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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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14 minutes ago, Michael W said:

I think allowing people to visit indoors is just about the end of restrictions on visiting tbh. By that point it's more or less open season and many will just not give a shit anymore. Are we honestly to expect that people will be 2m apart inside at all times? 

Do you honestly think no one is using toilets / sitting inside when it rains just now?

As has been mentioned before we are literally 3 weeks in. It was obvious to most that out numbers were so small and trending in such a manner that a three weeks for Phase 1 was plenty. If the SG did not want to lift these restrictions so soon they should not have put them in the route map at Phase 2. Putting them there and holding them back for no real reason will just piss people off.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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15 minutes ago, stuart87 said:


Yeah my partners sister is a primary school teacher in North Ayrshire and this is the case at her school. She seemed to think it is sensible and that it is definitely be like that till October but they are expecting it to continue like that till January. I personally think it is mental especially as there are still another 2 months until the schools are due back.

I know they want to have plans in place but I'm hoping that they maybe able to amend them depending on what the virus is doing.  She is also worried as the kids are high school and primary ages and she would need them getting schooled on the same day. I was also wondering whether schools could be open for  6 day a week for a few months giving kids 3 day weeks, I know this would be hard on teachers but maybe alter the curriculum where there is less marking etc. in their free time to eleviate some of the work load.

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The principle reason for the 2m rule is that most of the research suggests by 1.5m the vast majority (99%) of any respiratory droplets has hit the deck. The 2m thing is just extra caution. 
Obviously this is null and void if someone is coughing, sneezing etc but it more relates to the virus particles people are just regularly breathing out. 
Until we have widescale mass testing we can’t work out how many people are infected and until we can work that out then I don’t fancy being closer than 2m to strangers. I’ve had it once and I don’t fancy putting any potential immunity to the test...
edit to add: again the research suggests that you would have to spend more than 15 minutes within the 2m area to increase your risk. Just brushing past someone in Asda isn’t going to give you it unless they cough in your face.
We also need to have test that doesn't give out a significant amount of false negatives.
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6 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

I know they want to have plans in place but I'm hoping that they maybe able to amend them depending on what the virus is doing.  She is also worried as the kids are high school and primary ages and she would need them getting schooled on the same day. I was also wondering whether schools could be open for  6 day a week for a few months giving kids 3 day weeks, I know this would be hard on teachers but maybe alter the curriculum where there is less marking etc. in their free time to eleviate some of the work load.

Teachers Unions would fire a 6 day week into the sea, and rightly so.

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22 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Do you honestly think no one is using toilets / sitting inside when it rains just now?

As has been mentioned before we are literally 3 weeks in. It was obvious to most that out numbers were so small and trending in such a manner that a three weeks for Phase 1 was plenty. If the SG did not want to lift these restrictions so soon they should not have put them in the route map at Phase 2. Putting them there and holding them back for no real reason will just piss people off.

No, I don't. 

I also support the restrictions being relaxed. I just think think that the government messaging is a bit weak in this area and hopefully they have considered what their words will be deemed to have meant rather than what they think they mean. 


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I was also wondering whether schools could be open for  6 day a week for a few months giving kids 3 day weeks, I know this would be hard on teachers but maybe alter the curriculum where there is less marking etc. in their free time to eleviate some of the work load.

So basically, your suggestion is that the teacher workload is only dealt with as a means to give us extra work?

Aye sure we can be unpaid childcare, great idea. Get that idea to f**k. Then in the sea.
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1 hour ago, The Woolshed said:

Phase 2&3 suggest meeting a household indoors still socially distancing. To stay over at your parents house for example, would that have to wait until phase 4?

This is my exact scenario. I live too far away from home to travel back and sit in their garden for a day, so have waited until phase 2 where I am allowed to go inside for a piss and (on my understanding) stay over. If that’s restricted to phase 4 in August or something it would mean not seeing a single family member for about 7 months by that point.

Essentially, I think I’ll be going home and staying for a couple of nights in phase 2.

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2 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

This is my exact scenario. I live too far away from home to travel back and sit in their garden for a day, so have waited until phase 2 where I am allowed to go inside for a piss and (on my understanding) stay over. If that’s restricted to phase 4 in August or something it would mean not seeing a single family member for about 7 months by that point.

Essentially, I think I’ll be going home and staying for a couple of nights in phase 2.

Could always get yourself tested before you head down just to settle any fears.

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Just now, The Moonster said:

Could always get yourself tested before you head down just to settle any fears.

To be honest I don’t really have any fears (and neither do my parents) but I’m wary of being a massive hypocrite. I’ve been largely in favour of the lockdown and been a bit annoyed by some of the more obvious ignoring of it by others throughout, so to then just go ahead and ignore the rules myself wouldn’t be great.

From my understanding at the moment I think phase 2 does allow a stay over anyway.

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Probably. The whole ethos of her policies seems to be to do roughly whatever England does, just a couple of weeks later.
At present, due to the Tory backtrack, our schools are due to go back earlier than theirs. Can't imagine how that sits easy with her. 
That is utter nonsense - there are whole areas of the economy that are completely out of synch at different rates.

Whatever one might think of the Scottish Government is pretty clear this is a planned strategy compared to the ad hoc make it up as you go along bullshit south of the border.
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I know they want to have plans in place but I'm hoping that they maybe able to amend them depending on what the virus is doing.  She is also worried as the kids are high school and primary ages and she would need them getting schooled on the same day. I was also wondering whether schools could be open for  6 day a week for a few months giving kids 3 day weeks, I know this would be hard on teachers but maybe alter the curriculum where there is less marking etc. in their free time to eleviate some of the work load.
And where do you get staff to open for a 6 day week?

No way in a million years will you get a 6 day working week.
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By August there will be so little Covid that schools will just open as usual.



That was a discussion I had with my head teacher this morning. We are being asked to put plans in place based on the current situation, and they may very will be inappropriate come August.


Having smaller numbers of kids may be great for getting them used to being back in school, and the new routines and hygiene etc. but I’m not personally sure if they would still be in place by the September break, and I certainly don’t think they would still be necessary if trends continue

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Yeah my partners sister is a primary school teacher in North Ayrshire and this is the case at her school. She seemed to think it is sensible and that it is definitely be like that till October but they are expecting it to continue like that till January. I personally think it is mental especially as there are still another 2 months until the schools are due back.
There's simply no way that the current restrictions on schools reopening will continue, unless there's a second spike.

The councils are working flat out to fit it together and by August it'll be completely different. The pressure is already building on sturgeon to speed up the easing - what's it going to be like in 2 months time!!

The numbers are looking brilliant, they couldn't have gone any better. So unless there's a major spike over the summer i can see schools being back to normal by September - October at the latest. When they go back in August things will be a giant cluster f**k and keeping in going for months with penny numbers of infections would be insane.

I'm a union rep, and we can only put in place plans as they're currently outlined - but f**k me this level of disruption simply can't continue unless the virus is back with a vengeance.
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There's simply no way that the current restrictions on schools reopening will continue, unless there's a second spike.

The councils are working flat out to fit it together and by August it'll be completely different. The pressure is already building on sturgeon to speed up the easing - what's it going to be like in 2 months time!!

The numbers are looking brilliant, they couldn't have gone any better. So unless there's a major spike over the summer i can see schools being back to normal by September - October at the latest. When they go back in August things will be a giant cluster f**k and keeping in going for months with penny numbers of infections would be insane.

I'm a union rep, and we can only put in place plans as they're currently outlined - but f**k me this level of disruption simply can't continue unless the virus is back with a vengeance.

Completely agree with this
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6 minutes ago, stuart87 said:

Completely agree with this


The only problem is the schools must have restrictions until Phase 4.

As much as I hope / expect it will be almost a "what was that all about?" scenario up here by then, I can't see us being in Phase 4 by 11th August.

Rightly or wrongly, the restrictions on schools will be in place until English schools are back.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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This is my exact scenario. I live too far away from home to travel back and sit in their garden for a day, so have waited until phase 2 where I am allowed to go inside for a piss and (on my understanding) stay over. If that’s restricted to phase 4 in August or something it would mean not seeing a single family member for about 7 months by that point.
Essentially, I think I’ll be going home and staying for a couple of nights in phase 2.

Exactly the same as us. I have see family once (at my granny’s funeral)since Feb as we are up in Aberdeenshire and they’re in the borders. Taking my
Boys down in the summer is something that has kept me going, really hope that’s going to be possible in July.
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1 hour ago, super_carson said:



So basically, your suggestion is that the teacher workload is only dealt with as a means to give us extra work?

Aye sure we can be unpaid childcare, great idea. Get that idea to f**k. Then in the sea.


Teachers are still getting paid while doing next to f**k all right now so it seems only fair that they clock up a few extra hours on the other side of the pandemic to make up for that.  Whether that means a six day week or cancelling pointless holidays is up to them and if they end up doing more hours annually than their contract stipulates then they should of course be compensated with higher pay.  


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