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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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You’re aware the health and social care is entirely devolved, aye? If the Scottish Government have failed to plan properly and procure the PPE needed that’s on them. And I say that as an independence supporter.




On other matters, the journalist from, I think, ITV just asked about whether the death toll includes care homes, and whether ONS data is available to the public. Absolutely staggering.

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Just now, MixuFixit said:

Ok I'll say it as simplest as I can for you:

Behaviour which in isolation has a trivial chance of spreading more infections when repeated millions of times has a non trivial chance of spreading more infections.

Well done, that post is on a par with the nonsense one the last time around.  You should be very pleased with yourself.

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1 minute ago, Savage Henry said:




On other matters, the journalist from, I think, ITV just asked about whether the death toll includes care homes, and whether ONS data is available to the public. Absolutely staggering.

I thought Chris Whitty did very well not to call him an ignorant c**t.

They've now moved to a journalist who can't work her own microphone.

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3 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

I thought Chris Whitty did very well not to call him an ignorant c**t.

They've now moved to a journalist who can't work her own microphone.

Saw a reporter earlier on comment on the Sturgeon statement and press conference today.  He went to great lengths to explain that once a journalist had asked a question then their microphone was switched off so the could not follow up.  He also claimed that Sturgeon did not answer his question.

I have not seen a single journalist make the equivalent criticism after a UK statement despite them continually dodging questions.

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Yon Granny still maintaining his wife going along in the car for a wee jolly is essential travel. You have to admire the sheer gumption of the man.

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4 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

Journalist -  Mr Rabb what is your first name?

Mr Rabb -  I'll just defer you to the scientific advisor, Sir Patrick

Sir Patrick - waffle waffle waffle our brilliant NHS

rinse and repeat


Sums it up perfectly.

What's the point in staging these press conferences  when they just completely regurgitate almost exactly what they said the day before?

Just stay at home, wash your hands and our magnificent NHS will look after you if the worst comes to the worst.

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2 minutes ago, Gaz said:

Yon Granny still maintaining his wife going along in the car for a wee jolly is essential travel. You have to admire the sheer gumption of the man.

It’s bizarre. Your wife being an selfish twat doesn’t really constitute a valid excuse to anyone other than him it appears.

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4 minutes ago, Gaz said:

Yon Granny still maintaining his wife going along in the car for a wee jolly is essential travel. You have to admire the sheer gumption of the man.

Talking down to other people in a shitty tone after having it patiently explained as well. Pure Tory behaviour.

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My most hated question is the daily 3 times.
If we had gone into lockdown earlier blah blah less deaths blah blah Korea.

c***s would fall of their seats if the doc replied.
Aye we cost about 7000 of these deaths.

Any follow up question ?

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I can't comment on how well this article uses the data or if it's correct but saw it and I thought it was interesting.  Analysis of US states shows no correleation between reducing death rates and speed of lockdown and speed of school closures.


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50 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Ok I'll say it as simplest as I can for you:

Behaviour which in isolation has a trivial chance of spreading more infections when repeated millions of times has a non trivial chance of spreading more infections.

This is exactly what gets me about the "but I go for a social distancing jog on empty streets" chat gets me, as if they are zero problem. They are part of the problem, and undoubtedly were that behaviour to be stopped, there would be a visible lowering of transmission rates. Sure it might be insignificant on a singular level, but multiplied by millions then it becomes an issue. It's why Italy and Spain knocked that kind of shit on the head, and why we will too assuming the death rate keeps climbing beyond an acceptable level. 

None of this means the govt didn't f**k up on a colossal level and should be v v strongly held to account in the aftermath btw, before anyone starts. (not am I suggesting that they shouldn't do this or that it goes against the guidelines) 

Edited by madwullie
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22 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I can't comment on how well this article uses the data or if it's correct but saw it and I thought it was interesting.  Analysis of US states shows no correleation between reducing death rates and speed of lockdown and speed of school closures.


Haven't time to read it at the moment but the lag time for most states won't be reached yet and it's likely most people in the the states with lower restrictions will be following general isolation advice anyway.

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Just had a quick look for the records of actual coronavirus deaths. Scotland's announcements seem to be fairly accurate. Albeit with a wee bit of a lag. No doubt a bigger jump on Wednesday, when it's updated.

But the picture in England is quite interesting. ONS seem to have stopped counting at around 700 in hospitals. With all coronavirus deaths at double that. Trying to cover up the actual figure?

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24 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

This one is a bit of a dilemma, the Tories would definitely give this up as part of a US UK trade deal so it's bad but also I can't see how else you'd do contact tracing.


I watched a documentary once about the AIDS epidemic and they had similar issues in the very early days of the crisis when they were trying to establish what the virus was - they tried to trace blood donors but were told about privacy requirements.  In that case as well they faced barriers because of the severe stigma about the main methods of transmission at the time (gay sex and intravenous drug use).  ONe case they traced a man who had donated blood which had infected a new born infant and he swore blind to his doctor and the CDC that he wasn't a drug user or gay in any way, meaning it was a dead end and set the investigations back  Six months or so later, the guy died of AIDS and his family contacted investigators to advise they'd found a load of gay porn in his flat.

Obviously Covid doesn't have those issues but it is a bit of a minefield.  Obviously authoritarian regimes like China can do this without much care, I'm sure South Korea use an app too though, wonder what the requirements are and how privacy is protected, if at all.

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20 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

This one is a bit of a dilemma, the Tories would definitely give this up as part of a US UK trade deal so it's bad but also I can't see how else you'd do contact tracing.


I heard that the Chinese were thinking of using some sort of social credit system where you would be traced by mobile phone. Tinfoil hat stuff but perhaps with huwaei controlling the 5G network they could effectively monitor in real time how populations behave or in a future situation effectively control people by installing gates or areas that you can only access via mobile phone?

Personally if it was used correctly it could be good, instead of imprisoning petty criminals you could effectively lock them inside their house or street. 
Flip side you could lock down anyone protesting against the government.  This is more the issue with 5G imo.

Do you support rangers? Go straight to re-education centre.

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