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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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8 minutes ago, AllSaint said:

I just find it interesting that even though the Torys have lied their way through this pandemic we now have people taking their bullshit at face value. They remind me a bit of the OF to be honest. They know how to con the lowest common denominator into thinking they’re the good guys. Morons will vote for them in their droves even after they’ve overseen about 130k dead. 

My criticism of the conservatives isn’t a comment on how the SNP have handled this. They’ve handled it fucking terribly as well. 

You opinons and style feel familiar to me. Not a criticism. Just feels that way. Totally understand if you don't wish to disclose anything on that score. Welcome back.

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1 minute ago, Elixir said:

Looks like they're shifting the mewling to 'global normality', as they inevitably acquiesce and open Scotland up to European travel in summer once England does.

Sturgeon will try and play this down today, but not a chance will Scottish airports be shut and English ones open. It's going to be so, so pleasing when they U-turn on this and act like their rhetoric wasn't ever that strong.

I look forward to Sturgeon "wanting to cry" at the sight of fully vaccinated Scots abroad on holiday getting too close to those dangerous foreigny types with their undiscovered variants.

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29 minutes ago, Wee Willie said:

You should have added that his son and daughter-in-law at the beginning of last December took a train (at taxpayers expense) and travelled from London to Edinburgh against the advice of the SG then travelled to Wales against the advice of the Welsh Government. 

I take it you accept that Charlie boy can flaunt the rules whenever he wants?

I won't get my knickers in a twist about it. He won't be the only rich and influential visitor to private hospitals or moving between homes. I'm sure there are plenty Russians and Saudis among others flouting the rules in the UK as well.

The Monarchy will wither on the vine but the individuals will still be rich and influential. They'll still be able to afford the privilege they have now, scrapping the Monarchy or independence won't change that and there's more to worry about in "real life" than that.

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2 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Particularly if reality is better than the "best case scenario"


Exactly tbh he probably should have said not before X people in hospital and X in ICU, we expect this to be 21st June. But would have given him scope for bring it a lot further forward if its safe to do so, which hopefully it will be.

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6 minutes ago, HibsFan said:

Idiotic simplification of what's going on here.

Yeah, it isn’t though. The Tories have lied every step of the way, as they have the entire history of their party and now we have people on here almost running to the polling station to vote for them. Why are people choosing to take this latest nonsense at face value when almost everything else has been a lie? 

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Just now, AllSaint said:

Yeah, it isn’t though. The Tories have lied every step of the way, as they have the entire history of their party


Just now, AllSaint said:

and now we have people on here almost running to the polling station to vote for them.


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9 minutes ago, HibsFan said:

Idiotic simplification of what's going on here.


Just now, AllSaint said:

Yeah, it isn’t though. The Tories have lied every step of the way, as they have the entire history of their party and now we have people on here almost running to the polling station to vote for them. Why are people choosing to take this latest nonsense at face value when almost everything else has been a lie? 

Ive followed this thread all the way through and besides Todd saying he would be willing to vote tory i cannot recall a single poster further to this who has stated any intention to vote tory other than those who overtly have been and always will be tories. Ive been very critical of the SG and their pish poor response, but wouldnt even consider voting tory in any way. This also happened last week with a poster making an assertion that people were tories because they were critical of the SG response. Its the godwins law of criticism of the SNP for many people. 

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4 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

You opinons and style feel familiar to me. Not a criticism. Just feels that way. Totally understand if you don't wish to disclose anything on that score. Welcome back.

They could be familiar. Guess it depends on how long you read this forum for before you joined. My only other account hasn’t been used since around 2014/15. 

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Everything that's wrong with P&B and the internet more widely in 2021 in a single sentence
Absolutely summed up perfectly. WRK has just had a rant about a lot of things, most of which I agree with and a few replies of 'you seem angry' or seething type posts, without addressing any of the actual issues he's raised. Rational debate seems to have left the building a long time ago, not just on here but on social media platforms and perhaps even society in general. Phrases like 'triggered', 'you seem upset' 'ragin, aye' and the like, can get in the fucking sea when folk are trying to have a serious conversation. Aye, they've got a place when arguing about whether it was a pen or not in a fitba game, but it seems to have crept in everywhere.

*sits back and awaits memes and gifs galore.
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2 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:


Ive followed this thread all the way through and besides Todd saying he would be willing to vote tory i cannot recall a single poster further to this who has stated any intention to vote tory other than those who overtly have been and always will be tories. Ive been very critical of the SG and their pish poor response, but wouldnt even consider voting tory in any way. This also happened last week with a poster making an assertion that people were tories because they were critical of the SG response. Its the godwins law of criticism of the SNP for many people. 

I'm not even sure the "tories" on here vote for them, or anyone else for that matter.

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12 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

You opinons and style feel familiar to me. Not a criticism. Just feels that way. Totally understand if you don't wish to disclose anything on that score. Welcome back.

It's either that or he's got a wee notebook of textbook phrases to butter up the locals. OF - Bad Guys is the safest play imaginable. 

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6 minutes ago, 10menwent2mow said:

Absolutely summed up perfectly. WRK has just had a rant about a lot of things, most of which I agree with and a few replies of 'you seem angry' or seething type posts, without addressing any of the actual issues he's raised. Rational debate seems to have left the building a long time ago, not just on here but on social media platforms and perhaps even society in general. Phrases like 'triggered', 'you seem upset' 'ragin, aye' and the like, can get in the fucking sea when folk are trying to have a serious conversation. Aye, they've got a place when arguing about whether it was a pen or not in a fitba game, but it seems to have crept in everywhere.

*sits back and awaits memes and gifs galore.

He actively does that himself though. Often would disregard an argument to use sectarian terminology so it's hardly a hill for him to die on. 

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8 minutes ago, HibsFan said:

To put it very simply for you @AllSaint:

I'd sooner drop dead than vote tory.

But I'd also sooner drop dead than go through another year of these restrictions, social distancing, missing out on any of the good bits of life such as gigs, a night out with mates, football games, and yes even the simple things like getting to hug relatives.

I do not believe in Boris Johnson, I do not believe in the tories. What I do believe in is the vaccines.

I believe that, as has been said all along, they are the way out of this horrible mess.

All data so far shows that they are reducing hospitalisations, reducing deaths and reducing transmission, and thus helping us return to normality.

Therefore, regardless of whatever shiny unicorn Johnson is promising us now, I have renewed hope. It's just nice to see a government, any government, back that up with their outlook for once. Rather than weeping about "the variants!!!" and "we just don't know enough!!!" like certain advisors. 

Absolutely spot on

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Wanting to latch on some hope that this shit-show will be over does not make you a Tory voter.  I'll take anything that Bojo says with a massive pinch of salt, but between the populism of the Tory government and overly negative tone of the SG there probably lies a sensible middle-ground. 

The vaccines are the endgame, that's what the conversation needs to be focused on - not hypothetical situations where we drag this disaster out. 

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1 hour ago, AllSaint said:

Pains me to say this but fair play to the Torys.  They’ve gained a fair few new voters from this thread alone all because they’ve claimed you might get a pint sometime this year.  They certainly know how to con the electorate, that’s for sure. I guess it’s irrelevant that they’re corrupt b*****ds with a history of just claiming any old shite during this pandemic.  for as long as anyone can remember.


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