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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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You remind me of an old uncle of mine.
Just like you, he used to crack the same joke every time I spoke to him.
At first people laughed because it was a good joke.
Then after the 18th telling, people started to audibly groan in his presence.
Eventually we stopped inviting him round at Christmas.
He died alone with his cats a few years ago.
There's a lesson in there Welshy.

I think I might be your uncle.
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10 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

Some folk didn't see their own, elderly parents for almost a year because we were told it would protect the country

I always saw that as about protecting the elderly parents. I do what I think helps protect others and myself, how politicians behave doesn't affect that.

Edited by welshbairn
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6 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

It's not about "basing their precautions" on what Boris does. It's about the sacrifices people made. Some folk didn't see their own, elderly parents for almost a year because we were told it would protect the country until we had effective treatments, yet those who are in power just swanned about doing whatever the f**k they liked. Everyone now has some form of protection against this virus, whether that's through infection or vaccines, so the next time Boris tries to tell us we need to sacrifice more of our lives being locked up, you really shouldn't be surprised (or bizarrely have the audacity to call other people idiots) when they inevitably tell Boris where to ram it. 


I was pretty annoyed back in early 2021 as my MP at the time (Alok Sharma) was flying around the world to talk to various countries about COP. Meanwhile, his constituents and indeed the country as a whole were under a severe lockdown and banned from visiting friends and family. I am quite sure that even in the least developed countries that they are capable of using Teams or Zoom. He might argue face to face would be better than using Zoom and I would agree, but even if we don't like them, the leaders should be setting the example and modelling the correct behaviour. I'm sure many people would have liked to meet face to face, but they were banned by law from doing so. His actions laid out a poor example; restrictions are for the plebs.

Johnson is a arsehole and whilst I don't think he's a good model at all, if he behaves in a way that flouts restrictions then all moral authority is lost. It doesn't make it right if others do it, but it is understandable. The rules after all are supposed to apply to us all. 



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17 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

It's not about "basing their precautions" on what Boris does. It's about the sacrifices people made. Some folk didn't see their own, elderly parents for almost a year because we were told it would protect the country until we had effective treatments, yet those who are in power just swanned about doing whatever the f**k they liked. Everyone now has some form of protection against this virus, whether that's through infection or vaccines, so the next time Boris tries to tell us we need to sacrifice more of our lives being locked up, you really shouldn't be surprised (or bizarrely have the audacity to call other people idiots) when they inevitably tell Boris where to ram it. 

I’m just amazed at how meekly people adhere’d to the ‘rules’.

I just refused. No government has the right to tell me whom I should see or mix with.

If I’m breaking the law, so be it.

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I've said it before, but i'll say it again. The way our MPs etc have behaved throughout should open people's eyes to their individual risk from Covid.

These people aren't doing these things primarily to wind the public up - they are doing them because they know the risk to their health is extremely low. If they felt there was genuine danger, they wouldn't do it.

That doesn't make it ok to break the rules, and people should be angry that the rules seemingly didn't / don't apply to them, but they should also see this and stop being scared by Covid and instead be demanding they be allowed to get on with their normal lives.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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9 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

All those people unable to get cancer diagnosis or treatment and people who couldnt get mental health treatment amongst a myriad of other illnesses and died, because of all that protection the government gave them must feel really good to hear that. 

health impact is the tip of the iceberg, the damage done is incalcuable

burn the whole street doon because o some mould at number 22.

worst thing is its all intentional, predictalbe and noone will be held responsible

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8 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Ursula Von Der Leyden is saying the EU needs to move towards mandatory vaccinations. 

She is one of the most repulsive people in the world.

I was very anti Brexit in the referendum but everything that’s happened since we left the EU has convinced me that we are far better off out of the bloody thing. If Scotland ever do vote for independence we should go for the Norway model rather than trying to get back into the EU. 

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10 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

And this is the nub of the problem. People keeping making everything out to be a "moral" issue.

Covid isn't a moral issue.

Never has been.

It is a health issue. Nothing more.

By mislabelling it as some kind of moral crusade, it dissuades people from questioning the measures which have been imposed on us because most people don't want others to think they are "uncaring c***s".

This really needs to stop.

The law itself is a public health measure, I agree. But following that particular law is a moral obligation in the same way any other law is.

Laws rely on compliance which we are all expected to adhere to. This includes the Government. If the Government is caught failing to comply with its own rules, the moral obligation for the public to follow the law is diminished. After all, the law is intended for all and if the people that implemented don't follow it, why should anyone else? If you trash your own rules, any moral authority you have to insist upon these rules no longer applies. 

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23 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Ursula Von Der Leyden is saying the EU needs to move towards mandatory vaccinations. 

She is one of the most repulsive people in the world.

Worst than Hitler? Pol Pot? On a par with General Pinochet?

Just trying to gauge where she sits in the Repulsive League Table.

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