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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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There is a 99 year old army veteran who’s doing 100 laps of his garden to raise money for the NHS and he’s raised £12 million sheets and counting. The NHS isn’t a charity but if it can guilt trip a few Tory c***s then so be it.

Would be rather amusing if the old boy was like “how much? £12 million... f**k that, I’m keeping it”

And then turned himself into the next Howard Marshall with a 20 year old porn star. See out his last few months/years in style.
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Just now, Granny Danger said:

I’m not surprised that certain people can’t see the bigger picture.


There is no bigger picture, hidden agenda or ulterior motive.  The old boy raised a huge amount of money for the NHS - what's not to like? 

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Just now, hk blues said:

There is no bigger picture, hidden agenda or ulterior motive.  The old boy raised a huge amount of money for the NHS - what's not to like? 

I don't think anyone has ever been getting at the man for doing something really good, despite what some on here may believe.

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2 hours ago, NewBornBairn said:

My step-son works in a care home. As a severe asthmatic he's on the list for self isolation but his manager told him to come into work or he wouldn't get paid. Management told carers to take off face masks as they were frightening the residents. PPE is kept in a locked stationary cupboard and only issued in extremis - like at the weekend when two elderly women were found wandering the Covid Wards of a nearby hospital. Management said they "must have wandered off" but what actually happened was they were driven by the manager and an assistant (clad head to toe in PPE) to the hospital and dumped at the door, where they were told to "Go and find a nurse".


Every morning this manager phones my stepson and tells him to come to work or he won't get paid. His Union rep says to tell them to f**k off as it's managers working off their own bat, against official guidelines and it's happening all over Glasgow. 


I think the main government failing with regards to care homes was underfunding the sector to the extent that the good managers left for the private sector, leaving some absolute muppets to run the Council homes. 

Some of the private sector care homes aren't that great either.

One of my step daughters works in care homes. Thank heavens she's off on maternity leave at the minute. (Don't know how long that lasts for, hopefully long enough for this intial crisis to be over. PPE crisis  I'm talking about.)

I've already posted this on here, but when my wife was at the doctors the other week she was asked how she felt about going into hospital, and she said definitely not, and the doctor reluctantly let her home but under strict instructions to contact him/an ambulance if her symptoms worsened. She never told me (or my stepdaughter) about the offer of going into hospital until the following day when her symptoms had lessened. I'm sure there will be a lot of people who are in the same boat and fearful of going into hospital. Our next door neighbour was hospitalised and now has Covid-19 which she contracted in hospital, apparently.

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4 minutes ago, MONKMAN said:


Would be rather amusing if the old boy was like “how much? £12 million... f**k that, I’m keeping it”

And then turned himself into the next Howard Marshall with a 20 year old porn star. See out his last few months/years in style.


I would absolutely love it if he did that, I don’t think anyone would grudge him of it either.

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Just imagine we got the truth in this country.



Half of all coronavirus deaths in Belgium are taking place in nursing homes, figures have revealed.

Belgium has so far reported 34,809 confirmed cases including 4,857 deaths.

Of these total fatalities, 46 per cent were in nursing homes, the latest data showed.

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2 hours ago, cyderspaceman said:

What is the private sector doing? Sorry if I missed it. 

Are BUPA patients, for example, being treated in private hospitals for COVID19?

It's care homes he's talking about.

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1 hour ago, pandarilla said:

This is a really petty point to make.
Tl, dr

'I don't know what or who by, but something must be done'

The old boy mentioned in the quote at the top has decided to do something proactive but a lot of us prefer to sit and have a pop at everything and everyone on the internet.

Speak foryourself, you walloper...

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It does not matter how well or how badly funded the health service was in terms of "PPE". Had they had a budget 20% bigger, wage increases, more staff, equipment upgrades, building repair and a host of patient services would have been prioritized. 

Few countries have stocks of protective equipment on hand to deal with months of huge surges in patients needing that level of equipment for every staff member attending. 

The actual kit is not that expensive, its just few thought it worth prioritizing filling giant warehouses with that much equipment was a better choice than current health spending priorities. 

There is a lot of "Monday morning quarterbacking" going on here. Especially from people who had nothing to say about this disease back in February or were being dismissive of it. 

The UK pandemic planning centered round an influenza type disease, there modelling used that kind of rate of transmission to inform their expectations. The one country who scientists seemed to get that part right was Germany, they had an early cluster in a factory in January so the RKI (Robert Koch Institute) was not reliant on Chinese data to inform their planning. Most other countries and even the "European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control" got it wrong in that regard. 


Edited by dorlomin
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1 hour ago, WATTOO said:

Yes, it's like being asked to donate to the Department of Trade and Industry or the Department of Transport to assist with the construction of HS2. Would people think this is a good cause ?? 

I doubt it, but there's really no difference.

Who knows, maybe the old boy could try that as his next project ??


1 hour ago, MixuFixit said:

I actually think HS2 is a good idea

Start walking round your back garden, son.

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10 minutes ago, hk blues said:

Then why add a sub-plot as "some" have done?

We haven't "added" the sub plot, it already exists and that's exactly the problem.

In a nutshell we shouldn't have an NHS charity in my opinion as the health service should be adequately funded in the first place and its staff should be adequately paid and looked after for the difficult jobs that they have to carry out and that goes from the Porters to the Cleaning staff to the Nurses etc , etc.

To be clear, Yes, It's a great gesture that the old fella has made and it's also wonderful that so much money has been raised, but as I say, we REALLY shouldn't need our health service and it's workers to be relying, or even supported, by charitable donations.

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48 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

But here's the problem, it's similar to a Union situation where Jimmy is doing unpaid overtime each day, working through his lunch and not taking breaks and coming in at weekends in order to cover the work, all this due to the company making people redundant and cutting costs with the result being that the workplace is now understaffed.

The company LOVE this sort of behaviour because it saves on their budget and increases bonuses to the Management who made the cuts.

Now, despite Jimmy being a really good guy and genuine hard worker, is what he's doing going to help himself, his colleagues or even the company in the long run ? or is it just going to see him exploited by his employer and only have the cracks painted over as long term the company is understaffed and the quality of the product will undoubtedly reduce, not to mention that the business will see this as the new "norm" and if Jimmy can do it then everyone can do it.

Again I'll stress, the Government should not require nor be accepting charity donations for it's own departments.



I'd have a word with Jimmy if I were you.

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It does not matter how well or how badly funded the health service was in terms of "PPE". Had they had a budget 20% bigger, wage increases, more staff, equipment upgrades, building repair and a host of patient services would have been prioritized. 
Few countries have stocks of protective equipment on hand to deal with months of huge surges in patients needing that level of equipment for every staff member attending. 
The actual kit is not that expensive, its just few thought it worth prioritizing filling giant warehouses with that much equipment was a better choice than current health spending priorities. 
There is a lot of "Monday morning quarterbacking" going on here. Especially from people who had nothing to say about this disease back in February or were being dismissive of it. 
The UK pandemic planning centered round an influenza type disease, there modelling used that kind of rate of transmission to inform their expectations. The one country who scientists seemed to get that part right was Germany, they had an early cluster in a factory in January so the RKI (Robert Koch Institute) was not reliant on Chinese data to inform their planning. Most other countries and even the "European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control" got it wrong in that regard. 
Every country in the world was told that they weren't prepared yet ignored it and in the case of the UK underfunded and ran down the nhs while funding their rich pals with tax breaks.
Germany clearly value important things like healthcare, manufacturing and have citizens who realise this.
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44 minutes ago, Honest Saints Fan said:

I'll give a wee shout out to my GP who is just off the phone checking up on me! I am half way through my childhood vaccinations after my transplant and he stressed how important it was to still have them. I'm due the next lot on Monday so he has arranged for me to go in first thing before anyone is about so I don't meet anyone. 

District nurse coming to the house to do bloods tomorrow so I don't have to go to the blood clinic. 

Infusion medication I get changed to tablet form. 

NHS Highland still treating me really well. I know how lucky I am. 

That's good.

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