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13 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

I'm going to exercise my right to vote and also exercise my right to be an immature c**t at the next GE and draw a cock on my paper.  I'll always vote for an independent Scotland, but the SNP have lost my vote for the foreseeable with the refusal to accept that vulnerable people will die from Covid.

I was going to vote Green but they're just as bad.  And the Alba Party are full of mad dangers.

Make it a big cock, and draw it across all names on the ballot paper. In the next election, there could be an issue there though. The SNP could claim the big cock vote is a vote for John Swinney.

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5 minutes ago, Ron Aldo said:

I assume by "people" he means Nicola Sturgeon and the entire Scottish Government? 

I assume he means the CEO of Moderna who gave out different mood music yesterday.  Both of them trying to sell jags.  If one says our jag is good and the other says our jag is OK which one are countries going to buy?

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25 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

What's fascinating is that Brits tend to think that this level of obedience and compliance is something to be proud of. Something virtuous. When in actual fact it just means we're easily manipulated, weak and prefer others to do our thinking for us. Strong people would have ditched lockdown the second they saw the Scottish CMO or whatever her title was, visiting her holiday home in Fife after telling the rest of us to stay indoors.

Remember it was only last year that people needed to be told how to wash their hands by singing a full verse of Happy Birthday or whatever song it was - cue multiple YouTube videos explaining the process.

I do just wonder whether some of this rage towards Boris is just a bit of embarrassment.

I'm in the same boat as you regarding the SNP. I probably just won't vote rather than ruin my ballot paper. Not sure when I will vote again. I like my politicians to stay the f**k out of my day to day life. Apparently that's asking too much. Just found out recently that I now need to have to replace all of my perfetcly well-functioning smoke detectors in my house and replace them with blue-tooth connected ones at a cost to me of a few hundred quid with the risk of my insurance not paying out if I don't thanks to Sturgeon. The WTF moments just keep piling up.

You are correct about the smoke detectors and, I think, carbon monoxide detectors as well. Anyway, it cost me a good few hundred pounds a few months ago. The electrician was telling me that he was so busy and it was all so lucrative that he had bought stock for about £12k to cash in on it.

About all this compliance nonsense, everyone should just ignore it and LIVE!!

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1 minute ago, Left Back said:

I assume he means the CEO of Moderna who gave out different mood music yesterday.  Both of them trying to sell jags.  If one says our jag is good and the other says our jag is OK which one are countries going to buy?

Not the one who said their vaccine was LIKELY to offer strong protection

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16 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

You remind me of an old uncle of mine.

Just like you, he used to crack the same joke every time I spoke to him.

At first people laughed because it was a good joke.

Then after the 18th telling, people started to audibly groan in his presence.

Eventually we stopped inviting him round at Christmas.

He died alone with his cats a few years ago.

There's a lesson in there Welshy.

It was your joke Softy. :P

P.S. Did you find that shite on Facebook? :1eye

Edited by welshbairn
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1 hour ago, oaksoft said:

The more interesting question is this. Given that we've sat for 18 months watching so many people in power (political and scientific advisors) repeatedly simply side-step the rules they've mandated by law that everyone else has to follow, why is anyone either listening to them or complying with them?

Maybe some of the anger is actually people feeling a bit foolish for complying with this nonsense?

you can see it on here finally dawning of some people theyve been had for so long, hard to admit

anger and shame like a battered wife moving out, zombies leaving a cult

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This would be bizzare if this came in days after they ruled it out. Going to be very expensive for folk coming back to see family and you would imagine they will be traveling very soon.

Another useful reminder that Sturgeon/Drakeford receive exactly the same public health advice that Westminster do. I think some were convinced Sturgeon had pulled the day 8 test proposal out of her arse on Monday in order to posture, but turns out it’s a SAGE recommendation.

The Scottish and Welsh governments seem to be far more willing to implement advice to the letter, which of course is sometimes positive and sometimes negative. On this occasion and at this exact moment in time, even a day 2 test is beginning to look a bit silly but we actually ‘just don’t know’ yet.
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18 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

Make it a big cock, and draw it across all names on the ballot paper. In the next election, there could be an issue there though. The SNP could claim the big cock vote is a vote for John Swinney.

I'll take a photo of mine them amirite!

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16 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

You remind me of an old uncle of mine.

Just like you, he used to crack the same joke every time I spoke to him.

At first people laughed because it was a good joke.

Then after the 18th telling, people started to audibly groan in his presence.

Eventually we stopped inviting him round at Christmas.

He died alone with his cats a few years ago.

There's a lesson in there Welshy.

There is a lesson in there, but I’m not sure it is the one you think it is.

I’m also aware, like most of your postings, it is just a made up story.  However, it really doesn’t paint you in a great light.  Rather than simply telling your uncle that you didn’t want to hear the same joke any more, you stopped inviting him round and he died alone? What a lovely way to treat a member of your family.

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10 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

I wouldn't disagree with any of that.

The restrictions are a desperate attempt to shore up an NHS that those in charge have allowed to be run into the ground, leaving no room to cope with an emergency such as covid or a bad flu season.

We should have spent 18 months attacking the politicians for this because their combined actions are the direct cause of so many of the 150k or so deaths but instead we've allowed ourselves to get caught up in wittering shite about who is and who is not wearing their masks properly and posting photos of "offenders" on Twitter.

It's often said that we get the government we deserve. Having Boris and Nicola in charge is a reflection of societies unwillingness to pay attention to the type of people we hand the keys of power over to. In many ways, it's as much a failure of society as it is of Boris and Nicola. In Nicola's case, it's only become apparent very recently that she is out of her depth and a control freak but we've known about Boris for over a decade.

I would only add that the NHS was always going to fail at its current rate Covid just spread that up.

Have to agree that we should all be far more pissed off with out politicians, but it requires time and effort most people don't have and then folk just don't bother going along to vote.

The Scottish parliament does need a second house to hold the first chamber to account. Likewise with the UK parliament if Boris didn't have such a huge majority he would have been chucked long ago mainly for being completely hopeless. The FM and PM do hold large swathes of the public in a sort of fan club, politicians ought to be treated with suspicion imo.

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What value is there is a predeparture test when 10% of South Africans landing in the Netherlands tested positive, having previously submitted a negative test before flying? 

Reminder also that around 4% of passengers from India also arrived in the UK last April and tested positive for covid having submitted a negative test. 

Doesn't seem very valuable to me at all. 


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8 hours ago, oaksoft said:

You remind me of an old uncle of mine.

Just like you, he used to crack the same joke every time I spoke to him.

At first people laughed because it was a good joke.

Then after the 18th telling, people started to audibly groan in his presence.

Eventually we stopped inviting him round at Christmas.

He died alone with his cats a few years ago.

There's a lesson in there Welshy.

is the lesson, you and everyone else involved in your christmas dinner are c***s ?

Edited by Meldrew
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33 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

You are correct about the smoke detectors and, I think, carbon monoxide detectors as well. Anyway, it cost me a good few hundred pounds a few months ago. The electrician was telling me that he was so busy and it was all so lucrative that he had bought stock for about £12k to cash in on it.

About all this compliance nonsense, everyone should just ignore it and LIVE!!

people complained about the nanny state in the 80s, was like a libertarian paradise compared to even 2018

nannying hysteria like for this coof was inevitable at some point when people keep voting for nanny statists

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17 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Something to watch closely:


Well it was found in Belgium from a passenger that returned from Egyot on the 11th of November. Whether that's coincidence and the person caught it in Belgium, who knows. The Netherlands also confirmed cases of it before SA announced it. 

I find it surprising that given it clearly has been in Europe before SA detected it, that it wasn't detected before. The UK is renowned for being good at sequencing and SA's programme has likewise been praised. I don't know for sure, but would imagine western Europe is also pretty reasonable at it as well. Seems strange that it wasn't caught before. 


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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

Anyone who bases their Covid precautions on Boris Fucking Johnson's behaviour is an idiot. He's the man who bragged about shaking every patient's hand in a Covid ward before getting hospitalised with it.

It's not about "basing their precautions" on what Boris does. It's about the sacrifices people made. Some folk didn't see their own, elderly parents for almost a year because we were told it would protect the country until we had effective treatments, yet those who are in power just swanned about doing whatever the f**k they liked. Everyone now has some form of protection against this virus, whether that's through infection or vaccines, so the next time Boris tries to tell us we need to sacrifice more of our lives being locked up, you really shouldn't be surprised (or bizarrely have the audacity to call other people idiots) when they inevitably tell Boris where to ram it. 

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You remind me of an old uncle of mine.
Just like you, he used to crack the same joke every time I spoke to him.
At first people laughed because it was a good joke.
Then after the 18th telling, people started to audibly groan in his presence.
Eventually we stopped inviting him round at Christmas.
He died alone with his cats a few years ago.
There's a lesson in there Welshy.

I think I might be your uncle.
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