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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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9 minutes ago, Donathan said:


Herd immunity just means the effective reproduction factor is below 1. It’s the same reason why those who are unvaccinated (due to health reasons, or because they are anti-vaxxers by choice) don’t catch measles all the time.


To require 80% would mean that the R0 would need to be >5 (because only 20% of people are susceptible), so really that’s not the case unless you’re looking at an incredibly potent infection such as measles.

From the NYT


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6 hours ago, madwullie said:

But that's what England have done. Really. What is different now, what is in place that wasn't all those, what, 8 weeks ago? They've started testing TTI and that's about it. But it's not ready. They opened without having the TTI  ready the purpose of which wa sto allow them to open more safely. Absolute bonkers. 

Regardless of what England have done, none of the posters who've posted at any length on this thread have seriously suggested rolling everything back to how to it was on March 20th. This isn't some political version of the old firm. Just because someone thinks differently to Nicola Sturgeon, doesn't mean they agree with Boris Johnson.

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1 minute ago, MixuFixit said:

Are you under house arrest? I'm not.

Lol, the way some people talk you'd think we were under martial law or something. 

If I wanted I could go out as frequently as I want, to most parks, lots of businesses are still open etc etc. 

Neither me nor my wife (who goes out more frequently than me) have ever been stopped by the police and asked what we're doing out. It's just hyperbole to suggest otherwise. 

I dare say you could get away with meeting up with your pals if you really wanted to. 

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1 minute ago, Gordon EF said:

Regardless of what England have done, none of the posters who've posted at any length on this thread have seriously suggested rolling everything back to how to it was on March 20th. This isn't some political version of the old firm. Just because someone thinks differently to Nicola Sturgeon, doesn't mean they agree with Boris Johnson.

We've misunderstood each other then. When you said noone is suggesting I thought you meant IRL, not on the forum. When I said noone is suggesting, I meant IRL not the forum. 👍 

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7 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

In 50 years when covid-69 is the big threat it would be interesting to revisit this and see what the ‘its ok when old people die’ type posters of today feel when their kids suggest the same.

It’s a small percentage of people who have been directly affected by this and seen a relative die.  Many/most of these deaths will be folk in care homes with a poor quality of life and whose passing was just a matter of time.

This doesn’t excuse such a dismissive or blasé response but some people need to have something happen directly to them before they take it seriously.


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3 minutes ago, Donathan said:


I’m losing out of what should be one of the best years of my life and forced to stay at home watching fucking repeats of the office.

That’s basically house arrest.


You need to look up the meaning of house arrest chief

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I’m losing out of what should be one of the best years of my life and forced to stay at home watching fucking repeats of the office.

That’s basically house arrest.

Settle down a bit, you’re being asked to spend 4/5mths of your life with restriction to help save the lives of other members of the population, make it the best year of your life by thinking to yourself what a hero you are by complying.
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Settle down a bit, you’re being asked to spend 4/5mths of your life with restriction to help save the lives of other members of the population, make it the best year of your life by thinking to yourself what a hero you are by complying.

It’s not “4/5 months” though is it? Some are suggesting no gatherings until a vaccine is available in 12-18 months.
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4 minutes ago, madwullie said:

I dare say you could get away with meeting up with your pals if you really wanted to. 

Of course, but most of us will still do as we are asked despite how frustrated with the whole thing we are

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Quite painful reading this morning. Countries all across Europe emerging from lockdown. Feels like it'll be a long time til we're anywhere close to that.

Would I be right in presuming Scotland is the only country in Europe with no 'exit from lockdown' plan / strategy in place?

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1 minute ago, Donathan said:

It’s not “4/5 months” though is it? Some are suggesting no gatherings until a vaccine is available in 12-18 months.



What you've done there, is quote those that have bought in to the guarantee that there will A be a vaccine, B it will be ready in such a short time frame and C, that society is paralysed until then.

Social distancing measures will erode as time goes on. You only have to look at places like Denmark and Australia which have already relaxed some as they get things under control.

Summer is gone, but Autumn isn't a write off yet

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What you've done there, is quote those that have bought in to the guarantee that there will A be a vaccine, B it will be ready in such a short time frame and C, that society is paralysed until then.
Social distancing measures will erode as time goes on. You only have to look at places like Denmark and Australia which have already relaxed some as they get things under control.
Summer is gone, but Autumn isn't a write off yet

I’m hoping to be able to get an all inclusive week somewhere in Europe in October.
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9 minutes ago, Steven W said:

Quite painful reading this morning. Countries all across Europe emerging from lockdown. Feels like it'll be a long time til we're anywhere close to that.

Would I be right in presuming Scotland is the only country in Europe with no 'exit from lockdown' plan / strategy in place?

I actually think NS has quite a big choice here. New cases have been falling for ages but yesterday's 90 caught me by surprise.

The next few days will see if that holds up.

But... If it continued to fall at that rate over the next few weeks we could be hitting close to if not zero by mid June.

The logical thing to do there would then be to change thought process to keep things as they are now until then, close the border and look at moving things along a bit quicker up here.

I doubt that's even a consideration, and of course we don't know as we are kept in the dark.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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23 minutes ago, Gordon EF said:

I'd imagine that people killing themselves might have something to do with losing jobs and sliding towards financial destitution rather than not being able to get to the pub.... tbf.

The pub is relatively unimportant. But when you can’t see friends or family at all it’s a pretty big deal,  social isolation is a massive factor in mental health.

Edited by parsforlife
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The pub is relatively unimportant. But when you can’t see friends a family at all it’s a pretty big deal,  social isolation is a massive factor in mental health.

Exactly this. The pub isn’t important because it’s the pub. The pub is important because it’s how we socialise. Now, if you substitute the pub for something else (I.e. letting us visit family and friends in their homes), then that would be okay.

The problem is the removal of socialising completely. That fucks with mental health.
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Is there any actual reports or concrete numbers of suicides due to lockdown? I guess a way to measure, although pretty crude, would be to get the number for the same period last year and then look at it for this year. 

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It’s not “4/5 months” though is it? Some are suggesting no gatherings until a vaccine is available in 12-18 months.

When the first minister comes out in March and suggests ‘People should avoid large crowds and pubs etc’ and nightclubs in Glasgow respond with plans for a massive party it kinda suggests that we are a nation with a high percentage of idiots. The measures are necessary as treating the population like adults is not going to be a successful strategy.
And no people are saying its unlikely that we will have concerts and large crowds at Football games for around 12 months yes, but that you’ll be stopped from meeting friends before this time is highly unlikely.
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