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🇬🇧 bios criticising NS for being different

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 ToO SoOn bios raging at the dawning realisation that their first day back at work is coming

Second Wavers posting about Spanish Flu again.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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Maybe i've missed it but what's the current guidance about going to the Republic of Ireland? One of the wifes family has a second home there and would normally travel by car and use the Cairnryan to Belfast/ Larne ferry route before crossing into the Republic. They'd normally go late July but we can't see anywhere as to whether this is permitted or not...

Going by what's been released/ advised so far the travelling will be allowed within the UK by then but just wondering what the rules are going from Northern to Southern Ireland. It would be obvious that they were from the UK due to the plates and theor not wanting folks to feel uncomfortable or have any issues   

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There should be very limited community transmission in Scotland at the moment. The chances of going to a pub or restaurant, especially outdoors, and picking up the virus is absolutely minuscule.

Having said that, there will surely be a rise of some sort come the end of July/start of August given the very low base level. At the moment anyone picking it up doesn’t really see many others - only normality and mixing with people can lead to a spike, but that’s why Test & Protect is there. Hopefully it does its job and identifies local spikes before they get out of hand.

The only safe way to avoid a spread is for everyone to stay in the house. We’ve done that for three months and our case levels are now absolutely acceptable. Normality of some sort is needed - if you don’t feel safe, stay at home.

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17 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

But having fucked that up initially, we are now paying for an extensive program of it. Not sure what you are suggesting here? It only works with low numbers, now is the time to remove lockdown and instead try to halt individual small scale outbreaks.

Just because we made a c**t of setting it up doesnt negate the point that it's absolutely what we should be doing surely?

As I said, there is no proper track and trace operation. 


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4 minutes ago, Big Fifer said:

This is all getting dangerously close to me having to go back and work in the office again. 

I work for a Local Authority and while no dates have been given officially what we have been told is  - unless you want to go back - we will be working from home till around Christmas.

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2 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

I'm pretty chill about things easing in Scotland as cases really have slowed to a trickle, but I'm worried about importing new cases from countries where cases are shooting up. USA, India etc.

These are the places where there should be an outright travel ban from, not a quarantine

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Interestingly, the NRS number reduction seems to have been driven by a reduction in care home deaths. There was actually an increase of 1 in hospital deaths: 27 to 28 from two weeks ago to last week. Basically static.

Then again, the daily update dwaths for the last two weeks I think were broadly similar, with this week definitely looking lower again, which hopefully is reflected in next weeks figures.

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3 minutes ago, FuzzyBear said:

I work for a Local Authority and while no dates have been given officially what we have been told is  - unless you want to go back - we will be working from home till around Christmas.

Our office has said when things ease they'll initially go to a 2 days in 3 days out rotation (there's only 14 people), but I live 10 minutes walk from the office. It just seems utterly pointless having to go in, potentially wear a facemask at my desk, not able to use the microwave/kettle, bringing in cold lunches etc when I could do the exact same job at home 10 minutes away and pop into the office if I actually need to. 

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8 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

I'm pretty chill about things easing in Scotland as cases really have slowed to a trickle, but I'm worried about importing new cases from countries where cases are shooting up. USA, India etc.

You can guarantee with the UK about to go cap in hand to all kinds of countries that Boris won’t have the guts to do anything like travel bans that could piss them off.

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7 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

These are the places where there should be an outright travel ban from, not a quarantine

Agreed. The FCO advice on travel all through January and February was very lassiez faire. 

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39 minutes ago, peasy23 said:
5 hours ago, doulikefish said:
Strike 3.....Mcdowells caddy tests positive aswell so gmac is out aswell 

Wondered how long it would take for a caddy to test positive, reports from Hilton Head last week were that the caddies were meeting up for dinner and a couple of beers in the evenings like they normally would. Add to that that South Carolina are still getting around 1000 new cases a day, and that nobody was giving a shit about social distancing, then it was always on the cards imo.

South Carolina is an "open: state" Justin Thomas described it as a "Zoo" 

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Really good news all round. I'd maybe rather wait an extra week for indoor pubs to have a better idea if the loosening of earlier measures has an effect, but then I'm not choking to get to the pub or likely to be in one before the end of July anyway. 

Seems pretty sensible that they are taking names etc. If we want to be able to open up at a good pace, then we need to accept the odd change to normal behaviour. How else will they be able to trace you if you've been sat in a bar next to someone who tests positive.

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2 hours ago, John MacLean said:

Whether there is going to be a 'second wave' or not or precisely what a 'second wave' would look like e.g. local infection/spike etc. is largely a moot point. 

The reason we went into our version of a Lockdown in March wasn't to 'beat the virus' as such but to ensure that the NHS could cope. The NHS shouldn't have needed protecting but the systematic destruction of the welfare state over the course of generations left it, and us as a result, in a vulnerable position. So, bang, Lockdown it was with all the attendant problems that come with the prolonged period of Lockdown we've been enduring. 

If we have learned anything from the last few months is that we were woefully unprepared to deal with this. It would be an act of gross negligence to make the same mistakes and not to prepare for the worst case scenario and adapt and change how we approach our daily lives as we take small steps towards some kind of normality.  

You're right with your first point, the lockdown was to stop the NHS from being overwhelmed. But your second point? "systematic destruction of the welfare state over the course of generations"? The Welfare State, as we understand it, has only been on the go for 75 years, which could be construed as only 2 generations, but lets call it 3, so in order to have been systematically destroyed for generations, this must have been happening since the end of the first generation, 1970, coincidentally just about the time we joined the EEC. Maybe the slogan on the bus was nearer the mark than it was given credit for. :whistle

Why was lockdown instigated elsewhere in the world? Was it to beat the virus or have the Health Services of the rest of the world also been systematically destroyed over generations? Otherwise, what was the point.

I also agree with your last paragraph. Lessons will most definitely have to be not only learned but implemented.

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1 hour ago, bernardblack said:


I honestly don’t see it working without a massive rise in infections.

I’d scarily think the number of people who didn’t wash their hands in boozers, before all this would be obscenely high


From what I heard the use of hand wash and paper towels in pubs went up dramatically in the weeks prior to lockdown and that was before the reality of hundreds of folk dying up here. 

You would think that it would keep up at those levels and hopefully increase with the hand sanitizer dispensers that will be dotted about the pubs and restaurants. 


...but there will always be a proportion of clatty b*****ds. 

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2 hours ago, stumigoo said:


On your first paragraph. Can’t remember who it was but I watched something earlier in lockdown and the guest on the show was lambasting the “look at me during lockdown” culture of some people online, talking about the very real damage it was doing to many who feel self-conscious about the ‘effort’ they’ve been putting in during this crisis.

“Look at all the exercise I’ve done!”

“Look at all the skills I’ve learned!”

“Look at all the home learning I’m doing!”

“Look at all the activities I’ve designed for my kids!”

It’s damaging for those who feel anxious about themselves to go online and see all these show offs who claim to have been busy every minute of every day during lockdown. I’ve felt guilty plenty during this, everything from the lack of exercise, to the lack of Blue Peter-esque projects that I’ve built from scratch for our 2 year old. Reality is, much of it has been projected on to me by the things I’ve seen online, and it’s not fair on myself to do that.


There's a very simple solution to all that - don't look at it.

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