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24 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I see Sweden's 7 day average number of deaths has dropped to 5.

Looking at the shape of the trends of this average, it's not clear that maintaing our lockdown is having any impact on this trend.



No I think I'm hindsight the tories would have preferred to take the Swedish route as we were too late and too half-arsed and ultimately, have fared little better than the swedes who didn't (afaik) completely destroy their economy in the process. That's not to say I don't think we shouldn't have locked down - just that it's another example of their utter unfitness for governing beyond 3 word dog whistle slogans. 

At the same time, if they hadn't locked down, Scotland couldn't have either, and we would be in far worse nick than we (pretty luckily tbh) find ourselves in. 

Interesting too that Sweden clearly feel they've failed, because they're not comparing themselves to us basket cases, but countries that were actually semi-competent in getting to grips with this. 

I wonder if any swedes would actually be in England's position rather than their own. Obviously completely hypothetical, but I reckon opinion would be pretty split on that. 

What a fucking mess. 

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The i reporting today that Police Chiefs in England are predicting ‘New Year’s Eve’ levels of revelry on Saturday. It doesn’t appear that there is any hope of restraint, with one Federation leader fearing ‘a return to A&E departments resembling a circus full of drunken clowns’! Let’s hope not eh!?

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The i reporting today that Police Chiefs in England are predicting ‘New Year’s Eve’ levels of revelry on Saturday. It doesn’t appear that there is any hope of restraint, with one Federation leader fearing ‘a return to A&E departments resembling a circus full of drunken clowns’! Let’s hope not eh!?

I’ve decided I’m going to hold off visiting a pub until September.

Just know too many idiots are going to ruin it in the first couple of weeks.
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9 minutes ago, madwullie said:

I wonder if any swedes would actually be in England's position rather than their own. Obviously completely hypothetical, but I reckon opinion would be pretty split on that. 

I can't imagine so. Why would they give up their pretty much restriction free lifestyle for a similar death rate? There is nothing about the UK's response that they could be envious of.

A fairer question would be to ask them if they would want to swap with their Nordic neighbours.

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I do think there's an argument that because we left it so late to lockdown it was pretty much pointless.
If we had locked down two weeks earlier then, according to scientists, we would have had a quarter of the deaths.
I wonder what the figure would have been with a partial or local lockdowns plus more testing and tracing?
The government has failed and misled us on just about everything.

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I do think there's an argument that because we left it so late to lockdown it was pretty much pointless.
If we had locked down two weeks earlier then, according to scientists, we would have had a quarter of the deaths.
I wonder what the figure would have been with a partial or local lockdowns plus more testing and tracing?
The government has failed and misled us on just about everything.

Locked down 2 weeks earlier and copied Spain’s approach in which you could only visit a shop within a radius of x miles and we could’ve been looking back at the last few months from a different perspective.
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5 minutes ago, mizfit said:



Locked down 2 weeks earlier and copied Spain’s approach in which you could only visit a shop within a radius of x miles and we could’ve been looking back at the last few months from a different perspective.



Wont nobody think of the revenue the tory peer that owns cheltenham would have lost 

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5 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

Does anyone know, or care, what the Scottish top flight table would have looked like, had we locked down two weeks earlier than we did?

Celtic top / Hearts bottom I think

ETA this was the table on 1st March


Edited by Todd_is_God
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9 minutes ago, doulikefish said:

As far as I can tell, the UK wide figures announced each day contain both Pillar 1 and Pillar 2 cases, though, so the overall picture is unchanged.

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4 minutes ago, Fife Saint said:

So the already comparatively worse English numbers are actually significantly worse vs Wales, Scotland and NI?


I think the best comparison is when the SG started receiving data from the UK Gov testing facilities in Scotland.

The positive cases were included in the UK figure every day, but the SG didn't know about them being from here so couldn't include them in their daily figures.

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1 hour ago, madwullie said:

I wonder if any swedes would actually be in England's position rather than their own. Obviously completely hypothetical, but I reckon opinion would be pretty split on that. 

England's as close to worst of both worlds as you can get though. They've had a stricter lockdown than Sweden and had more deaths. Why on earth would any non-psychopathic Swede want that?

Edited by Gordon EF
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4 hours ago, Tynierose said:

Make a change from legionella.

A nice change I trust, just as well were not in Flint, drinking the lead water, Covid is the least of their worries. 

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