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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Was I hearing that right? They're keeping the Sword of Damocles hanging over us all and Scottish businesses if the virus 'mutates', which it will? For example, if we have a slightly more severe variant, i.e. as we sometimes have with a bad influenza season, they think they can impose restrictions, sorry *protections*, on us?

Still maintaining guidance and recommendations for masks and covid passes to make people 'feel safe'. F**k off.

And what of the risible 'Test and Protect'? Is it being binned from public places?

I hope there is mass non-compliance and any business who indulges the charade gets what will come to them, as will the foolishness of this tinpot administration when it becomes clear that nobody gives a f**k anymore.

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Just now, oaksoft said:

Honestly I don't think that will happen unless we get a new variant which starts killing or hospitalising tons of people or we start seeing developed nations re-introduce restrictions.

Thing is, there is a hard core of people who believe that this is the case now who will have all summer to spread their propaganda. "A plane crash every week" is how they're describing the currant death figures. 

Our only hope (jeez, can't believe I'm about to type this) is that Johnson and the Tories keep the tap switched off to prevent the money being splurged all over the place come the winter.  

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Permit me to ask a daft question, but is this framework what they want to protect under permanent extension of emergency powers?

Eg; they can make decisions they have published in it without presenting to parliament for approval?

Edited by Abdul_Latif
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People who want to continue wearing masks can feel free. People who want to stay in the house and avoid social contact can do the same.

My mask will be getting binned and I'll be getting on with my life. I won't try and force this on other people and I don't expect others to try and force their way of living on me.

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Note that there was absolutely no positivity or optimism in that announcement like we saw from the Nordic leaders or even Johnson yesterday. Just a dour, Scottish loser mentality.


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6 minutes ago, bairn88 said:

I'm sorry but why is she utterly raging about having to repeal these restrictions? We have never ever been in a better place with this virus. A time to rejoice. But nah, she's clearly visibly fuming 

What a miserable contrast to Boris’s uplifting and joyous statement yesterday.

How anyone can vote for this lot, I don’t know?

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Just now, Ron Aldo said:

People who want to continue wearing masks can feel free. People who want to stay in the house and avoid social contact can do the same.

My mask will be getting binned and I'll be getting on with my life. I won't try and force this on other people and I don't expect others to try and force their way of living on me.


Tempted to bin my mask now. 

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Alex Cole-Hamilton asking a very valid question about why the use of vaccine passports just isn’t outlawed as a business could request medical information of you which they don’t have a legal right to.

Essentially told by NS to shut up and that won’t happen. She is broken by this past 24 months and now can’t stand to be questioned at all.

Edited by Abdul_Latif
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The FM sets out some of the measures that might be used in Scotland if another evasive Covid variant emerged.

She says the Scottish government has guarded against a “one size fits all approach”.

However, it may be that people are asked to limit social contacts for a period and to work from home where possible.

Other temporary measures could be introduced for high risk settings – which recently has impacted hospitality and retail sectors.

There may also be a legal requirement to wear face masks in future, she says.

Absoutley no chance people will listen to any of that if they are bought back. 

Edited by Lyle Lanley
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