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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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40 minutes ago, Clockwork said:

This must have been questioned!?? Why spend millions on additional capacity up and down the country and the opportunity to isolate Covid-19 patients, then continue to treat them in facilities already busy caring for those who are vulnerable with other health concerns?
Not only continuing to expose all staff, whilst diverting and diluting other staff resource (read that it was 180 staff to 35 Patients at the 4,000 bed Nightingale Hospital in London) and leave it pretty much empty, eventually mothballing it. This isn’t hindsight for the planners surely?

Read somewhere and no idea if it's true or not, but the new hospitals were designed mainly to cope with people with severe respiratory issues. Unfortunately covid can attack most organs and cause other issues that these hospitals weren't equipped to deal with. 

Again, no idea of the source of this so could be BS

Edited by madwullie
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48 minutes ago, Snafu said:

The privately run care homes can decide for themselves when its safe for the end of their lockdown. The company that runs the care home my mother locked down long before and without being told to by governments or their experts. They did their own risk assessment after a worker at an Aberdeen care home tested positive and locked down immediately as opportunity for virus ripping through their homes was not worth the risk staying open for visitors. Also its not all about the concern for the residents, if the staff become ill then the remaining staff become less and less able to cope with the demands of giving the residents the quality of life they need to be happy and comfortable.

I doubt anyone in government has ever had to look after someone with dementia, it is hard work and can be overwhelming once it reaches care 24/7 round the clock.

Any 24/7 caring is tough going but I'd imagine looking after a dementia patient would be even more trying.

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1 minute ago, Wee Willie said:

It was a joke but you'll surely agree that don't do as I do, do as I say is something politicians and the Windsor family would say.

:) So did my mother...

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42 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

Nah, can't agree with that nonsense, I'd be highly offended if my loved ones death was swept under the carpet, luckily for me I've no oldies to worry about now. 

Don't think the situation in care homes will have much bearing on lockdown restrictions. 

You could always adopt me.

I'm hoose-trained and ken how tae beg

18 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

In all honesty, that will be your call at some point in the future, lockdown or otherwise isn't really your starting point. 

That's true so see above.

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3 hours ago, virginton said:

Private Eye did a takedown piece on their dodgy setup a few issues back. It doesn't publish it's content online for free but a quick Google provides a rough précis of it here:


Best brewdogs - https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ellievhall/dog-beer-delivery-coronavirus-brew-dogs

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Is this some kind of mad, right-wing complaint about people not being able to say goodbye to their loved ones because of the lockdown?
Of course it is. I'm well known on here for my mad right-wing views.

(Caution: post may contain sarcasm)
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3 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

Of course it is. I'm well known on here for my mad right-wing views.

(Caution: post may contain sarcasm)

^^^^ three steps to the right of Genghis Khan.

(Caution: so might this one)

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The point i was making was that we were never close to overwhelming the NHS, not up here anyway.
Based on the article in the Spectator, whether you believe it or not, it would make more sense to either designate particular hospitals or temporary hospitals to accomodate Covid-19 patients, effectively quarantining them, whilst allowing the remaining NHS capacity for all other cases. We know people with health conditions are most at risk. Hospitals are full of people with health conditions.
Why not try moving them to self contained locations?

Some merit in what you say. Much of the increased critical care capacity is in the likes of theatres and theatre recovery areas. I’m retired now but used to work in critical care and can’t help feeling those hospitals busy with Covid cases would quickly become very stretched. There are big logistical issues in what you suggest but that’s not to say they don’t merit discussion.
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38 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

There's how you and I want things to get up and running (with social distancing, masks, split shifts, home working, test and trace) and there's how the billionaire class want things to get up and running (none of this and f**k your granny if she dies as a result). The press is owned by the latter and is pressing for the latter. The Telegraph is basically a single issue campaign platform for this at the moment.

I haven't looked at the Telegraph recently but that seems odd given that most of its readership must be grannies and grandads.

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4 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

You will need to refresh my memory, not read that for over 30 years.

Samuel Clements did however say golf was a good walk ruined.   It later transpired that he never actually said that.

He gets his friend to paint the fence by pretending that it’s fun.

ETA whoever said that about golf was correct.

Edited by Granny Danger
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Tories have made another mess of this and quite rightly getting grilled.
Dont announce possible measures before a sunny bank holiday.

Boris will have enjoyed the positive spin in the friendly press that he was going to start freeing up the country. UK Gov will back off this to a large extent now. Boris is always in campaign mode and loves the get things done message, especially if he can somehow give the impression he’d love to free things up much faster but his hands are tied.
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