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2 minutes ago, Gaz said:

I shouldn't have to isolate in theory even if the wee one is positive as I'm double-jabbed, as long as I'm testing negative, but the problem is there's nowhere for her to go so either me or my wife will need to be off work to look after her.

Councils should be fine with it, they're registering covid absence seperately and it's not like can use others for childcare if it's positive. 

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1 minute ago, Todd_is_God said:

Wouldn't put it past them to fire a lockdown in before it ends because they can, and also to try and pressurise an extension.

They are desperate to use furlough not being extended to try and push the case for independence. 'We couldnae shut abdy in their hoose again because the TorieZzZzZ wouldnae gee us more money!!111'.


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The media are dicks in trying to stoke the fear. Lynsey Bews got to ask the first in person question since the start of the pandemic and it amounted essentially to little more than "what needs to happen to bring restrictions back?"

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Guest Bob Mahelp
1 hour ago, Elixir said:

They are desperate to use furlough not being extended to try and push the case for independence. 'We couldnae shut abdy in their hoose again because the TorieZzZzZ wouldnae gee us more money!!111'.


The Scottish Government have said nothing like that. 

I don't suppose that you're getting the irony of accusing 'lovejoys' of 'bed wetting' or whatever, when you're actually doing plenty of it yourself. 

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1 hour ago, Gaz said:

I shouldn't have to isolate in theory even if the wee one is positive as I'm double-jabbed, as long as I'm testing negative, but the problem is there's nowhere for her to go so either me or my wife will need to be off work to look after her.

I thought you said it was a friend of yours’ baby?

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1 hour ago, Todd_is_God said:

The media are dicks in trying to stoke the fear. Lynsey Bews got to ask the first in person question since the start of the pandemic and it amounted essentially to little more than "what needs to happen to bring restrictions back?"

This morning's phone-in on Radio Scotland was a fear festival along the lines of 'how awful it's going to be if we have the reintroduction of restrictions....' 

Might be a bit more helpful if they spent an hour asking folk what they're doing to try to reduce the spread, but I suppose that's a bit less controversial. 

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I think when folk are now arguing that vaccines don’t work and are harmful then we should just give up. 

The NHS is on its knees, winter bed crisis +++ except it’s summer, we have no more beds, and there are still a fair amount of folk in hospital with covid. 


Anyone who doesn’t want to get a vaccination that will protect people at a no higher rate of adverse events than without it, is for want of a better word, an oxygen thief. 

And while I’m here, a point of order about masks. I wear a mask every day at work, I see near enough every single Covid +ve or suspected Covid +ve patient we have. Even when someone without a mask that is Covid +ve and has been coughing all over the place is literally within 20cm of me = never been infected since early April 2020.


See my fiancée for 20 minutes without a mask before she mentioned she’s losing her sense of smell ‘because of hayfever’ and turns out is Covid +ve = infected and symptomatic within 3 days. 




Edited by SoapMactavish
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13 minutes ago, SoapMactavish said:

The NHS is on its knees, winter bed crisis +++ except it’s summer, we have no more beds, and there are still a fair amount of folk in hospital with covid

We've got beds. There are around 20,000 NHS beds in Scotland, of which just 391 are occupied by someone with Covid. The current strain on the NHS is down to taking some of those beds out of action because of staff shortages due to people isolating and jumping through hoops to keep people with positive test results apart.

As positive test results rise, it should be expected that the number of people in hospital with a positive test result also rises. It's incredible though that, 18 months in, we still have no idea the number of covid positive people who are in hospital specifically for treatment for Covid versus how many are in for something completely unrelated, and may actually be receiving no treatment for Covid at all. If bringing restrictions back is going to be based on the number of people being hospitalised by Covid, that's a really important piece of information IMO.

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11 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

We've got beds. The current strain on the NHS is down to staff shortages due to people isolating and jumping through hoops to keep people with positive test results apart.

As positive test results rise, it should be expected that the number of people in hospital with a positive test result also rises. It's incredible though that, 18 months in, we still have no idea the number of covid positive people who are in hospital specifically for treatment for Covid versus how many are in for something completely unrelated, and may actually be receiving no treatment for Covid at all. If bringing restrictions back is going to be based on the number of people being hospitalised by Covid, that's a really important piece of information IMO.

We have very limited beds. In my trust alone 2 entire wards plus an ITU are all put aside for Covid. We will be pushed to our limit in the winter with that capacity being used for Covid.


The NHS is not struggling really from that as much as you’d think now that we are exempt. If you get a negative PCR it’s back to work within a day generally for us and then 10 days of Lateral Flow Tests. The only exception being if like myself you are positive, in which case it’s the slammer for 10 days. 

Edit to add; the higher incidence of Covid within the community, the more of us getting infected, the less staff the NHS has. We can’t just patch a PCR or keep doing our own thing and hope for the best. 

Its struggling more from inappropriate A&E attendances and conversely the increase in people coming to A&E that are too sick. 

I haven’t worked less than a 55 hour week since January. The vast majority of my colleagues are the same and we aren’t getting the waiting lists down. If this goes into the winter when you add in all the falls on ice, respiratory infections etc that were minimised during the last year then I think it’ll be dicey. The NHS skates through most December-February periods by the seat of its pants.

Again, very few if any people in hospital with covid are asymptomatic. The vast majority of folk are presymptomatic or symptomatic when the are tested. Irrespective of that, they still have to be isolated on a seperate ward or room which takes up more resources. 



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4 minutes ago, Proposition Joe said:

Started feeling like pure shit around Tuesday lunchtime.


Pray for me lads.

Godspeed brother.


For what its worth its not too bad so far on day 3 of symptoms. Day 5-7 is usually when it gets exciting but I have faith in the Pfizer. 


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1 hour ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Might be a bit more helpful if they spent an hour asking folk what they're doing to try to reduce the spread, but I suppose that's a bit less controversial. 

You do not want that.  Facebook/phone in maws have been doing loads to reduce the spread. They don't go to football or nightclubs, of course they didn't do that in 2019 either.   Hanging around school gates gossiping is a safe activity.  

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37 minutes ago, SoapMactavish said:

very few if any people in hospital with covid are asymptomatic. The vast majority of folk are presymptomatic or symptomatic when the are tested. 

That isn't what I was asking, though.

From a restrictions point of view, symptomatic or not, someone who isn't in hospital as a result of needing (or receiving) treatment for Covid shouldn't be included in the stats in a way that could show covid hospitalisations rising.

On A&E misuse, it's simply unacceptable IMO that GPs are still refusing face to face appointments.

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5 hours ago, SoapMactavish said:

I haven’t worked less than a 55 hour week since January. The vast majority of my colleagues are the same and we aren’t getting the waiting lists down. If this goes into the winter when you add in all the falls on ice, respiratory infections etc that were minimised during the last year then I think it’ll be dicey. The NHS skates through most December-February periods by the seat of its pants.

What's the maximum amount of hours you find yourself working? Who do you all feel about this? 

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14 minutes ago, TheBruce said:


The case is simple. The younger team are now the biggest super spreaders around and make up two thirds of all hospitalisations and are dying. Not hard.

From my brood, only my oldest son has avoided getting vaxxed and he's been been told by all, not to visit until he does, so he's visiting a drop in on Friday.

My 9yo granddaughter tested positive two days ago. Nothing serious thus far touch wood, but it's not good to hear of one of your loved ones catching it at any age.

I'm for all high school age and above for getting vaxxed. It's the only answer to minimise spread, serious illness and death. The government aren't looking to kill off the younger population with vaxxing ffs.

I caught it early doors last year and I was fucking ill. Worse than flu, but not bad enough to be hospitalised. Thought I was fucking dying. i wouldn't want any of my own to go through it.  Who knows, who might just be the next unlucky b*****d with good health and no co-morbidities to croak it as we have seen over the course of it.

This remains a novel virus and ultimate outcome full of unknowns. More twists and turns to come. Governments and media have been c***s, between the drip feeding, the innuendo, the poor decision making, the lies and sensationalism. In the meantime it's not panic, nor live in fear, but live the life as best you can with any restrictions, but most of all, take responsibility and be responsible and not be a selfish c**t thinking you are infallible whilst putting both ones self and others at risk. You're a long time dead and the younger the worst of it. 150k dead and countless more badly affected. That's a lot of families and loved ones affected, so it's do the right thing for the greater good.


Boomers gonna boom…

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