truth bombs today as well. One of the good guys throughout this shit show - and someone who is genuinely useful for the whole world, unlike 'public health' weirdos.

Posted at 10:56

UK is 'going to have to live with' Covid transmission - vaccine expert

Copyright: EPA

Professor Sir Andrew Pollard, director of the Oxford Vaccine Group, says the UK is "going to have to live with" Covid-19.

Speaking to the Commons Science and Technology Committee, Prof Pollard says "variants and their emergence" will "continue to happen".

"But in the end, we're going to have to come back to focusing on the really important public health issue, which is the hospitalisation and the death," he adds.

"If transmission is disconnected by vaccine immunity from the severe disease, to a large extent, then we'll need to monitor new variants, perhaps, if we need to find new vaccines and so on - but we are going to have to live with it being in in our communities and transmitting."


Posted at 11:14

Crisis over if vaccines continue to protect against hospital admissions - scientist

Copyright: Getty Images

A bit more from the Commons Science and Technology Committee now, which is hearing evidence on the UK's Covid response.

A scientist who helped develop the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine says the public crisis will be "over" if the protection provided by vaccines against hospital admissions continues.

Prof Andrew Pollard, director of the Oxford Vaccine Groups, says Public Health England data published this week is "incredibly reassuring".

The analysis suggests the Oxford-AstraZeneca and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines are both more than 90% effective at prevnting hospitalisation after two doses.

"That's the key bit that we have to look at with future variants, if that very high protection against hospitalisation continues, despite spread in the community, then the public health crisis is over," Prof Pollard tells MPs.

"And so far, up to Delta, we're in a very good position, as long as we've got people vaccinated," he adds, referring to the strain first identified in India.

But he warns that the World Health Organization is investigating variants up to Kappa, and "there are a lot more Greek alphabet letters still to go through".


Posted at 14:36

Vaccine tweaks 'might not cover all emerging variants'

Copyright: PA Media

One of the key developers of the AstraZeneca vaccine says it might not be possible to keep tweaking vaccines to provide protection against all possible future variants of the coronavirus.

Professor Andrew Pollard, director of the Oxford Vaccine Group, says vaccines could be modified to cope with existing variants – but there is no way of telling what might emerge in future.

He tells the Commons Science and Technology Committee: “The problem is that if we tweaked one, for example now for the Delta variant, we may well have the Omega variant or the Epsilon variant, or the Kappa variant, and you would have to then potentially be tweaking the vaccines very regularly.

"And I just don't think that is going to be achievable during this period where there's so much transmission going on around the world and new variants are going to be thrown up.”

Prof Pollard says it might be possible to stay on top of changes to the virus if we get to a more stable situation, where one dominant version of the virus emerges each year. In that case – like flu – an annual update to vaccines might be sufficient.

He stresses that the current vaccines provid very high levels of protection against hospitalisation for all existing variants.



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2 hours ago, EdinburghLivi said:

Just joined Moderna club.

season 7 smoke GIF

I had moderna yesterday, apart from a sore arm I was fine until about 24 hrs after and I've a wave of lethergy.

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7 minutes ago, Distant Doonhamer said:

Cummings is the c***s c**t.

He'll be loving this.

Who is the biggest c**t?  Johnson, Hancock or Cummings.  Tough call.  Will be interesting to see how the media/government/parliament respond to the latest round of accusations.  The Daily Mail have actually published it in full.

Is it difficult to believe that Johnson and Hancock are utterly useless and gear everything towards managing their public image?  Not in the slightest.

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12 minutes ago, RH33 said:

I had moderna yesterday, apart from a sore arm I was fine until about 24 hrs after and I've a wave of lethergy.

I'm a bit groggy already but that may also be down to waking up at 6 and going for a run.

Hoping to be back on form for the Scotland game!

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4 minutes ago, Left Back said:

Who is the biggest c**t?  Johnson, Hancock or Cummings.  Tough call.  Will be interesting to see how the media/government/parliament respond to the latest round of accusations.  The Daily Mail have actually published it in full.

Is it difficult to believe that Johnson and Hancock are utterly useless and gear everything towards managing their public image?  Not in the slightest.

Oh they are all c***s. Don't make the mistake of thinking I'm defending them.

And that still leaves Patel and many others to add in. 

They really are an utterly despicable bunch.

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14 minutes ago, Distant Doonhamer said:

Oh they are all c***s. Don't make the mistake of thinking I'm defending them.

And that still leaves Patel and many others to add in. 

They really are an utterly despicable bunch.

Absolutely. Politicians are generally c***s. The Tories are a whole higher level of cuntary. Despicable humans who would have the working class back in the work houses working for pennies.

Edited by ford prefect
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