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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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1 hour ago, Al B said:

In the case of my closest Aunt and Uncle, my Aunt had Cancer pre-Covid that thankfully had gone into remission for a few years, then obviously lockdown kicked in and, as was the case with everyone, we weren't able to see each other.

During lockdown her Cancer returned, and it was a massive fight to be able to be seen, with appointments and operations constantly cancelled and pushed back due to Covid. Finally after almost a year of waiting, she was scheduled in for what was by that time, a 50/50, last chance procedure to save her life. The night before she was due to be admitted for her operartion she was awoken my a massive clatter in the bathroom, and ran in to find my Uncle having had a massive heart attack due to the stress of it all and the thought of losing his wife due to the delays and restrictions. He was dead before he'd hit the floor.

She was left with no real choice but to go through with being admitted the next day as it has been delayed repeatedly for almost a year and was already her last chance. Sadly post-op she lasted another 6 weeks and unfortunately passed away.

I 100% understand the pressures that the hospitals etc were facing pre-vaccine and whilst it still hurts like hell that, in a non-Covid world they would both likely still be here, we're in a very different scenario now. Because of restrictions I left the house of two happy, relatively healthy people at the end of February 2020, and we parted with a hug, a "see you soon", and a wave as we drove off, and I never saw them again other than effectively twice sitting by myself in a crematorium 6 weeks apart with 19 other people spaced out in it, my mum bawling her eyes out and me not even being able to comfort her....just sitting 10 feet away watching her cry. Their deaths are hard enough but the real knife in the heart is that we all spent months sitting by ourselves in our houses not knowing that we'd never see each other again.

Back then, I had more of an acceptance of what the restrictions were for, what they were doing and why they were necessary. But now? There's people living through that exact scenario for absolutely no reason whatsoever, that has never even had an attempt at rational justification. The whole thing has been handled disgustingly with what seems like complete disregard for anyone thats suffering, ill or dying of anything other than Covid, and I've all but had enough of it.

I'm not sure who she thinks it is that she's protecting at this stage with all this, but it's definitely not the general public or the country.

Apologies for quoting myself but just to add, another galling thing is that as I understand it, (hypothetially) had they both tested positive for asymptomatic Covid in their respective examinations, they would have contributed to the completely inflated and misleading Covid death figures, that were used to mistakenly justify the levels of restrictions that effectively killed them in the first place.

Absolute farce.

Edited by Al B
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4 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

Hospitality restrictions have to be removed if full crowds are going back. 

But outdoors is safer you see, which is err, why we stopped them in the first place.

Oh wait, that doesn't make sense!

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5 minutes ago, D.V.T. said:



This worries me a bit. There’s nothing much to discuss


Probably just ironing out the one-way systems and limits on numbers who can go for a shite at any one time.

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2 minutes ago, Frank Grimes said:

Dare I say it, but are we seeing that beginning of the ScotGov pushing back against worse case scenario doom merchants like Leitch?

One can only hope 

I'd say it's far more likely their hand is being forced because of the data and situation south of the border.

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6 minutes ago, Elixir said:

I'd say it's far more likely their hand is being forced because of the data and situation south of the border.

Well that too but the mood music from Leitch was making me pessimistic as f**k as his authority and expertise has always seemed beyond question

Hopefully the Government have read the fucking room at last and have realised the end of the tether has been reached. A bit of humility actually wouldn’t go a miss today but I know that will be asking too much

Lets finally move forward with our lives 

Let the unvaccinated perish for all I care and anyone else who is concerned can just stay in their house

Thank you 

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4 hours ago, ddfg said:

To me learning to live with Covid involves making personal choices based on personal circumstances and individual attitude to risk not the First Minister instructing the whole country on what they can and cannot do. Allowing people to think for themselves is obviously not high on her agenda. 

Spot on. 

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56 minutes ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

Sturgeon's anti ice hockey agenda is plain for all to see. She's been bitter ever since the Ayr Scottish Eagles were moved to a shopping centre. 

As have I.  f**k ice hockey. 

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14 minutes ago, Frank Grimes said:

Dare I say it, but are we seeing that beginning of the ScotGov pushing back against worse case scenario doom merchants like Leitch?

One can only hope 

Think that's a big part of it. They got a lot of pushback with their most recent set of restrictions and I think the degree of criticism took them by surprise. Sturgeon in particular is not used to that and has seemed pretty tetchy recently. 

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If these restrictions are lifted, what is seriously stopping them from allowing full crowds this weekend? It's another weekend for the lower league clubs without some desperately needed income, while just over 48 hours later Celtic Park will have a full house. 

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