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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Somewhere out there in the multiverse, WM is being run by a left-wing government and all the relaxations and continued freedoms are being wholly endorsed and supported by the same folk who are currently screaming for further tightening.
Meanwhile, the Tory supporters of the opposition are wailing that those in power aren't doing enough to protect lives and people's health and that the liberal 'do what you want' mob are fucking wrecking this country and this wouldn't have happened during WWII when everyone knuckled down together in the Blitz Spirit[emoji769]
There are many folk on this thread who have left their previous political leanings at the door to actually focus on the issue and topic at hand without 'Tory said it so must be bad, SNP said it so must be good' coming into the conversation to cloud judgement. The people most concerned at this fact, for some reason, are the diehard SNP supporters like Danger and Bob who see this as a sleight at their party and their politics which is why they are so constant and disproportionately aggressive at the prospect of people who were previously SNP supporters being deeply troubled at the route they've taken.
I'd be very interested to see the reaction of those posters in a situation where a left-wing government down south and a right-wing government in Scotland were imposing the same respective measures as we currently are seeing. I reckon they'd be firmly onside with the opinions held by many on this thread.
I also can all but guarantee most of the people who are currently yelling bollocks at everything the SNP have said and done the last 18 months, would be shouting bollocks at the Tories imposing these, so in that regard, our opinions would remain firm regardless of the party implementing restrictions.

Exactly, had sturgeon went full boslenaro , the snp supporters would be lapping it up with ‘ whas like us ! We’re scots we’re no feart a nae virus youll never take our freedom!!
It’s just tribalism now
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More modelling in the mud. They can't even accurately predict 3 days into the future (remember they reviewed their early models on the 30th and decided that the "do nothing" projection was still looking accurate).

This should be a big wake up call not only for how useless these models are for anything at all, but for how little the experts behind the models, despite their constant attempts to persuade otherwise, really understand the virus.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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In studies from SA those who have had Omicron are 4.5 times protected against Delta

Those who have had Delta are unlikely to be protected against Omicron.

This in effect should mean the end of Delta.

If you are interested in John Campbells evaluation.


Edited by superbigal
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If they're 'forbidden' beyond the middle of this month I would suggest it should be a toppling of government worthy matter, quite frankly. This fucking odious cretin should be removed from all public engagement immediately.

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If restrictions remain after the 17th it's solely Sturgeon going for a big job outside the UK.

Could we actually see an element of self interest inspire the docile SNP automatons to actually do their jobs for once and put some pressure on her to get the public back onside?

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3 minutes ago, Detournement said:

If restrictions remain after the 17th it's solely Sturgeon going for a big job outside the UK.

Do SPECTRE have something lined up for her on their underground moon base?

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Here’s the full article 

Large public gatherings may remain forbidden well into the spring, Scotland’s national clinical director has suggested.


Jason Leitch dismissed calls to reschedule Edinburgh’s Hogmanay party to April, arguing that it would be too soon to authorise mass celebrations. Nick Stewart, managing director of Sneaky Pete’s nightclub in Edinburgh, had floated the idea after the city’s Hogmanay street party was cancelled.

About 30,000 people, more than half the usual capacity, had been to gather in the city centre to watch acts including Franz Ferdinand, Metronomy and Free Love. The event was cancelled on December 21 after the Omicron variant began spreading rapidly.

“I would love to see Scotland choosing to reschedule the whole of Hogmanay,” Stewart told The World This Weekend on BBC Radio 4. “Edinburgh [should have] a huge party sometime around April, when we know that everyone can come, pretty much all restrictions will no longer be in place and the whole city decides this is what we are doing.”

Leitch said that a whole-city party in April “might be slightly too early”, warning that despite evidence that it generally caused less severe illness the Omicron variant still had the potential to put dozens of people in hospital every day.

He told the BBC: “I like an Edinburgh night out, like any other person in Scotland. I certainly look forward to next year’s Hogmanay, but whether we can bring that forward to April, I think the jury is still out.

“We are hopeful, and the data is now aligning. We have now got data from South Africa, from University College London, from Denmark, and crucially from Edinburgh that suggests serious disease is certainly less with this variant, maybe as much as three quarters less.

“But lets put that in perspective — 2,500 Delta cases [per day] gets you 50 people in hospital, and we don’t take that lightly. You need 10,000 Omicron cases for the same number of admissions and Scotland is at 15,000 admissions, so it’s not one jump and you’re free.”



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Ok I take it back. He's a slevvering w**k.

There's absolutely no justification for creating any uncertainty as far away as April on January 2nd.

Firstly, the idea that we will have at least 10,000 cases per day for three whole months is ludicrous. Secondly, If the SNHS cannot handle fifty admissions per day then that is on the SG to sort out, not the public.

The SG and their advisors need to take a step back from the limelight and shut up.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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He told the BBC: “I like an Edinburgh night out, like any other person in Scotland. 

Filing that away just beside "I have a rare condition that means I cant sweat", in my big cupboard of things that people say because they think other people are really thick.
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