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22 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

Is it?  Is there not house parties all over Scotland getting raided by police almost daily?  Is there not families of 6 going freely into their neighbours/families houses all the time?  Families of 4 or 5 going shopping together all maskless?


Do you have any statistical evidence to show that not complying with restrictions is a significant problem, rather than lifting anecdotal drivel from Police Scotland's nightly PR slot on the news and 'what I've seen in the shops'?

Edited by vikingTON
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Just now, Todd_is_God said:

This I fully agree with. I was furloughed for 8 months, before going back. It was brutal. Returning to work allowed me to get out of the house and see other people face to face (not literally, but you get the point). Which instantly improved my mood and wellbeing.

Agreed. I’ve been lucky that I’ve been working throughout, and currently am in 2/3 days a week and at home the other days. It’s a miserable state of affairs but I actively look forward to my days in work as I can have a bit of chat with people. If I’d been working from home the entire time, I think I’d already have hit breaking point.

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1 minute ago, virginton said:

Do you have any statistical evidence to show that not complying with restrictions is a significant problem, rather than lifting anecdotal drivel from Police Scotland's nightly PR slot on the news and 'what I've seen in the shops'?


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12 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Variants arise to try and escape immunity, champ. Highly immune populations is precisely where mutations will arise.

They arise randomly and survive if they can be transmitted. A vaccine immunity-escaping virus is more likely to appear in a population with high transmission, not high immunity.

Edited by Gordon EF
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6 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Variants arise to try and escape immunity, champ. Highly immune populations is precisely where mutations will arise.

Really? Interested to see your reading on that, maybe I was down the wrong rabbit hole of information.:lol:

5 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Viruses mutate. If there is any virus at all in the UK (and there will be) there is a risk of mutations and variants.

But more vaccinations = less virus = less mutations or have I got that wrong, it seems to be logical but like I said to Elixir I could have picked it up wrong. 

2 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

This I fully agree with. I was furloughed for 8 months, before going back. It was brutal. Returning to work allowed me to get out of the house and see other people face to face (not literally, but you get the point). Which instantly improved my mood and wellbeing.

Glad we agree on something M9 ;)

I would hope in the first wave of easements they can open some kind of social setting, I would take even a coffee with pals. 

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16 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

We just don't know if they work, though

So 3% of vaccinated people died?! Lockdown extended to 2030.

16 hours ago, Billy Jean King said:

Just been on the news. Any passenger arriving in England with a passenger locator form giving an address in Scotland will be taken to hotel quarantine at point if entry in England regardless of their departure airport. 10k fine and / or imprisonment for falsifying a PLF declaration.

When arriving from a red list country surely, rather than any Scottish passenger arriving whatsoever?

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This is exactly what I’m worried about. I also think that they are being ultra-pessimistic to try to keep fear there to keep people in check with restrictions, but think they’ve gone so far on the constant negativity, without much balance, that a lot of people are getting to the “might as well do what I want now as it looks like we’ll be locked up for the foreseeable with no end in sight”. I know some people who’ve already hit that point, but even I am close to it. Like [mention=68117]Bairnardo[/mention] if the constant negativity and restrictions are still in place when Hospital and death rate are down, restrictions I’m in control of will be binned. Whereas if they were a bit more honest about it, and balanced the negative with the positive, I’d be more willing to wait it out longer.
The vaccine numbers, drops in ICU and hospital admissions are the good news.
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2 minutes ago, 101 said:

Really? Interested to see your reading on that, maybe I was down the wrong rabbit hole of information.:lol:

But more vaccinations = less virus = less mutations or have I got that wrong, it seems to be logical but like I said to Elixir I could have picked it up wrong.  

You're correct.

If you halve the number of infections, you halve the probability of a vaccine immunity-escaping variant arising.

Mutations are not actively or consciously trying to escape the vaccine. 

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38 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Leitch is living rent-free in the heads of some here because I don't genuinely see elsewhere the level of venom directed towards him here.

At the end of the day, he isn't the one who'll make the final decisions - if people are not happy they'd be better directing their opinions to their local MSP and the Scottish Government.

Then why he is he paraded everywhere? 

I assume he has the SG's blessing for this and, given his prominence, people are entitled to take his comments as endorsement of government policy if the SG won't put people up to have these conversations instead. 

He's being used as a shield. 

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7 minutes ago, Gordon EF said:

They arise randomly and survive if they can be transmitted. A vaccine immunity-escaping virus is more likely to appear in a population with high transmission, not high immunity.

In the short-term, yes. But once levels of immunity in populations are high, the virus will be pressured to adapt. It's the reason common cold coronaviruses and seasonal influenza still transmit but don't overwhelm health services.

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4 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

So 3% of vaccinated people died?! Lockdown extended to 2030.

When arriving from a red list country surely, rather than any Scottish passenger arriving whatsoever?

As it stands you're correct, red list countries only.  SG have asked UKG to punt all travellers that give a Scottish address into a hotel.  Haven't seen anything reported on the response to that ask yet.

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3 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:
20 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:
This is exactly what I’m worried about. I also think that they are being ultra-pessimistic to try to keep fear there to keep people in check with restrictions, but think they’ve gone so far on the constant negativity, without much balance, that a lot of people are getting to the “might as well do what I want now as it looks like we’ll be locked up for the foreseeable with no end in sight”. I know some people who’ve already hit that point, but even I am close to it. Like [mention=68117]Bairnardo[/mention] if the constant negativity and restrictions are still in place when Hospital and death rate are down, restrictions I’m in control of will be binned. Whereas if they were a bit more honest about it, and balanced the negative with the positive, I’d be more willing to wait it out longer.

The vaccine numbers, drops in ICU and hospital admissions are the good news.

Yes, and each time we hear these they’re usually heavily caveated with talks of ultra-caution on opening up regardless of how good the numbers might look, and followed up by several news stories around mutant variants that may cause restrictions to be in place for an indeterminate length of time.

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Just now, Elixir said:

In the short-term, yes. But once levels of immunity in populations are high, the virus will be pressured to adapt. It's the reason common cold coronaviruses and seasonal influenza still transmit but don't overwhelm health services.

Surely it's just the dominant most resistant strains that are left? Shouldn't be a problem unless the mutant in such a way that the vaccine is no longer effective, saying the virus is pressured makes it should like it chooses it's mutations but unless I'm mistaken it's just luck and the best mutations spread the fastest, but if the host isn't transmitting the virus as they are vaccinated then it's not something we have to worry about.

Hard to make a direct comparison to seasonal flu as the covid vaccine is twice as good as the usual flu vaccine.

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