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6 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Which happened in Sweden to an even greater extent than here. Anyone who thinks there was no lockdown in Sweden is deluded, the only difference is they didn't need the same extent of legal enforcement for them to obey. High schools and colleges were closed and any pubs and restaurants that didn't enforce strict social distancing were shut down. They exceeded the death toll of all their Scandinavian neighbours put together, and their GDP fell by roughly the same, without any significant increase in herd immunity. I get bored of having to repeat this.

I actually started typing this out earlier and then just deleted it for the reason in your final sentence. These people have read this before, it just doesn't fit their angle so ignore it 🤷‍♂️ 

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9 minutes ago, virginton said:

Have they decided which neighborhood Nazis get to wear a high-vis with 'Covid marshal' on it yet or was that idea quietly filed the bin as well?

If a truncheon is provided I'll do it at no cost. I won't even stay at or near home, I'll go roaming the streets with it.

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2 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

Tell me more about this


If you just claim the flat rate of £6 per week relief you don't have to submit evidence. You only have to work some of the time (eg one day a week at home) to be deemed home working too.

Did mine last month backdated to 1st April and got enough for a decent bottle of whisky in my September pay packet.

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1 hour ago, Chairman Mao said:

The lockdown restrictions that you support have led to 40,000 non covid excess deaths in homes and care homes in the U.K. and likely saved no-one.

SAGE estimates that we will end up with 75,000 collateral deaths in the U.K. and millions will die around the world. Millions too will lose their livelihoods.

The selfish ones are those who worked from home on full pay whilst passing their risk from covid onto lower income groups and the vulnerable.

And Sweden’s welfare system has no relevance whatsoever. 

It was incredibly selfish of them to do what their work demanded they do. Rather, they should have got their work on the first bus to f**k, ventured out and attempted to become infected to show solidarity with the key workers and shop staff who would no doubt have been thoroughly delighted to have more potential vectors and opportunities to catch the disease👍 

I vividly remember reading all the key workers being absolutely disgusted that their chances of contracting covid were reduced by people staying the f**k away from them unless completely necessary. 

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It was incredibly selfish of them to do what their work demanded they do. Rather, they should have got their work on the first bus to f**k, ventured out and attempted to become infected to show solidarity with the key workers and shop staff who would no doubt have been thoroughly delighted to have more potential vectors and opportunities to catch the disease[emoji106] 
I vividly remember reading all the key workers being absolutely disgusted that their chances of contracting covid were reduced by people staying the f**k away from them unless completely necessary. 
I would give up rising to this waste of space - either deadly serious (and a fucking space cadet) or just fucking trolling.
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1 minute ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

£6.00 a week apparently. I applied on line last week any an immense note my tax code had changed. Hopefully get a debate this month.

It's 6 quid relief rather than 6 quid.

So, if you pay 20% tax then 1.20 a week and higher rate then 2.40 a week.

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11 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Self assessments incoming for a few on this thread IMO. Sevcos everywhere.

I'm not worried at all about my small bit of alleged tax fraud catching up with me.

In an unrelated note, I am now a limited company registered in the Cayman Islands.

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8 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

That's all good and well but what happens when games are cancelled when a player tests positive, like Dundee v Forfar earlier? Forfar made all parties aware in the afternoon - which doesn't allow enough time for further Test & Protect procedures to be carried out.

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