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41 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:


Just like the Welsh Chief Medical Officer was saying yesterday.


25 minutes ago, Detournement said:

That will be the reasoning for extending their use.

Or... since businesses fucking hate them and they can't maximise their economic potential with them in place, eventually they will be forced to bin them without losing too much face to the Lovejoy Brigade. They can't afford to turn businesses across the country against them long-term and will acquiesce sooner or later, just like they did with reopening international travel.

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14 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Can you just take a step back for a second and recognise that just because something works swimmingly for you that other people might be experiencing difficulties?

I ask this because you have a habit of doing this.

Somebody asked how to get a booster jag, I explained how I did it. Then I was accused of making it up. That's it. I realise different GP practices and areas of the country work differently, but anyone not wailing about how terrible everything is on this bizarrely myopic thread  is accused of lying.

Edited by welshbairn
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22 minutes ago, Detournement said:

As much as I like to criticise the SNP they are just doing the same as every western government.

Except the UK Government, Swedish Government, Danish Government, Norwegian Government, Finnish Government, Icelandic Government, Spanish Government, Polish Government, etc.

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12 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

He also warned the Scottish Government is considering imposing additional restrictions if the situation with the virus worsens.

Don't you even dare SG. 

They can warn all they like. The bottom line, however, is that they simply cannot afford to do anything that will lead to employees being furloughed, as nonsense like reduced capacities, reduced operating hours, distancing, banning alcohol, advanced bookings only etc will lead to reduced staffing levels but have such little impact on case numbers they'd be in place until spring.

If anything it would be re-instating mandatory 10 day isolation for vaccinated close contacts, or increased use of vaccine passports.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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11 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Except the UK Government, Swedish Government, Danish Government, Norwegian Government, Finnish Government, Icelandic Government, Spanish Government, Polish Government, etc.

The Spanish are using a domestic vaccine passport in many Regions now for those wishing to access night time entertainment such as clubs. Masks are also still compulsory on the dancefloors.

I don't agree with it but it's a fact.

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28 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

He also warned the Scottish Government is considering imposing additional restrictions if the situation with the virus worsens.

Don't you even dare SG. 

What he really means there is that this vaccine passport he says doesn't work will be rolled out more widely. When this happens, it will be completely overlooked that a SG Minister ever said such a thing, and bewilderment will follow when the increased use of vaccine passports doesn't result in a marked drop in case figures. 

No apology will be made for keeping people safe through implementing measures that do no such thing.

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I think the biggest frustration about the threats of increased restrictions comes from the complete lack of impact any that are touted will have on the demographic where a large number of cases are coming from.

Today, for example, 33% of cases were in school aged children, yet Swinney specifically mentioned the nighttime industry. These two are not related in any way.

If we are not prepared to roll the vaccine out in schools like they do with other vaccinations (a different argument altogether), then they should deduct school aged cases from the daily figures. There is no point in talking about increasing restrictions based on case numbers, vaccine uptake, booster jag uptake, and the role of vaccine passports in keeping case numbers down if the daily figures they use each day contain a large number of cases that are completely unaffected by the above.

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3 hours ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

I of course realise that people's experiences will be different across the country, but sometimes I wonder if problems with getting appointments are exaggerated.  I phoned our GP practice on Monday - nothing serious - to ask about a condition that I knew about as I'd had it before (no, calm down!) l thought I might just go to the pharmacist but didn't know if what I needed was available over the counter so I phoned to check. They operate a kind of triage system, presumably to direct callers to more appropriate services (and to filter out nutters).

I had an appointment with a GP 3 hours later, got a prescription and was home with it an hour later. 

I've posted this as if folk only post when they're unhappy, some might assume that these cases are representative  of the general picture.  Our service from our local surgery has been fine over the Covid period. 

Good to hear that but my recent experience differs. Adult son who is still at home and is fit and healthy wakes up a few months ago and is barely able to walk due to previously unknown pain in his ankle. Persists for a few days by which time he is having to use crutches to get about the house so eventually phones the GP. Speaks to Dr on the phone with no video aspect to the consultation or offer of a face to face appt and is prescribed amitriptilne. These knock him sideways and do nothing other than mask the pain. Months later it turns out he has artrithis on his ankle. As an aside his sister in law in the States hears of this and is astonished that he hasn't just booked an appointment with a consultant, only to be told that that is not how it works here. 

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1 hour ago, Todd_is_God said:

They can warn all they like. The bottom line, however, is that they simply cannot afford to do anything that will lead to employees being furloughed, as nonsense like reduced capacities, reduced operating hours, distancing, banning alcohol, advanced bookings only etc will lead to reduced staffing levels but have such little impact on case numbers they'd be in place until spring.

If anything it would be re-instating mandatory 10 day isolation for vaccinated close contacts, or increased use of vaccine passports.

Additional restrictions seem a long way away. If they were coming down the track, you'd probably first see Johnson and Sunak floating the idea of them before introducing them a few weeks later. This of course would necessitate furlough, which SG need to impose restrictions. So I can't see how there can be any restrictions this side of the new year. 

Added to the massive political hit the Tories would take having thrown all their eggs into the vaccine basket, I just can't see it happening. 

It's why the Tories are more than happy for folk to be prattling in about masks (which probably only make a slight difference) because it means there's not a massive public debate about restrictions that actually cost public money. 

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On 01/11/2021 at 16:35, Todd_is_God said:

The inevitable, time-delayed result of effectively shutting down the entire health service?

As was so often pointed out last year, and shot down by the "all covid deaths are preventable" brigade, the knock on effect of going to extreme lengths to try to prevent people catching a mildly fatal virus will be worse than the effects of the virus. This is just the start.

But, hey, at least some people wore masks and cared more...

it coiuld easily be that reason

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42,000 reported errors in vaccination status.  Could be higher as it doesn't include data for when it has been an easy fix for someone.
I'm surprised it isn't more given we have now administered well over 8 million doses. It's a pretty small percentage.
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4 hours ago, Left Back said:

42,000 reported errors in vaccination status.  Could be higher as it doesn't include data for when it has been an easy fix for someone.



4 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Going to a nightclub is one thing, what happens if you've spent money on something like a season ticket, gigs, holidays, and you can't use the vaccine passport, and can't get refunds?

This. An absolute fucking disgrace, but nothing less than what I’ve come to expect. I think I’d be verging on going postal if I was unable to go on a holiday because of government incompetence that’s lasted months.

16 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
4 hours ago, Left Back said:
42,000 reported errors in vaccination status.  Could be higher as it doesn't include data for when it has been an easy fix for someone.

I'm surprised it isn't more given we have now administered well over 8 million doses. It's a pretty small percentage.

How does that boot leather taste?

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It's always been the schools that have been the spreaders, but former Education Secretary John Swinney isn't going to admit that.

I’ve said this before but the low point of the pandemic in Scottish terms was John Swinney refusing to close schools two days early before the Christmas break, for a pointless Monday/Tuesday where everyone was watching films, because ‘schools are actually safer than the community’.

The schools of course did not return after these very safe two days until March 15th. Poor little buggers thrown to the wolves for three whole months.

The baldest, speckiest tube.
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