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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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2 hours ago, Leith Green said:

you have the ability to see this even as a non Sturgeon fan which suggests only the moonhowler bampots are grasping this as a "thing".

Hi.... have you met the Coronavirus (COVID-19) thread?

Edited by Gordon EF
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16 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

I don't disagree, I just don't think it's a matter that requires a resignation. 

All it requires is an apology for not abiding by the rules (rather than an excuse) and payment of the fixed penalty notice for not complying with the law.

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2 hours ago, The Moonster said:

To be fair, the guys who filmed it look genuinely happy to see her and just want a photo - they're also not wearing masks. I don't think they posted it to get her fined or sacked. Soms folk had clearly hoped this pandemic would end Sturgeons reign and as the last of restrictions die out they are clutching at anything. 

Before I'm called a simp here, I won't be voting for her or her party any time soon and I feel she's made a mess of policy through the pandemic. I don't think she's done anything that merits a resignation or sacking though. It'd be hypocritical of me to demand Sturgeon wears a mask when I haven't bothered since the end of January. 

Absolutely no one gives a shit that she doesn’t wear a mask though. No one is demanding that she wear one.


We are demanding that she stops encouraging Scots to wear one, which is hypocritical of her. 

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6 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

It’s clearly not a resignation matter, it does make her a bit of an arsehole though. 

The church service in England annoyed me more tbh. 

Yeah me too. She needs to practice what she preaches, if you pardon the pun. Just because she was in a country that doesn’t require you to wear a mask indoors, she should still have worn one. It’s still the same virus in England as it is her, ergo, if you don’t have to wear one there, you shouldn’t have to wear one here. Thankfully we don’t need to now.


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5 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

Yeah me too. She needs to practice what she preaches, if you pardon the pun. Just because she was in a country that doesn’t require you to wear a mask indoors, she should still have worn one. It’s still the same virus in England as it is her, ergo, if you don’t have to wear one there, you shouldn’t have to wear one here. Thankfully we don’t need to now.


Yes, I would expect that if she was minded to continue them being a legal mandate that it is something she really believes in as a public health measure. 

Not wearing one because she didn’t have to then coming out the next day and delaying the lifting of the law another fortnight wound me up a lot. 

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Masks binned (they were binned yesterday in the supermarket too). Freedom to choose. For the first time in 2 years the Government has decided to treat me like an adult. 

A small part of me reckons that there will be calls to bring them back in the autumn when we get back to respiratory illness season. Can only hope that such calls are resisted. 

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Ignoring the fact the guidance he's quoting, whilst the case now, was not the rules in place at the time of this incident, why is JL getting involved in defending NS at all? It's surely not his job.

Regardless of what anyone else has or has not done, she did break the law, and would be best placed just acknowledging that, apologising, paying the fine, and move on.

When you've spent so long keeping the law in place (calling BJ reckless for lifting the mask mandate in the process), calling out others who broke the law, claiming they were absolutely vital in stopping the spread, and asking others to continue to wear them now the mandate has been lifted, then you cannot expect to make a mistake like this and have no-one call you out on it. As the FM the expectation on her is higher than on almost anyone else, and NS should be aware of that.

This attempt at pretending nothing happened really isn't a good look for either NS or JL.

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Just now, TheScarf said:

Also, masks don’t protect you, as demonstrated by the case numbers in Scotland.

This is the thing that winds me up the most about those taking to social media to protest the removal of the mask rule.


England was mask free from mid July until the end of November last year and has been mask free again since late January.

In that time, there’s been no discernible difference to infection rates. England has been higher for periods and Scotland higher for other periods. 


Now, I know there’s more factors in play there such as testing levels, vaccination and prior immunity levels, but even still, people seem to think that the virus just goes away if everyone masks and that everyone catches it and dies if no one masks. In reality, face coverings are way down the list of measures that actually make a difference. 

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I ditched my mask about a month ago. I was questioned for the first time on Saturday about not wearing it, they asked if I was exempt as if not they would give me one. I was thinking, the amount of people I've got to know in the last 2 years that I haven't seen their whole face or vice versa. My child's teacher for example. Thank f**k its all binned now. 

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All it requires is an apology for not abiding by the rules (rather than an excuse) and payment of the fixed penalty notice for not complying with the law.

I don’t think there’s any chance at all a fixed penalty notice will be forthcoming. One fine handed out in the final six months in 2021 according to this:


Clearly not something being enforced (which I’m fine with). No sympathy at all for Sturgeon given she’s been dragging this on for months longer than necessary, but it’s quite clear the whole thing is being amplified to give false equivalence with Johnson.

An apology is clearly needed though, regardless of how long she didn’t have her mask on. That we haven’t already had one sums up her attitude to Covid rules since about summer 2020.
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