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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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18 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

The ‘arguments’ on here are not worth deconstructing.  They are the mewlings of a tiny, tiny minority of the people of Scotland.  They are also inconsistent.


Still waiting on your definition of a moonhowler from last night, a few ^^^ didn't really make much sense. 

Something other than a gif, some smart comment or keyboard graphics would be nice. 

For what its worth my opinion is that the current restictions are neither necessary nor proportionate and that they have been deeply flawed and of little value throughout other than being a vehicle for Nicola Sturgeon to try and appear more "caring". In my humble opinion her opinion poll ratings should not have been the litmus test for closing whole sectors of society. Time after time the SG has taken the easy option and gone for the same soft targets. 

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I dont agree at all re the decision to put people into care homes without testing. You can apply the trolley car dilemma etc if you want, but quite simply I find it inexcusable.
Its perfectly acceptable to blame politicians for their mistakes and I agree it has to be measured against the alternatives but I think the care homes decision was absolutely ghastly. Doctors essentially briefed that people in care homes shouldn’t be sent into hospital, pushing people who could be treated towards palliative pathways is disgraceful. 
I think the realisation that such a horrific mistake was made has resulted in the uber cautious approach we have seen since this time. 

Testing is a complete red herring as at that point we didn't have anything like a reliable LFD.

It was only in June 2020 that systematic evaluation of lateral flow testing was initiated at Oxford University as part of a collaboration with Public Health England. That study confirmed that only four out of 64 LFDs tested had desirable performance characteristics - it's those 4 LFDs that are now in use. There's also been concern since that the Innova LFD is not as reliable as first thought.

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1 hour ago, Donathan said:


Genuinely thank god the Tories are running the government and not woke gimps like this 

Yeahhhhh I’m not wearing a mask every time I go into a shop or a pub for the rest of my life I’m afraid.

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1 hour ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:



There clearly has been a political element all along - the need to differentiate from Westminster but also to highlight issues with funding. I think for the greater part of the pandemic she's gotten away with it because we were really only talking about subtle differences.

This latest set of restrictions and vaccine passports were quite different - and she has pissed off a lot of supporters who until that point were prepared to give her the benefit of the doubt.

I think there’s also the real issue that she is an instinctively cautious politician, conservative with a small 'c' as it were - I think there is part of her that is genuinely wary of lifting restrictions too early.

It really needs those in the SNP hierarchy to have a word in her ear if it does prove to be damaging.

As a final thought - there have been some saying she should go - but I am genuinely struggling to think of someone competent enough with enough experience to replace her.

The thought of Humza as FM is enough to put shivers down my spine.


I keep on saying. There is already a designated Deputy First Minister.

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1 hour ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

I dont agree at all re the decision to put people into care homes without testing. You can apply the trolley car dilemma etc if you want, but quite simply I find it inexcusable....

The problem was that politicians believed the apocalyptic modelling predictions and thought they had to clear hospitals ASAP for an imminent catastrophic IFR = 2% scenario that never materialised. The more rational approach would have been to try to shield the elderly and immuno-compromised who were actually at high risk in the hope a vaccine or antiviral treatments would eventually emerge but keep the rest of society as functional possible and build up herd immunity among the younger age cohorts. Hindsight is 20:20 though and people who were at very little risk got it into their heads that COVID-19 was much more of a risk to them than it really was because of the initial over the top lockdown policies.

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The problem was that politicians believed the apocalyptic modelling predictions and thought they had to clear hospitals ASAP for an imminent catastrophic IFR = 2% scenario that never materialised. The more rational approach would have been to try to shield the elderly and immuno-compromised who were actually at high risk in the hope a vaccine or antiviral treatments would eventually emerge but keep the rest of society as functional possible and build up herd immunity among the younger age cohorts. Hindsight is 20:20 though and people who were at very little risk got it into their heads that COVID-19 was much more of a risk to them than it really was because of the initial over the top lockdown policies.
I think those initial videos from Italy scared the shit out of them.
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3 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Hindsight is 20:20 though

A lot of what you have said isn't hindsight, though. It was talked about on here as early as May 2020 but was dismissed by many as an unacceptable strategy because it was discriminatory and unfair.

Interestingly, a Venn Diagram of those who held those views then and those who support vaccine passports and a split society now would be a circle.

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24 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

The problem was that politicians believed the apocalyptic modelling predictions and thought they had to clear hospitals ASAP for an imminent catastrophic IFR = 2% scenario that never materialised. The more rational approach would have been to try to shield the elderly and immuno-compromised who were actually at high risk in the hope a vaccine or antiviral treatments would eventually emerge but keep the rest of society as functional possible and build up herd immunity among the younger age cohorts. Hindsight is 20:20 though and people who were at very little risk got it into their heads that COVID-19 was much more of a risk to them than it really was because of the initial over the top lockdown policies.

I absolutely agree with you and dee. They shat themselves with the italy stuff and have done the same with every other variant. They should have put a protocol in place for the vulnerable after the initial infection period. The restrictions in place post vaccination of the most vulnerable was indicative of the overreach. 

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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

The ‘arguments’ on here are not worth deconstructing.  They are the mewlings of a tiny, tiny minority of the people of Scotland.  They are also inconsistent.

Even my most unhinged and toilet-duck-fueled rantings on the politics thread pale in to insignificance compared to your blether, mate.

Keep posting!

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3 hours ago, PedroMoutinho said:

Leitch’s mewlings that the peak won’t be until February looking more and more wrong by the day 


According to our Michelle, it's 10 days for ours - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-59894880

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3 hours ago, Snafu said:

Yeah Johnson maybe be seen as a bit of a bumbling idiot but he's politically street wise enough and capable of playing dirty when he has to and has a team of very smart and resourceful people behind him who know exactly what they are doing and I don't mean his team/cabinet when I say this. They have a strategy not unlike moving pieces on a chess board. Sturgeon has limited powers and has less resources to back her up including finances and a strategy which has to take into account what Westminster decides, Westminster doesn't have to wait on what Hollyrood decides. The UKG is always going to be one/two moves ahead. Sturgeon is easily out gunned when it comes down to it, same goes for the Welsh.

Unfortunately, we got rid of our guns...

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4 hours ago, virginton said:

Sit down and shut up, you condescending bore. 

The fact that a poster runs around a football forum looking for threads to complain about and clocking up the number of red circles they receive is not mitigated by 'struggles with mental health'. In fact, it is likely insulting for others with mental health struggles to be conflated with the behaviour of a professional victim. 

The solution to any such struggles is perfectly straightforward and involves the 'sign out' button at the top of the screen. Although I believe that a politely written request to delete an account and IP ban has been accepted in the past as well. 


Really, it's not difficult. You don't have an argument, simply a continuous slew of invective which contributes the square root of fúck all to anyone's life. Including, funnily enough, your own. 

When a poster with  a known history of serious MH problems is posting in a manner which suggests he may be going through a further crisis, what kind of arsehole carries on with the ad hominem  attacks while trying to project some kind of superiority? A grade "A" cúnt, imho. 


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3 hours ago, Monkey Tennis said:

That's not really much of an argument.

If people don't like the direction of something on here, especially regarding a topic that concerns us all, why on Earth shouldn't they say so? The thread doesn't and shouldn't only belong to the Main Players.  

Telling people to either go along with it, or not come near it, is not sensible or mature.

It's almost as if dissent is only a good thing when practised by others..

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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27 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

A lot of what you have said isn't hindsight, though. It was talked about on here as early as May 2020 but was dismissed by many as an unacceptable strategy because it was discriminatory and unfair.

Interestingly, a Venn Diagram of those who held those views then and those who support vaccine passports and a split society now would be a circle.

I, for one, was being abused mercilessly on the football and politics forums until I found this place which has become an oasis of sanity amidst all the crap.

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