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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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1 hour ago, jamamafegan said:

The UK border should have been shut when lockdown began last March. I remember back then folk were still heading abroad on their holidays. Absolutely mental behaviour. IMO. Nobody should have been allowed to fly anywhere - both domestically and internationally - unless it was for essential work. There was just no need for it. That for me is the biggest f**k up of them all.

Think the reality is that it had arrived during the peak season for respiratory infections in the UK and had started to spread in the community sooner than was realised, so if life continued normally it was only a matter of time before there was going to be the Italian scenario even if borders had been closed a month sooner. Lockdown related measures like social distancing, hand sanitising and mask wearing that we are familiar with now are what could have made a significant difference in late January by suppressing the R0 number. Doing that later was largely a case of bolting the stable door after the horse had already bolted by late March once the exponential curve was rocketing upwards. A much larger portion of the population than is generally realised got their chance to play Russian roulette with the virus at that point.

The biggest cockup was believing the completely over the top modelling numbers from Imperial College and emptying hospitals in anticipation of the massive number of severe cases that would arrive if the IFR was really 2.0%. That never came close materialising (a  bit like those Dyson ventilators Boris ordered), because the IFR was only a tenth of what the models had assumed in reality. In the process of emptying hospital wards, elderly patients with COVID were being moved back into care homes without proper testing leading to a wave of deaths in that context that often could have been avoided with better shielding policies. 

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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40 minutes ago, well fan for life said:

It's galling to see the media going for the "Poor Boris he tried so hard and look how sad he is" angle. The whole pandemic has been a catalogue of the Tories fumbling their response to it before then pointing and blaming the public for causing the virus to run out of control. There's been points where Whitty's stood up and said "we're only now seeing the effects of what you've done". 

That bumbling fucking idiot standing up saying "I take full responsibility for the government's response to Covid" yesterday is just empty words. If he was taking responsibility he'd have handed in his resignation and fucked off. Meanwhile big limp dick Starmer's on the sidelines doing next to bugger all with regards to holding them responsible. 

In the days before he was firmed into lockdown measures, he was giving a speech at Oxford rambling on about how we shouldn't be hysterical etc and this global Britain nonsense. People who vote Tory and cite their pro business approach are absolute fruitloops.

It's also unreal how many people ate up the Treasury response as especially generous and far reaching.

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30 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

That’s my da (72) got the first dose of the vaccine. I haven’t heard from him since so presumably Bill Gates has been assuming control.

Hopefully Bill takes control and makes him pay his full liability of Tax ;)

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41 minutes ago, madwullie said:

Tom Tugendhat has found the solution, the P&B way


Heating and open windows being, err, part of the Government's guidance for reducing the risk of indoor transmission (e.g. at Christmas).

When the vulnerable groups are vaccinated there's no reason to give a toss whether someone comes back from Ibiza with the sniffles for a few days. This border control reflex when is just the latest collective cranial detachment of this failed state and its people.

Edited by vikingTON
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1 minute ago, Paco said:

The retrospective analysis now we’ve hit the 100k milestone is welcome, because the government’s handling of this has been an absolute disgrace from start to finish. But why in today’s opinion columns, TV debates, newspapers and even on here are we only focusing on March? Yes, it was a calamity. Couldn’t have went much worse. But we’ve known that for some time now. Total deaths under the ‘positive deaths within 28 days of death’ metric were sitting at 59,000 on December 1st. In the 57 days since, we’ve had over 41,000 official Covid deaths in the UK. That should be the scandal this time - it’s absolutely absurd at this stage of the pandemic. We can no longer use the excuses of unknowns. So why are we here?

Boris Johnson was told to lock down in September. He waited until mid-October, and then did a half-arsed one. Boris Johnson was told to lock down in mid-December. He chose to wait until early January, having sent the schools back for a day (!!!) and despite Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales announcing lockdowns before Christmas. He permitted Christmas Day mixing in most of England, despite advice about a 70% more transmissible variant sweeping across the country - the same variant which only came about because of the high levels of Covid accepted within England. He permitted care home visits en masse across England based on lateral-flow test results despite knowing the tests aren’t very good, and care home Covid deaths are now at their highest in the entire pandemic in England (officially at least, they like to pretend thousands dropped dead of unrelated causes in March/April when testing was unavailable). Pubs were open in London eight weeks ago! That’s how absurd this gets.

This is the here and now. There are no excuses about borders, about lack of PPE or testing, about there ‘not being a textbook’. Deaths in the UK may not even have peaked yet and this is all happening almost a year into the pandemic. Johnson standing in front of the cameras yesterday pretending to be upset and saying they’ve ‘done everything they could’ is sickening and he should be hounded out of office for that alone. It’s blatantly untrue, anything they have done has been reluctant and so late as to be almost worthless. Some death was inevitable, 100,000 was not and it’s a result of constant - and I really do mean constant - dithering and indecision from Boris Johnson and his government.

If you’re so inclined you can pretend that not having PPE and not having critical care beds and not having a plan for a pandemic and not attending five COBRA meetings and not shutting the border and shaking hands, herd immunity, treating it like a flu and fucking off for a weekend with your phone off to finalise your divorce was acceptable in February/March, in the old world. You cannot pretend that this winter and the latest deaths were inevitable.

I'm sure all this will be remembered at the ballot box!

CON: +4

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This interview of the AZ CEO is well worth a read to get an insight into the vaccine production process, the immense issues with scaling up supply so quickly and some insight into what the Oxford-AZ vaccine does:


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Just now, dirty dingus said:

Piers Morgan as a wobbly jowled narcissistic c**t but he's at least trying to hold these shysters to account.

I don't think there's any real commitment though. A bit like Johnson and Brexit, he's chosen a side that'll promote and advance his career. He'd take a job with Johnson and change sides in a heartbeat if the money and profile was right.

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13 hours ago, s_dog said:

Wow that video..... the old guy says he's not going to die despite what the doctor is telling him, he's apparently got an illness that hasn't been proven to exist, and so the family want to stop the steroids & antibiotics and instead give him some vitamins and some oxygen they have at home. Just let them take him home and leave him in their capable hands of that's what they all really want. 

A quick search shows that the main guy filming is very active on YouTube and Facebook conspiracy circles.  What a surprise!  Always find it strange how people who are terrified of government interference and surveillance always have Facebook pages...

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5 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

I don't think there's any real commitment though. A bit like Johnson and Brexit, he's chosen a side that'll promote and advance his career. He'd take a job with Johnson and change sides in a heartbeat if the money and profile was right.

Yes, he's literally released a book patting himself on the back for holding government to account and promoting captain Tom.

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the comments under this have aged like a fine wine in light of the 100,000 deaths milestone

Worth noting that loads of journos did the same response as well. “Hipster analysis” was the dismissal of people questioning the government’s initial strategy.

Every member of the government and most of the journo class should be getting the treatment that all of Gotham’s elites get towards the end of The Dark Knight Rises. Show trials and marched to their deaths.
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9 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

Piers Morgan as a wobbly jowled narcissistic c**t but he's at least trying to hold these shysters to account.

Tbf he's doing his job. It's a worry that people are spunking themselves over "man does job" instead of celebrating it we should spend more energy asking why in the name of Christ has Laura Kunsberg not been asking difficult questions and why is she still in post.

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