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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Absolute state of the utter helmets on the border. I’m pro Indy, and I’m concerned about the risks regarding the border too, but that kind of behaviour is just embarrassing and completely counter productive. Plays straight into the SNP-bad narrative and makes us look like a bunch of Anglo-phobic tinpot idiots.

When Pete Wishart is the voice of reason in this you know they've made a James Hunt of it.

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When Pete Wishart is the voice of reason in this you know they've made a James Hunt of it.

I just don’t know what they hope to achieve. They are everything that’s wrong with the Indy movement, it makes those of us who are (probably) moderate and rational about it look like nutters and it alienates anyone who might be considering independence off the back of the pandemic and the response to it.

I equally think anyone who can’t wait two or three days for a pint up here is a bit of a roaster, but should be left to the relative authorities to deal with.
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2 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

Fantastic, the go to comment for someone you dont agree with.

Tremendous.  Your comment, we will never be rid of this plague blah blah blah.

Well seeing as there's not a vaccine and it's been around for months do you suggest everyone sits in the house for the next 18 months?  

You're living in a fantasy world.




There's a middle ground between sitting in the house for the next 18 months and thousands of folk getting blootered and piling into the street. I've no idea what's the right level of getting out and about.

If this policy down South goes wrong it is solely the fault of the Tory government. The people pictured are doing what they're told is acceptable. 

Edited by Marshmallo
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2 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

Fantastic, the go to comment for someone you dont agree with.

Tremendous.  Your comment, we will never be rid of this plague blah blah blah.

Well seeing as there's not a vaccine and it's been around for months do you suggest everyone sits in the house for the next 18 months?  

You're living in a fantasy world.

My oh my. What a state to get into!

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1 minute ago, Tynierose said:

It's about being sensible and assessing risks accordingly.

Young people are going to go out and enjoy themselves which is fair enough.

There will be a blowout initially, its expected.

Knicker wetting about it like the perth laddie is pointless. If he had pals he would be out too.

When the spikes come you manage them accordingly.

Could the initial blow out have been "flattened" a bit by putting the first day of pubs opening midweek?

It's the usual big gesture nonsense from Johnson. How that big blonde c**t sleeps at night is beyond this bear.

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2 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

It's about being sensible and assessing risks accordingly.

Do you think the people in that photo are being sensible, hmm? No masks, no social distancing and clearly lots of people who assessed the risks of congregating in the street and carried on regardless.

3 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

Knicker wetting about it like the perth laddie is pointless. If he had pals he would be out too.

Haha! My word, you're supposed to be a  "Global Moderator" as well - somebody of your position should be able to handle themselves in a cool and calm manner! Instead you're just behaving like the angry old boomer you are.

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1 minute ago, Marshmallo said:

He's a moderator on a Scottish football forum not General Secretary of the UN you melt.

Yes I'm fully aware of that, chief, and my point stands - here we have a moderator of the forum being very easily being riled by a mere gif. That was after he posted one in response to me! Embarrassing really.

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Could the initial blow out have been "flattened" a bit by putting the first day of pubs opening midweek?
It's the usual big gesture nonsense from Johnson. How that big blonde c**t sleeps at night is beyond this bear.

For what it’s worth, when people haven’t been able to do the things they’re used to for so long, it’s understandable there’s going to be those who get carried away. When the first lockdown restriction were eased, it coincided with warm weather and lots of folk were meeting with more than one household and probably nipping indoors to use the loo. It’s just human nature to push the restrictions once they start to ease up.

What the governments should have done is allow these places to reopen under certain conditions, like you say. But the problem seems to be that the conservative govt. are more interested in popular decisions and hyping them up with “super Saturday” rhetoric.

Again, it will be interesting to see the impact of all of this in the coming weeks. If there’s no significant spikes, it may suggest that community transmission is far lower than previously thought. If there are spikes, it may be hard to reimpose restrictions (in whatever form) now the genie is out the bottle.

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13 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Absolute scenes when, just like the Westminster Bridge claps and BLM protests, there is absolutely no impact on Covid-19 cases from people going out.

I hope you're right. 

If there is a spike then blame does not sit with the public. It's with the government who shouted about Super Saturday and told everyone it was their duty to get mwi today. 

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Absolute scenes when, just like the Westminster Bridge claps and BLM protests, there is absolutely no impact on Covid-19 cases from people going out.

No impact overall is very likely. Big impact for individuals and families from spikes of infection. I fully understand that policy can’t take account of every little change and that the overall picture has to drive the decision making. Having not seen my dad in a Care Hone since before the lockdown it’s hard to be so pragmatic when having had the chance to see him on Monday coming that has now been postponed by the spike of infections in Dumfries and Galloway. Discussion with the home suggests probably 2 weeks before I can visit him. This isn’t a dig at you but just to explain why a lot of people remain anxious about people seeming to think we’re beyond the stage that we need to be careful.
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