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Fun day at my sons school today.

Tug o War - which the parents won.😏

Sad thing was, they a had a little football game 4 a side.

All the kids had a mask on apart from my son....I was very sad.

BtW - He won, scoring with his Aberdeen top on @Jacksgranda get your scouts over!

eta - there was only 3 people without a mask today, you guessed it, the fucking foreigners (me, he and her) 

Edited by SlipperyP
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1 hour ago, SlipperyP said:

Fun day at my sons school today.

Tug o War - which the parents won.😏

Sad thing was, they a had a little football game 4 a side.

All the kids had a mask on apart from my son....I was very sad.

BtW - He won, scoring with his Aberdeen top on @Jacksgranda get your scouts over!

eta - there was only 3 people without a mask today, you guessed it, the fucking foreigners (me, he and her) 

I had a day to kill in Bangkok yesterday was on the MRT and everyone bar the foreigners and odd teenager were all masked up and they were making " although not law the dept of health highly recommend that you wear a mask announcements". On an aside went to the cinema and lucky if a handful of thais stood for the king worship before the film.

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1 hour ago, Wee Bully said:

Good to have the zoomers all back in the holding pen 

Ready to sweep the Scottish Government's xenophobic and racist policies back under the carpet should they again come to pass?

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18 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Ready to sweep the Scottish Government's xenophobic and racist policies back under the carpet should they again come to pass?

Yeah, the SG who openly welcomes immigrants are undoubtedly xenophobic and racist you deluded fucking halfwit.


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23 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

I had a day to kill in Bangkok yesterday was on the MRT and everyone bar the foreigners and odd teenager were all masked up and they were making " although not law the dept of health highly recommend that you wear a mask announcements". On an aside went to the cinema and lucky if a handful of thais stood for the king worship before the film.

The thing to look out for is a family of five masked up while riding a single scooter. 

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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Yeah, the SG who openly welcomes immigrants are undoubtedly xenophobic and racist you deluded fucking halfwit.


^^^ idiot found

We all know about the Scottish Government's discriminatory record with border shagging when it comes to covid, so if it indeed comes to pass that Chinese nationals have barriers put up for getting into Scotland that non-Chinese nationals won't have, would you like to explain the difference?

Remember: 'they might have covid/be carrying the doomsday variant' are not valid responses. I can explain why this is the case if you're subsequently struggling with this: the virus is endemic worldwide, new variants could appear at random in any place on Earth, including Scotland, and even if this were the case, such a variant would inevitably be seeded into Scotland by nationals without barriers put up to their entry.

Of course, let's just hope the Scottish Government wouldn't do such a thing at this juncture...

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2 hours ago, Wee Bully said:

Ready to provide your Swedish data?

gee it a rest, your as bad as him



There would be some brass neck testing foreign arrivals when we don't generally test for the virus at home

There would be an even bigger brass neck making arrivals self isolate/ denial of entry even if they don't have covid when people already in the country don't have to isolate if they DO have it

so with that in mind i recon paddy powers will soon pay out on this getting implemented 



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By the way, why is the universal masking we see in China not preventing the disaster that is unfolding? The same reason why it's doing absolutely nothing elsewhere in Asia with such 'high masking standards'? Thankfully, vaccines are keeping a lid on deaths in places with high rates of immunisation, but The Psycho Brigade still prefer to push masks than vaccines.

Another crushing L for The Science™.

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3 hours ago, Elixir said:

Common sense finally prevailing? FBPE whoppers in an absolute tailspin over this!

Thailand will NOT screen or test Chinese tourists, we just want their money.

However, expect a new wave in the New Year. 'Our Health Minister, who is an army General and convicted drug smuggler' so he knows his stuff.

More or less telling the Thais that foreigners are the cause of everything. 

If you want racism look no further than Thailand and it's national press, puts your Daily Mail to shame. 

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Australia is making no change to its rules around allowing travellers from China into the country, despite measures by some governments to require mandatory Covid-19 tests, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said on Thursday.

“We will take the appropriate advice from the health experts,” Albanese told the Australian Broadcasting Corp.

“There is no change in the travel advice at this point in time but we are continuing to monitor the situation, as we continue to monitor the impact of Covid here in Australia as well as around the world.”

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Not unsurprising that some Asian countries like Japan and South Korea would react the way they have to this, but here and across the pond it's basically only the hysterical Yanks (remember the outrage when Trump banned the Chinese from Democrats who now continue to be unhinged) and the right-wing populists in Italy.

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13 hours ago, Elixir said:

Common sense finally prevailing? FBPE whoppers in an absolute tailspin over this!

I can’t believe what I am reading on Twitter. People genuinely thinking if tests are not introduced, it will be back to square one. Must have imagined the last few years of variants spreading to every country regardless of travel restrictions.

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