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Guest Moomintroll
Stay safe
[mention=40427]Tight John McVeigh is a tit[/mention] have you got a booking reserved for the Bangkok Hilton, safest place to be here.
Also, not heard from [mention=72852]Moomintroll[/mention] for a day, after his 3000 Chinese get together. Hope he survived
I"m off to Hua Hin tomorrow on a business trip for 4 days, so will take the family has we have a nice quite house which is 10km out from the centre.  Not sure what I will do when I meet any Chinese, usually I just ignore them....this time...always open to suggestions from the P&B community. 
Think I got away with it, have spent the day in quiet contemplation of Killies transfer window dealings, tbh after that, on balance, I hope I have f**king caught it.
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5 minutes ago, Moomintroll said:
1 hour ago, SlipperyP said:
Stay safe
[mention=40427]Tight John McVeigh is a tit[/mention] have you got a booking reserved for the Bangkok Hilton, safest place to be here.
Also, not heard from [mention=72852]Moomintroll[/mention] for a day, after his 3000 Chinese get together. Hope he survived
I"m off to Hua Hin tomorrow on a business trip for 4 days, so will take the family has we have a nice quite house which is 10km out from the centre.  Not sure what I will do when I meet any Chinese, usually I just ignore them....this time...always open to suggestions from the P&B community. 

Think I got away with it, have spent the day in quiet contemplation of Killies transfer window dealings, tbh after that, on balance, I hope I have f**king caught it.

Ahh, the slow killing disease of being a Killie fan. it's in the title. Fortunately, for all, it wont be going global.

Has anyone questioned your full kit w****r status, while bombing the swimming pool other guests(Chinese)  at the hotel.

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1 hour ago, SlipperyP said:

I"m off to Hua Hin tomorrow on a business trip

Michael Choochoo Portillo was there a couple of days ago, series on gallivanting about SE Asia on trains, a few about Thailand. Opened my eyes about the interior, especially the North. Never been tempted before. 6.30 BBC2 weekdays, if you have a decent VPN. First couple are about Hong Kong, then Thailand. 

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Never heard it say it like before. Have  nice "business trip".
All seriousness, stay safe.
I live just north of Ayutthaya , nice restaurant. full of Thais which is always a good sign.  Sai Thong River Restaurant. Doesn't have a website but here is the map.

Quite fortunate our team up there are good on picking the restaurants. Ate at a few riverside restaurants, all run down places, with outstanding food.
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1 hour ago, Eednud said:

A couple who arrived back in Adelaide from Wuhan on 20 Jan confirmed as having the thing so that’s a hat trick of cases for Australia today and a score of 12.

Yet again, Australia have the easiest route to qualifying. Right next door to the epicentre.  Easy pickings.

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This ground was covered a while ago, but this article outlines some of the key concerns about China's political culture and system that make situations like this much worse than they have to be, or than they would be elsewhere.
Authoritarian governments are not just ethically bad, they cause real-world, practical problems.

Things are not going so great right now for Winnie the Pooh. This, Hong Kong, the trade war and Indonesia calling Chinas bluff on the islands. Will be a testing time for them.

Any long term isolation through this
for China could start to shake the foundations, although reality is it will probably come to nothing.
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2 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Yet again, Australia have the easiest route to qualifying. Right next door to the epicentre.  Easy pickings.

Good news, same as Scotland.  They don't pick from Perth.

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Guest Moomintroll
Ahh, the slow killing disease of being a Killie fan. it's in the title. Fortunately, for all, it wont be going global.
Has anyone questioned your full kit w****r status, while bombing the swimming pool other guests(Chinese)  at the hotel.
Thankfully not being of the OF persuasion I don't see the need to let everyone know how much of a dick I am by wearing football tops on holiday, they can find out in many other ways. In a twist on the old hiding the Germans beach towels trick, I am stealing all the Chinese folks surgical masks.
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34 minutes ago, Moomintroll said:
58 minutes ago, SlipperyP said:
Ahh, the slow killing disease of being a Killie fan. it's in the title. Fortunately, for all, it wont be going global.
Has anyone questioned your full kit w****r status, while bombing the swimming pool other guests(Chinese)  at the hotel.

Thankfully not being of the OF persuasion I don't see the need to let everyone know how much of a dick I am by wearing football tops on holiday, they can find out in many other ways. In a twist on the old hiding the Germans beach towels trick, I am stealing all the Chinese folks surgical masks.

Daily Record Headline.



Aye, but ken it wiz awe a joke, ye know, ken


Edited by SlipperyP
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4 hours ago, SlipperyP said:

Thailand has had it's first case of human to human(not been to China) confirmed. 35 degrees here

...but does not have an epidemic as yet despite probably having welcomed plenty of tourists from Hubei province over the last few months. Worth bearing in mind that the reported cases in China are likely to be a drastic undercount as the test isn't easy to do and will only have been carried out on people with the most serious symptoms, in a similar way to how most people with the flu never go near a doctor. Most of the people who have died in Wuhan fit the same sort of profile as the many thousands of patients that die from the flu every winter in western countries. They have other medical issues that have severely weakened their immune systems. 

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I'd take media and twitter coverage of that sort of thing with a pinch of salt. It's probably going to be something like a heart attack, but they are not going to take any chances. This outbreak has to be treated cautiously because of the risk of any new virus mutating into something a lot more virulent that could create a global pandemic like the Spanish flu at the end of WWI but so far the levels of fear being generated are a case of mass hysteria, because that's not particularly likely and things have not been following that script.

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Roy Castle would be proud.


when most nations appear to have taken the weekend off from competing, the dedication of China shines through. As we close in on 14,000 infected we can give thanks to China for reaching that goal. 304 against zero deaths elsewhere confirms their mastery.


Singapore, as reported last night, struck a brace to close in on Thailand in second with Japan also closing the gap. Now only 2 points separate the teams in second, third and fourth.


Australias reported points increase appear to have be an error (for now), so still remain on single digits.


China getting more and more isolated as Australia and USA follow a similar tact as Singapore, banning entry to its nationals.


Things could start to get very interesting as the political and economical sub plots heat up.


The row over ringers rumbles on as people argue over whether it is correct to bring in and use ringers. Although there is no official rule, embassies are not obliged to repatriate anyone and are not obliged, if they chose to, to do it for free. The humanitarian effort at the centre of a Global outbreak (the correct approach), is being undermined by the videos and pictures of the expats who have been bleating and complaining about repatriation that doesn’t really give us ‘Brits’ (not Europeans), overseas a bad rep.




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1 minute ago, Tight John McVeigh is a tit said:

The row over ringers rumbles on as people argue over whether it is correct to bring in snd use ringers. Although there is no official rule, embassies are not obliged to repatriate anyone and are not obliged, if they chose to, to do it for free. The humanitarian effort at the centre of a Global outbreak (the correct approach), is being undermined by the videos and pictures of the expats who have been bleating and complaining about repatriation that doesn’t really give us ‘Brits’ (not Europeans), overseas a bad rep.

Thankfully the Americans are doing the Western World proud by charging their sniffling cowards well over $1000 a pop.

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Thankfully the Americans are doing the Western World proud by charging their sniffling cowards well over $1000 a pop.

Got to love the Good old USA (not good, not old). Been following this debate here and elsewhere. One person claiming the returning people are selfish as they will bring the virus in their suitcases.

A lot of tarring everyone with the one brush as to why they choose to live overseas and ‘you made your bed and you lie in it’ talk.

Granted some of the morons popping up bleating doesn’t help build a defence. The pink haired teacher and the definitely selfish Lurpark boy spring to mind.

Repatriation at this point is probably the right decision by the governments, free is probably as much political as anything else (and has it been confirmed the UK have done it for free)?

However, there is a strong argument of the ‘sniffling cowards’ as you mention. Many ‘expats’ will be on contract and insured and that really should be the first port of call. Chances are these remoaners (repatriation moaners) have either been told by their insurance to stay put/denied or didn’t bother with insurance anyway. So yes, you made your bed and you lie in it does come to mind.

So I guess, I think the government have done the right thing offering to bring these sniffling cowards home, once back don’t let them out again, they give us emigres a bad name ;-)

Anyway, can some send a taxi for me, Slippery P, JTS98 and HK Blues?

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I live in Bangkok and EVERYONE at work has had some sort of cold or flu this week. So if the bioweapon rumours are true then we should dieing horrible deaths in about a week, which I guess saves me money on Valentines day. 

Only what, 350 deaths? But a recent video shows a guy walking around a hospital in Wuhan and counts 8 bodybags in about 5 minutes. Top detective work finding 2% of the total deaths all within the space of 100 metres of each other. Maybe Alfredo Morelos's missus should have hired this guy instead?

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