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16 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

It's genuinely horrifying that we have people in the world who think like you do.



13 minutes ago, Empty It said:
2 hours ago, welshbairn said:
It's literally the same place, and it's only for a fortnight. If they don't have anywhere else they can self isolate it doesn't sound like the Boer War concentration camps to me.

You'd literally roll over and do whatever any government told you to do without question, quite sad really.

I just don't happen to believe they're rounding up Aboriginals and sticking them in an internment camp because they oppose fracking.

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As recently as the 1970s the Australian government were forcibly taking Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their parents and placing them in care, the so called "Stolen Generation". My friend's mum was one such child and as such has absolutely no idea what her heritage is. People from both backgrounds are still widely discriminated against in Australia and in some cases still lack the same legal right as the European immigrant population.

Therefore I think it's entirely reasonable to be concerned about the Australian government's intentions here, or at the very least to believe that more care should be shown in dealing with such populations.

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Also in 2007 the federal government suspended the human rights of Aboroginal people in the Northern Territories to apply draconian laws to address claims of child sex abuse that many people believe were exaggerated. 

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The AMSANT Board supports home quarantining with regular testing as long as it occurs only in urban areas with vaccine coverage of at least 80% double dose and only in households where everyone is vaccinated who is eligible to be vaccinated. To ensure compliance, there needs to continue to be signed agreements by all that make it clear that if there is a breach of quarantine, the whole household will be required to enter supervised quarantine at their own expense.

AMSANT is the peak body for Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHSs) in the Northern Territory.



Members of the Binjari and Rockhole communities are "very upset by the untrue comments being made in the media and social media about their situation," according to a statement from community leaders.

In a statement released on Wednesday afternoon, via the Wurli-Wurlinjang Aboriginal Health Service which provides health care to the residents of Binjari and Rockhole, the senior community members spoke out on behalf of the two communities.

They rejected claims made on social media that members of Binjari community were being forcibly removed by Australian Defence Force personnel or otherwise mistreated by authorities.

"We have been treated with a lot of respect and appreciate all the support being given by these support personnel people," the statement reads.

"We are in lockdown because we're in the biggest fight of our lives. We're trying to keep safe. We're trying to do the right thing by the community and Katherine."


Binjari and Rockhole community leaders hit back at social media claims in statement


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Stats today look good to my untrained eye. Hospital numbers down. Quite 'a lot' of cases but from a lot of tests (over 40,000!) so positivity down a bit I think. Also quite a lot of the cases in school kids, which is sort of 'good' if you know what I mean. Really hope this trend continues.

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1 hour ago, scottsdad said:

Meeting in the university Senate today and we discussed upping the number of students in class. The Principal was very, very critical of the Scot Gov and their handling of it. He is pushing for 90% attendance (why not 100% I don't know). The unions are pushing back on that. 

The unions have shown themselves up to be utterly detestable throughout the pandemic with their constant screeching for restrictions.

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29 minutes ago, GTee said:

Stats today look good to my untrained eye. Hospital numbers down. Quite 'a lot' of cases but from a lot of tests (over 40,000!) so positivity down a bit I think. Also quite a lot of the cases in school kids, which is sort of 'good' if you know what I mean. Really hope this trend continues.



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Austria, Slovenia, Czech republic all now well over 1000 cases per 100K

Belgium, Slovakia, Netherlands all over 900 cases per 100K


What i find amazing at the moment is the lack of a "disaster" in Africa with all the unvaccinated.

Yesterday the whole continent reported only 6,462 cases and 197 deaths.

Obviously under reporting and testing compared to Europe, but if they were digging trenches everywhere I am sure we would know.

Particularly South Africa, Morocco, Tunisia & Libya where testing is pretty much the norm. 


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5 minutes ago, Tynie Wickfield said:

Have they advised when they're going to start adding the booster to the App.


Nope, this is what Sturgeon said last week..


We are currently looking at how we incorporate booster vaccinations into the vaccine certification and into the app.

Steps will be taken to ensure, particularly for international travel, where we are reliant on the requirements of other countries, that people are not disadvantaged and that the benefits of booster vaccinations are properly reflected.


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Sridhar only exists punt her silly little book and give thirsty middle aged Guardian readers someone to dream about at night.

The amount of times she’s made a plunger out of herself and her duff advice has been completely ignored by Sturgeon is both hilarious and tragic.

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36 minutes ago, anotherchance said:

Sridhar only exists punt her silly little book and give thirsty middle aged Guardian readers someone to dream about at night.

The amount of times she’s made a plunger out of herself and her duff advice has been completely ignored by Sturgeon is both hilarious and tragic.

Only recently tbf. In the first year her advice was held in high regard by NS (she said so herself) which created a legacy of care more policy which they are struggling to shake.

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29 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Only recently tbf. In the first year her advice was held in high regard by NS (she said so herself) which created a legacy of care more policy which they are struggling to shake.

“Struggling to shake” on this thread maybe.  

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6 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

Similar to the right wing campaign to vilify GPs it is remarkable that giving a f**k or "caring" is now being portrayed as a negative trait in a national leader. 

There’s a difference between wanting to be seen to care, and actually enacting sensible policies based on strong evidence  which actually make a difference.

The remaining vaccine passports rules, for instance. Not a shred of evidence that they make a difference, people know that LFT’s aren’t really going to guarantee anything, but still we persist with the charade because they want to be seen to care or doing something.

The tragic thing is, there’s a decent sized part of the population who put virtue signalling etc above substance, actually being a good c**t and so on. Leaders therefore play up to that sort of thing because it’s the kind of airy fairy pish which appeals to these people.

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At least we'll never need to go back to this. 'Some outdoor meeting allowed' - Schools open in all levels.

I'm sure it was produced with the best of intentions, but how they arrived at some of it would be interesting to know.

Anyway those vaccine 'inventors' are legends.


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