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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Much to the disappointment of some wankers on here, we are now classed as Key workers. There are a lot of feral arseholes out there & we are doing our best. There is zero danger that I will compare us to NHS staff but at the same time a little civility will not go amiss. We aren't making these purchasing limits up for shit & giggles, we are being told to do it to let other people get their fair share.

You don’t have to justify yourself, moomin.
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Much to the disappointment of some wankers on here, we are now classed as Key workers. There are a lot of feral arseholes out there & we are doing our best. There is zero danger that I will compare us to NHS staff but at the same time a little civility will not go amiss. We aren't making these purchasing limits up for shit & giggles, we are being told to do it to let other people get their fair share.

Do you find yourself at an opposite end of things from the nhs with things like this? The nhs get a lot of praise and goodwill from the public at times like these (beast from the east, this and in general) whereas i imagine workers like yourself and g-man get a lot of shit and abuse for only trying to do your job and serve the public.
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9 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

It's weird living through the biggest world event since WWII. What else comes close in terms of genuine worldwide pieces of history? Spanish Flu, Plague, WWI and possibly this round out the top 5 world events since our calendar was formed?

Got to love the optimism...

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I was out in Asia when this was all kicking off, I looked at as some sort of distant threat and was very blase about it thinking it wouldn't be a major issue. I have been following the progression and it's now shit hitting the fan stuff. My old man is high risk so have started isolating a bit but I'm also worried for the carers that come in to assist me  as they are all zero hour contractors who are commited to helping without much of a lifeline. If myself and the rest of their clients withdraw services they are screwed too. I think the Government have been too slow to react especially when you see whats happening in Italy who seem to have been swamped. Our population seems to be a mix of worry warts, sensible heads and absolute c***s. So the government should be a bit more pro active. I can hunker down for a few months if I know the plan but I feel there isn't enough information or willingness on the part of those in power to make a decision that may harm their popularity, but tough decisions is the only way they can save lifes and stop the total breakdown of the NHS. I think a 3-4 week lockdown should happen.

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Guest Moomintroll

Do you find yourself at an opposite end of things from the nhs with things like this? The nhs get a lot of praise and goodwill from the public at times like these (beast from the east, this and in general) whereas i imagine workers like yourself and g-man get a lot of shit and abuse for only trying to do your job and serve the public.
We are getting an astonishing amount of abuse right now, I have a Security Guard next to me while I am explaining purchasing limits & we are having to break up fights regularly. f**k only knows how G_man is coping as we are supposed to be b2b rather than the general public.
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We are getting an astonishing amount of abuse right now, I have a Security Guard next to me while I am explaining purchasing limits & we are having to break up fights regularly. f**k only knows how G_man is coping as we are supposed to be b2b rather than the general public.


That is pretty shit. Amazing how people cannot understand that you are doing a job that is designed to keep the country going and make sure that everyone gets their fair share. Willing to bet that these are the same people who probably share the empty shelves on Facebook, moaning that the elderly cannot get.


Excuse my ignorance, but b2b?

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15 minutes ago, Moomintroll said:
30 minutes ago, G_Man1985 said:
Free stuff. Very good

Much to the disappointment of some wankers on here, we are now classed as Key workers. There are a lot of feral arseholes out there & we are doing our best. There is zero danger that I will compare us to NHS staff but at the same time a little civility will not go amiss. We aren't making these purchasing limits up for shit & giggles, we are being told to do it to let other people get their fair share.

People like yourself and G_Man and your colleagues maybe aren't getting the praise that you are due. 

In my few trips to supermarkets tbh I've not seen any arseholish behaviour. But I have no doubt it's happening.

Thanks to both of you for your efforts, this is a fucked up time but honestly it is appreciated. I'd imagine by the vast majority.

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23 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

It's weird living through the biggest world event since WWII. What else comes close in terms of genuine worldwide pieces of history? Spanish Flu, Plague, WWI and possibly this round out the top 5 world events since our calendar was formed?

I've been thinking about that. In terms of disruption, it affects vastly more people in the UK than the World Wars. Schools didn't close, exams weren't cancelled, football continued, pubs, cinemas and theatres were packed. Everyone went to work. Obviously I'm not saying this is anything like as bad as any war, let alone the worst two in history.

For the sense of a huge thing happening and the kind of sense of uneasy dread, I felt something like this on 9/11 and the day or two after it - until it was clear Afghanistan wasn't about to go up in a big radioactive cloud. And growing up in the Cold War I knew the sirens could go and we'd all be carbon. But everyone went about their daily lives as normal.

I think you're genuinely looking all the way back to the last waves of the plague in the 17th century for something so disruptive to normal life at a national or international scale - and really, even then, everyone had no choice but to keep doing what they did. 

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Guest Moomintroll

That is pretty shit. Amazing how people cannot understand that you are doing a job that is designed to keep the country going and make sure that everyone gets their fair share. Willing to bet that these are the same people who probably share the empty shelves on Facebook, moaning that the elderly cannot get.
Excuse my ignorance, but b2b?

Business to Business, so people who are raging at us know why we cant supply them as they are shop owners themselves & understand the supply chain yet it is somehow our fault personally. We ordered 3k loaves yesterday & we got 1.2k, we are fucking useless because Warbys & Allied Bakeries shorted us. I understand why they did but according to our customers this is somehow our fault.
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Excuse my ignorance, but b2b?

Business to business.

Find it bizarre that they are continuing to open some shops. My girlfriend works in a jewellers where they are constantly handling other people’s stuff - still open. She’s been royally shafted to be fair, also working as a nurse on placement doing 40 hour weeks for her £650 a month bursary. NMC have confirmed they aren’t taking them out.
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Guest Moomintroll
People like yourself and G_Man and your colleagues maybe aren't getting the praise that you are due. 
In my few trips to supermarkets tbh I've not seen any arseholish behaviour. But I have no doubt it's happening.
Thanks to both of you for your efforts, this is a fucked up time but honestly it is appreciated. I'd imagine by the vast majority.
Honestly, I am trying my damndest but I am doing next to hee haw compared to G_Man & the others working in Retail, rather than Wholesale like me, they deserve the Lions share of the praise.
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3 minutes ago, JK_Queens said:


Business to business.

Find it bizarre that they are continuing to open some shops. My girlfriend works in a jewellers where they are constantly handling other people’s stuff - still open. She’s been royally shafted to be fair, also working as a nurse on placement doing 40 hour weeks for her £650 a month bursary. NMC have confirmed they aren’t taking them out.


All none essential businesses should stop operating however this needs to be done by diktat rather than voluntary to avoid predatory competition.  

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Business to business.

Find it bizarre that they are continuing to open some shops. My girlfriend works in a jewellers where they are constantly handling other people’s stuff - still open. She’s been royally shafted to be fair, also working as a nurse on placement doing 40 hour weeks for her £650 a month bursary. NMC have confirmed they aren’t taking them out.

What year is your wife in? In some hospitals they are taking out the 3rd year students and putting them through as qualified if they feel confident enough to help with the staffing. I was under the impression all other students were being withdrawn for the time being.
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Business to Business, so people who are raging at us know why we cant supply them as they are shop owners themselves & understand the supply chain yet it is somehow our fault personally. We ordered 3k loaves yesterday & we got 1.2k, we are fucking useless because Warbys & Allied Bakeries shorted us. I understand why they did but according to our customers this is somehow our fault.


Thanks for clearing up. They are possibly just looking at someone to vent their frustrations at and you are their go to person. At times of high stress, reasoning and common sense goes out the window with people.

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What year is your wife in? In some hospitals they are taking out the 3rd year students and putting them through as qualified if they feel confident enough to help with the staffing. I was under the impression all other students were being withdrawn for the time being.

First year and nope, they got an update today. Correct about the 3rd years though who can ‘opt’ to continue their last few months as a clinical placement and get paid a band 4 wage (band 5 for being qualified). Medics taken out by the GMC, nurses to stay in placement for the time being.

She had a fever and a lot of aches and pains Monday night and I now feel like shit tonight so both self isolating just in case. Indication is she’ll be expected to still make up her placement hours from being off this week and had to put it in as a normal absence which feels beyond ridiculous in the circumstances.
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Do you find yourself at an opposite end of things from the nhs with things like this? The nhs get a lot of praise and goodwill from the public at times like these (beast from the east, this and in general) whereas i imagine workers like yourself and g-man get a lot of shit and abuse for only trying to do your job and serve the public.
Verbal abuse most days.
A few customers crying.

Good times
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2 hours ago, yoda said:

You're not doing it in this post but there's a lot of similar takes on social media which are going down a similar road, and it's proper jose.png material.

I'm sure it is comforting for folk, and there's obviously a conversation to be had about a greener society/economy, but, at the same time, read the mood. Tens of thousands will die and there's going to be immense, probably unprecedented, socioeconomic damage that will have detrimental long-run effects on a large chunk of the population. But, on the other hand, the birds are singing.


Also lol @ all this heartwarming reclamation of nature being doubly wiped out as soon as the economies get back on track and make up for lost time.

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The European nations playing a blinder here, Italys performance is spectacular and they know how to play the game when it matters, certainly on 'away goals' they are gubbing China, it remains to be seen if they can overall the massive points tally that China have amassed. The US have huge potential and the the UK seem to be trying hard to fumble themselves into a medal position.  The UK will surely try to finish the job Japan failed to do by silencing the Abels. Will that Chunt be posting on You tube about the poor service and support he gets from the UK now?

In Asia, South Koreas challenge seems over with too much of a pragmatic and practical approach, much like Japan and Singapore.  Singapore have now brought out a contact tracing app for all their citizens, which will allow contact tracing of any infected person in minutes, allowing for a faster response and hopefully containment of any potential clusters. As yet Singapore has still not had the need to go to the highest alert level.

Malaysia bring a movement control order to try and stem any possible increase and the government have to warn the locals to comply. Indonesia, their attempts at controlling order fail completely when everyone takes off for the beach, treating it more as a public holiday.

Philippines, get a shit more serious with movement orders and curfews. Duterte to bring in a shoot to kill policy if you sneeze.

The economic impact, which has always been the bigger potential issue than the virus itself, is likely to be at unprecedented levels now as people lose their shit in fear and lose (near) all site of reality and rational. It's going to take a very long time to recover and austerity and job losses are going to be huge in the coming years. Will toilet toll become the hard currency for the west in the future?

The likelihood this will now fast track robotics, AI and analytics into business is pretty much assured which will have a huge impact for all in the future, quicker than anticipated. All for a few sheets of Andrew ;-d 

In seriousness, the UK government, and probably several others in Europe really have not planned or given any thought to this and should be accountable fo most of the mayhem that is now ongoing. Did someone in the UK government not think that, as an island, we could minimise this at the start?

Only been glancing at this thread the last couple of weeks while unwell, but have noted a few gems.

The loon ball who had the virus in Scotland in November. Brilliant. Works for a news paper and yet they haven't picked up on a sensational scoop on their doorstep, go figure?

The madman who thinks not trading with China will stop future pandemics (It think the lessons learnt from this one, may help all countries think harder about the topic now) and will bring China to its knees and crawling back to the west cap in hand. 'MIanzi' and Chinese booming middle class, although it will never compensate for the loss of global trade, will ensure it can carry on in a better shape than most western countries. China also has a tight grip on rare earth minerals which western countries have fucked up on. Although the likelihood, that globalisation will also change with the above and manufacturing and supply chains will move a great deal in the coming years.

The most abhorrent thing in the thread of late, despite each post dripping with condescending bullshit and immature one upmanship and petty lines, Virginton is speaking some amount of rational sense. I shudder typing that (although it is generally true that there is a smart mind trapped in a childs body in that person).

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