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17 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
55 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:
I'm not disputing that. But it wasn't even on their radar when they first were talking about it, yet now it is being used as the yard stick by everyone.
I'd just like to know these things are being discussed, and a realistic timeframe / set of conditions to allow these to happen.
The DFL, for example, have put forward a proposal that will allow clubs to utilise 50% of their seating capacity and 12.5% of their standing capacity as early as September when the Bundesliga / 2. Bundesliga starts.
There are small crowds at stadiums in France already.
Fans here have an idea that we may be looking at October before we can return, but have no idea at all what level of capacity we are looking at.
I think overall compliance with the restrictions in Scotland has been very good. It would be nice come the next review on the 30th to be 'rewarded' with a little bit more transparancy of what Q3 & Q4 might look like if things continue to go well instead of high fiving each other that the schools are going back and that is mission accomplished.

Pilot in October for sports attendance BJ announcing now. England mind so expect about Christmas here.

This was my point yesterday. There is no reward for us in being in lockdown longer if we never have anything back to "normal" before England.

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This was my point yesterday. There is no reward for us in being in lockdown longer if we never have anything back to "normal" before England.
Why the race with England, everything is running within 10-14 days between the countries, there's nothing in it really.
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If October start here with crowds from December that will be cataclismic for the majority of football clubs in this country.
Two months of wages without crowds is no good in Scotland where nearly all revenues are matchday.
I agree but I honestly can't see the SG bringing that forward before England.
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1 minute ago, Billy Jean King said:
6 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:
This was my point yesterday. There is no reward for us in being in lockdown longer if we never have anything back to "normal" before England.

Why the race with England, everything is running within 10-14 days between the countries, there's nothing in it really.

I don't know why you are asking me that tbh. I didn't make the promise of "longer lockdown than England = quicker return to normality"

But NS did, and continues to do so. So I would like her to deliver on that.

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I don't know why you are asking me that tbh. I didn't make the promise of "longer lockdown than England = quicker return to normality"

But NS did, and continues to do so. So I would like her to deliver on that.

It wasn't "quicker than England " she said though so your comparison is pointless. She has been open from the start that it's all aimed at getting schools back full time. Admittedly that isn't a priority for some (I presume you) but yo millions it is.


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Just now, Billy Jean King said:
2 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:
I don't know why you are asking me that tbh. I didn't make the promise of "longer lockdown than England = quicker return to normality"
But NS did, and continues to do so. So I would like her to deliver on that.

It wasn't "quicker than England " she said though so your comparison is pointless.

It's not pointless. She quite clearly has said on many occasions that remaining in lockdown longer than them would lead to a quicker return to normality. Yet they consistantly get things back before us anyway.

The context is always in regards to questions and criticisms on why we are moving slower than England. It's therefore valid to compare the fabled 'rewards' against there.

If you want to go down the route you are going then we had a longer lockdown than anyone in Europe. We are behind pretty much all of them in returning to normality as well.

It looks very much like it was a lie.

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7 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

Sky reporting it's trials ahead of a return to crowds in October not trials starting in October. He was bumbling that much it was hard to decipher in parts !

He also said that it may be possible to scrap social distancing as early as November.

That seems a bit ambitious tbh, but it's good to not hear constant chat of "new normal" and, instead, an actual desire to get back to normal.

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Quite a radical statement from BJ there. Very clear in where he wants England to be by the end of the year and how he plans to get there.

Regardless of the handling of the pandemic so far, I think we would all hope that they are able to get there.

Very interesting to see how NS responds, as there will no doubt no be a clamour from the media for an outline of a similar plan for here.

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13 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

It's not pointless. She quite clearly has said on many occasions that remaining in lockdown longer than them would lead to a quicker return to normality. Yet they consistantly get things back before us anyway.


It's almost as if the Tories are blundering through this trying to appeal to the masses rather than actually following any kind of scientific advice.

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2 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Quite a radical statement from BJ there. Very clear in where he wants England to be by the end of the year and how he plans to get there.

Regardless of the handling of the pandemic so far, I think we would all hope that they are able to get there.

Very interesting to see how NS responds, as there will no doubt no be a clamour from the media for an outline of a similar plan for here.

I've tried to let you burble away with your cute wee take on the right way to deal with the situation, but no.

You cannot ignore how the Government has acted so far, and then say that you hope they will suddenly be successful in their efforts.

I would love to see some kind of old, new, borrowed or blue normal, as I am sure most would.

This Government, which relied on "we're following the science" as a mantra for so long, is now giving diametrically opposed advice to their own chief scientific adviser. Literally opposing the science.

As long as we are being governed by what this Government believes people want, rather than by implementing policies that the population need in order for the country to recover, this crisis will only deepen.

Political ideology aside, I don't believe it's unrealistic to ask for competence from a Government. My political alliances are no secret on here, but I will quite openly - and truthfully - state that I would rather Thatcher was in charge at the moment.

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He also kept banging on about 120k 2nd winter wave and preparing for the worst while hoping for the best. It wasn't clear at all. Warning of trebling the amount dead while talking about lifting all measures ahead of that is bonkers stuff.

Quite a radical statement from BJ there. Very clear in where he wants England to be by the end of the year and how he plans to get there.
Regardless of the handling of the pandemic so far, I think we would all hope that they are able to get there.
Very interesting to see how NS responds, as there will no doubt no be a clamour from the media for an outline of a similar plan for here.
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10 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

I've tried to let you burble away with your cute wee take on the right way to deal with the situation, but no.

You cannot ignore how the Government has acted so far, and then say that you hope they will suddenly be successful in their efforts.

I would love to see some kind of old, new, borrowed or blue normal, as I am sure most would.

This Government, which relied on "we're following the science" as a mantra for so long, is now giving diametrically opposed advice to their own chief scientific adviser. Literally opposing the science.

As long as we are being governed by what this Government believes people want, rather than by implementing policies that the population need in order for the country to recover, this crisis will only deepen.

Political ideology aside, I don't believe it's unrealistic to ask for competence from a Government. My political alliances are no secret on here, but I will quite openly - and truthfully - state that I would rather Thatcher was in charge at the moment.

Let me get this straight.

You actively hope England cannot get rid of Covid and back to normal by the end of the year, because BJ is a bumbling idiot?

What a bitter c**t you really are.

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