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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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8 minutes ago, Crùbag said:

Not surprising that Yes seems to be establishing a 'new normal' lead in the polls. Boris' shambolic handling of the Covid crisis is pushing more folk our way.

But... the east of Fife and Aberdeenshire?! No surprise with the Borders and those areas replete with wealthy gammon types.


Bit surprised by the far North. Is that Edinburgh that's the only purple gammon?

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49 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
11 hours ago, virginton said:
The outbreak became far too widespread and well-entrenched for suppression to be a credible strategy in the UK some time ago. The specific goal when a three week lockdown was announced was to prevent the NHS from being overwhelmed. That's not going to happen any time soon but the SG has since shifted the goalposts to 'keeping R well below 1': an aim that few would have signed up for if all the medium term disruption to do so had been spelled out in March. 
Given the difficulty and enormous personal, societal and fiscal costs involved in suppression we should now be willing to accept a linear infection curve while opening things up from this point on. 

Very easy for someone posting anonymously on a football forum to state but a very different matter for a politician to be seen to make a decision where, by your own admission, that decision will cause some people to lose their life that was preventable. I fully understand how difficult a decision that must be for any human being to make and it's not in NS nature going by everything we have seen so far. BJ is now openly admitting it's no longer a public health driver, it's economic unfortunately our FM does not have the financial tools at her disposal to make that sort of decision even if she wanted too so an end to financial support by the UK govt will dictate ultimately what happens here.

Excellent post

49 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

Being cautious about coming out of lockdown is all well and good, and I agree with being cautious, but is the problem for the devolved governments not going to be maintaining lockdown while the furlough payments reduce? Or are we not going to be in lockdown when they start to reduce? If people are only going to be getting 60% of their wages they'll go back to work, lockdown or no lockdown.

And that is why I want an independent Scotland no relying on Westminster slackening the purse strings.

30 minutes ago, Perkin Flump said:

Willie, VT is only on this site to be an arsehole & post tired old pictures of Ainsley Harriot. You will not beat him as he is always right in his tiny little mind. I suspect that we will not agree about certain things but best not to waste your time here, thanks for playing champ etc.

I take note of your advice but I still maintain that onybody who votes for Independence cannae be bad.

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38 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I'm more than happy for people to point out / have a chuckle about anything I got wrong. When you have opinions about things that happens. You should try it sometime rather than just posting filler waffle.

Over the piece I feel i have been right a fair bit more than i've been wrong. It's not a contest.

Totally disingenuous post.  You’ve not been more right than wrong, you’ve been critical of things not happening that you never suggested at the time should happen.

One of the positives of COVID-19 being over is not needing to read any more of your pish.


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6 minutes ago, Steven W said:

To say Scottish schools are aiming to reopen to kids on August 11th is a touch disingenuous. Yes they should be open, but it's looking like a pathetic 2 day week for them.

No, schools will be open five days a week but to adhere to social distancing there isn’t the space or the staff to do anythjng other than group kids and have them in part time.

There are 60 in my sons primary year group, two classes 30. They simply can’t accommodate them all.

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There are no 'Phase 4 businesses.' Phase 4 is more about rolling back any remaining restrictions (e.g. capacity / additional hygiene) than any sectors opening back up.
I meant them being full open indoors without restrictions - it may not be viable for many of these businesses to open until all restrictions are lifted.
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13 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

No reply yet from G Campbell, MP. Not even an acknowledgement. I'm beggining to think he doesn't think Cummings - and the government - haven't done anything wrong.

That's a poor show from an MP. Certainly looks like Cumming is back to his pre-road trip role.


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1 minute ago, The Skelpit Lug said:

That's a poor show from an MP. Certainly looks like Cumming is back to his pre-road trip role.


Aye, Colum Eastwood was on the ball getting back to me.

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My son in transition from Tayport primary to Madras College in StAndrews.

We have confirmation he will be at Madras for some period of time before the end of June.

Locally they are as far on as organising how to bus the kids into school for this transition period.

They are asking parents to potentially ease the transport problem.


Further on for next term.

In my scenario in August it will be a huge problem as 70% of pupils are bussed into this school.

Currently the bus companies actually use busses purely for the school jobs. If 10 busses take the kids in, what they do is park the busses up for the day in St Andrew's. The drivers then travel back together.

No danger of finding loads of new busses out of fresh air that is financially viable. 20 kids on a double decker making 2 trips a day.

We already know his school will be part time and I also guess on a shift system due to the transport problems.










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12 minutes ago, RH33 said:

No, schools will be open five days a week but to adhere to social distancing there isn’t the space or the staff to do anythjng other than group kids and have them in part time.

There are 60 in my sons primary year group, two classes 30. They simply can’t accommodate them all.

Yeah, I'm well aware of that. I face the same predicament as yourself.

Seems like the half the kids in Monday and Tuesday. Cleaning on Wed. The other half Thursday and Friday.

If you work and don't have grandparents on hand to help with childminding your fucked.

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15 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

East Fife: St Andrews & all the folk who retire from Edinburgh but can't afford East Lothian

Aberdeenshire: O&G guys


Looks more like the 5 families fishing mafia in Peterhead and Fraserburgh who are still staunch No, Aberdeen has gone softer, hope for them yet.

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It's a very easy thing for SG to hide behind but it is absolutely true that Scotland has its hands tied behind it's back by Westminster.

The Tories delayed a response because they instinctly think economy before society, because austerity has gutted public service expertise and because the remaining capacity for crisis planning had eyes only on Brexit.

So any assessment of Scotland's response must factor that in. It's convenient for the SNP and an excuse that gets unionist eyes rolling but is absolutely true. We need independence to be able to make our own decisions. This half way house no longer works, especially in crisis.

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Yeah, I'm well aware of that. I face the same predicament as yourself.
Seems like the half the kids in Monday and Tuesday. Cleaning on Wed. The other half Thursday and Friday.
If you work and don't have grandparents on hand to help with childminding your fucked.
They won't be doing cleaning midweek - DCC told schools must be opened all 5 days.
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2 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:
16 minutes ago, Steven W said:
Yeah, I'm well aware of that. I face the same predicament as yourself.
Seems like the half the kids in Monday and Tuesday. Cleaning on Wed. The other half Thursday and Friday.
If you work and don't have grandparents on hand to help with childminding your fucked.

They won't be doing cleaning midweek - DCC told schools must be opened all 5 days.

Good to hear. Although I was quoting what Glasgow City Council had leaked out.

No matter what, the children won't be in 5 days a week. Wonder how long this will last, or is this part of 'The New Normal' and will be ongoing for years to come.

As I said before, if you work and have young kids, and no one on hand to help out with childminding your fucked.

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5 minutes ago, Steven W said:

Good to hear. Although I was quoting what Glasgow City Council had leaked out.

No matter what, the children won't be in 5 days a week. Wonder how long this will last, or is this part of 'The New Normal' and will be ongoing for years to come.

As I said before, if you work and have young kids, and no one on hand to help out with childminding your fucked.

You’ve  said it twice, and the repetition is annoying me.   It’s “you’re fucked”, not “your fucked”. 

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2 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Exactly the point I've been making - where were all these hindsight geniuses in mid-March?

At that point the concern was about the NHS not coping with the strain - a lot of focus has been on care homes - with fingers pointed at the Scottish Government - can anyone tell me why there isn't the same level of finger pointing regards care home bosses possible negligence?


Going to preface this by pointing out this predominantly relates to down south but given the governments moved in relative lockstep it's worth saying. There were loads of people criticising the government's approach both in its intention and execution in the middle of March and they were dismissed by courtesan journalists as humanities students peddling hipster analysis. 


As for the latter, care home bosses are of course being attacked for negligence but ultimately it's political decisions that allow them to run the care home sector. I'd happily yeet every ghoul who thinks they should be allowed to profit off the care of the elderly but that would probably implicate a good portion of the governing classes as well.

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4 minutes ago, Steven W said:

As I said before, if you work and have young kids, and no one on hand to help out with childminding your fucked.

I imagine once parents realise they are being fucked over for the sake of about 10 cases a week it'll go back to normal.

Can't see it going beyond the October week, if it gets that far.

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2 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:

You’ve  said it twice, and the repetition is annoying me.   It’s “you’re fucked”, not “your fucked”. 

Apologies. I pride myself on my spelling too.

I'll try again!

If you work and have young kids, and don't have anyone on hand to help with childminding you're fucked.

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